How to Get a Good Looking Body

It is often possible to get very near to that amazing body you always have dreamt of. However, it can cost a lot of effort and time to get all the way to the goal. Still you can achieve a lot with less time and cost, as long as you are persistent in your endeavors. Here are some advices to get a better looking body:…

About Yeast Infection and Candidiasis — Prevention and Treatments

Yeast infection is the colonization of yeast fungi in body areas in such an amount and such a way that damages or symptoms are produced. Usually the yeast invades only body cavities and the lining of these cavities, but can in serious cases grow into deeper tissue layers. Yeasts very often infect the vagina and outer female genitals. Yeast infection also often occurs in the…

About Urinary Tract Infection — Prevention and Treatments

Urinary tract infection, or UTI, is colonization of microorganisms in the urinary tract in such an amount and such a way that damages or symptoms are produced. When only the urethra and the bladder is affected, it is called lower urinary tract infection. When the ureters and the kidneys are affected, the name used is «upper urinary tract infection». WHAT CAUSES URINARY TRACT INFECTION UTI…