Being Entreprenur ? Why Not !

Entrepreneurial why not? Building a business to create jobs why not instead it helps the government in reducing unemployment so that the unemployment rate or the graph will be minor. Voters will type in the respective fields of business by those interested in entrepreneurship is the right thing, the following example:

Car rental jakarta

Developing entrepreneurship in the city of Jakarta car rental is the most enjoy doing at this time because so many people who want to build a car rental business in addition to the capital Jakarta are not big enough profit we will certainly get bigger than that spelled out a rental car maintenance is not difficult anyway, disaranakan you must have good relations with the garage — a car repair shop so that the cost of car maintenance you can talk to the car repair shop.


Building a restaurant in the city of Jakarta is to say like gambling because it is the wide variety of restaurants in Jakarta, but there is no harm from eating what you serve is unique, fresh, competitive pricing, convenient and adequate facilities I’m sure a lot of visitors who will come to eat at your restaurant.

Stock cars

Other business is stock car is used car buying and selling stock, why I chose this business because of the end — the end is used cars more attractive as well as car rental, this business can be said to produce great profits but fit enough capital in the bag. The most important thing to build this business is the engine maintenance, body, important documents and other important matters car to car.

Travel Tour

Travel tour business also I can say is suitable for you who want to entrepreneurship because many people who get bored of jakarta jakarta city and want a vacation out of town or out of the country but if you choose this effort should establishes good relations with the airlines, car rental, insurance and others who can support your business, so the tour and travel business can run smoothly and any income you earn.

Up here first so I try lanjutankan tar again, if you have another idea please make it happen and do.