Some Simple Advices about Diet to Fight Rheumatism and Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation is a major component in most rheumatic pain conditions or rheumatic diseases, therefore it is advisable to eat a good amount of food that reduces inflammation and reduce the consumption of food that contains inflammatory agents. Here are some simple dietary advices that may help reduce rheumatic conditions: THINGS YOU SHOULD EAT TO REDUCE RHEUMATISM The fat types called omega-3-poly-unsaturated fat and mono-unsaturated fat…

Glyconutrients and Their Importance for the Health

The body needs many specific types of sugar and sugar-like substances to work properly. A group of these has been given the name glyconutrients. This term is not used in scientific textbooks. The term is an invention of a supplement company, Mannatech, but the substances included in this group all have specific roles in the human body that are described in scientific literature. The body…

Making The Perfect Healthy Meal

If you had to make the perfect meal what would the criteria be? Would taste be the main factor or convenience — What about cost? How about nutritional value? Is that a prerequisite? If you had to develop the cheapest, healthiest, tastiest, most convenient meal — What would it be. I think I have an answer. There are many foods that fall into 1 or…