David Naber Poker Player – Passionate About Playing Poker

David Naber Poker player says that a beginner needs to learn to lot to improve his game. This means analyzing how others play and also your own game. David Naber shares his beginner poker player tips that will help you to turn your tables from a beginner and losing poker player into a break-even or winning poker player.

The biggest misconception among newbie poker players is that you need to bluff your way to win. WSOP shows are edited to show the highlights of the tournaments which make most people assume that all the big players out there have happily bluffed all the way to win hands. David Naber Medusoft says bluff only if you are sure you can pull it off and not for the sake of bluffing. The real art of bluffing comes from great practice and knowledge of the game.

Don’t get overconfident of your own hand, says David Naber poker player, but rather try to gauge the quality of the opponent’s hand. It is great if you have a big hand, but if you judge that your opponent has a definitely better hand, be prepared to fold your cards.

Try not to pitch yourself against better poker players than yourself. This way you are already assured of losing quite a lot of money. Find suitable tables and choose your games and limits just as carefully, warns David Naber.

A very important factor is table position, especially in Texas Holdem. When you are last to act on the hand, this would be the ideal position, for example, when you are on the button. If you have a good position, you can easily turn a losing hand into a winning one. In fact position can be a much more important factor than the cards themselves and make the difference between winning and losing a hand.

David Naber Medusoft always paid attention to the game, even when he is not in the hand. He concentrates on the game to gain a deeper understanding of how his opponents play. As a beginner David Naber also never played for too much money. As a usual rule, the players who play at higher limits are almost always better than the players at the lower limits. You will spend a lot of money here trying to learn the game and there is a slim chance that you will beat them. David Naber Medusoft used bankroll management and not just perfect strategy to win tournaments.

Be careful if you find yourself holding half a hand that only needs one card to complete your flush or your straight. If your opponent is betting heavily, it is unlikely to be profitable to chase after these draws. However, if there is only a small amount of betting it may be wise to call in the hope of making your hand. If the amount your opponent bets seems too big to warrant a call to make your hand, then don’t, says David Naber Poker player.