E-books — promoting your paid services through a freebie booklet

Generally online companies that deal in services cannot easily offer physical promo items. But that doesn’t mean that you should completely exclude such promotions from your arsenal of marketing tools. When delivering physical products is not an option, an online company can always count on other freebies such as white papers, booklets or even full blown guides. These can be offered once a client has registered and provided his personal details or just his mail address.

E-books also make for great environmentally friendly promotional products. No paper is wasted and no recycling is ever required for such products. Environmentally friendly promotional products. In terms of subject, the booklet that you offer can be a genuinely valuable tool which may instruct your client on the benefits of your products. Of course, a good marketing technique is to always take your time and actually give advice and only drop in a few lines about your product.

An old advertising technique is to offer free advice for the problems that the client has while at the same time offering his a good solution with the company’s products. To get there you have to create content which balances the needs of the client with your own understanding of the subject and always give your customer what he requires.

E-book giveaways also have the advantage of taking few resources to deploy. You don’t have to waste a lot of money on delivery; instead the only thing to worry about is the amount of bandwidth you take. Environmentally friendly promotional products Even a generous hundred page booklet will not take more than a few megabytes of data, although if you want to reach a larger audience you can always achieve smaller packages.

Online service providers are the best types of businesses that will benefit from this kind of promo items. By making your offer time sensitive, you also make sure that your potential customers will take a decision promptly and the booklet can genuinely aid your potentials to get to know you better and see what your company can offer them in terms of benefits.

Overall, online business will thrive by offering free content, booklets, guides, and other such products. They hold genuine values to the customer and can aid him decide. The cost of deploying such promo items is not very large and the copy alone can be produced by your marketing team, thus allowing you to save money and still deploy free products.