Educate Yourself in Florence

When most people think of visiting Italy, the first place they think of to visit is Rome. But while it has a lot to offer, the sheer number of attractions that Florence has to offer make it a very desirable alternative.

If you enjoy whiling away the hours wandering round a cool museum then you’ll love Florence. It has countless places to visit and the architecture of the city almost makes you feel as if you are stepping back in time.

If you only visit one museum during your visit, make sure it is the Uffizi Gallery. Here you will be able to witness the talent of world famous painters and artists including Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael among others. Botticelli’s ‘The Birth of Venus’ is just one of the amazing sights on show, and still looks fresh despite it being over five hundred years old.

Another famous piece of art is housed in the Academy Gallery on the Via Ricasoli. Michelangelo’s David is a breathtaking statue which is one of the most recognisable works of art in existence around the world. But while it has featured in countless art magazines, brochures, books and journals, there is nothing that compares to seeing it in the flesh.

If you appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into making stunning sculptures like this, you will enjoy a visit to the Boboli Gardens — an outdoor experience that gives you the opportunity to wander in the sun while taking in many different sculptures that are centuries old.

The Museum of San Marco is another great location that holds many delights, not least the fact that it used to be a convent over a century ago. This makes the surroundings just as stunning as the delights it holds within.

But this isn’t the most novel use of turning another building into a museum. The Bargello, which also displays works of art by Michelangelo among others, used to be a prison in its former life.

When you come to organise your stay, the sheer number of museums in Florence makes it a certainty that whichever one of the Florence hotels you book into, you won’t be far from some of the most prized artefacts, paintings and sculptures that the art world has to offer.

It can be an advantage to pre-book tickets for certain museums if you can since they tend to be very busy, particularly during the height of the season. You should also look out for guided tours as these can give you a deeper insight into the history of each museum and the delights that each one has to offer.

In short, Florence is a wonderful city to visit and has so much to offer there will never be any chance of getting bored. And when you’ve had your fill of the museums for a day, you can relax and try some of Italian’s finest cuisine to replenish your energy.

Daniel Collins writes on a number of topics on behalf of a digital marketing agency and a variety of clients. As such, this article is to be considered a professional piece with business interests in mind.