Great Ways to Save a Few Pennies

During these hard economic times, the last thing you can probably afford to do is to put away a little extra each week for savings. In fact, you’ve probably had to dip into your savings just to make ends meet. Luckily, there are some simple things you could do to help free up some cash, which can also save some money for the future.

One of the biggest money saving ideas is to take a look at your mortgage, energy and communication suppliers. The deal you got from all of these suppliers when you joined them was probably the best in the market at the time. However, now it’s probably several years on and there are better deals out there. Don’t be afraid to change suppliers as you could save yourself thousands each year.

If the weekly shopping trip is pulling at those purse strings, try to make it easier by creating a menu plan each week. If you know exactly what you and your family will be having for dinner each night, and you’ve written down every necessity on a list, you’ll be able to curb your spending at the supermarket. Also, consider buying no-name brand basics like pasta, sugar and flour. It is unlikely you’ll be able to tell any difference and you’ll save quite a bit on your weekly shop.

When it comes to shopping on a larger scale, such as shopping for clothes or furniture, try to cut back. Many of the latest styles are mimicked by cheaper fashion outlets and they look just as good at a fraction of the cost.

Many of us are subject to the odd impulse buy, and if you are cutting back in other areas, it may seem even more attractive to spoil yourself on your lunch break. Whenever you’re faced with something you just have to have now, try to stop and ask yourself: ‘Do I really need this?’ Think about every time you’ve bought chewing gum at a supermarket checkout. It certainly adds up but you could potentially save all this money by just saying no.

Another major debt most people have is a large credit card-sized one. You may be thinking it’s just too hard to clear that debt right now, but the truth is you could be saving yourself money on your credit card just by changing credit card companies. Comparing credit cards can save you money by transferring your debt to another card with an interest free period.

Remember though; try not to squander away the savings you make. Reward yourself by putting some cash away when you resist that impulse buy or use the money you save on credit card interest to help pay off your mortgage.

Paul McIndoe writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.