How Acupuncture Works and Its Effects on Health

Acupuncture dates back to ancient China. It is a traditional form of medicine that involves the insertion of needles through the skin to target specific points in the body. The use of acupuncture is to mainly alleviate pain.

Traditional Chinese medicine explains that the essence of acupuncture is to balance the flow of energy in the body, which is called Chi. Chi is believed to flow through the pathways of our body while rebalancing everything and reinvigorating us.

In today’s modern world, practitioners of acupuncture in the West believe that inserting needles in the body could stimulate the nerves, muscles, and connective tissues. The stimulation of these important areas can increase the blood flow and actually serve as natural painkillers.

Joondalup Acupunctures listed below the symptoms and simple illnesses that can be easily relieved by acupuncture. At Joondalup, people are guaranteed to become completely free from pain, as expert practitioners can greatly help them.

● Medication induced nausea and vomiting, such as in patients taking chemotherapy drugs
● Fibromyalgia
● Headache
● Labor pains
● Lower back pains
● Migraine
● Premenstrual syndrome
● Menopausal symptoms
● Toothache

Apart from relieving pain, studies have shown that there are also some risks associated with acupuncture. These risks can arise especially when the acupuncture practitioner is incompetent and not certified. Make sure that when you undergo acupuncture therapy, you are safely in the hands of certified professionals.

Listed below are the risks associated with acupuncture:

● Soreness at the acupunctured site, which might result in minor bleeding or bruising.
● Organ injury when the needle is pushed too deeply.
● Infections may occur if practitioners do not use sterilized and disposable needles.
● Reused needles can expose people to hepatitis and AIDS.
Moreover, not everyone can undergo acupuncture. There are certain conditions that should be looked into, especially for individuals who suffer from bleeding disorders, people with pacemakers, and pregnant women.

Results vary from person to person after they undergo acupuncture. For instance, some may feel relaxed after acupuncture is administered. In other words, measuring the benefits of acupuncture can oftentimes be difficult.

So, if you are looking for an acupuncture therapist in Joondalup, visit Joondalup Acupuncture. The site is an online directory that enlists all certified and professional acupuncture therapists.