How To Properly Maintain Hardwood Floors In 5 Steps

Hardwood floors are one of the more popular floors, one which is used in residential homes and office buildings alike. Its popularity originates from its uplifting affect which can transform the look of any room, its instant warmth and affordability. If you take the time to maintain the wood, this type of floor will exceed 30 years of use. Here are a few tips which will help guarantee long lifespan of the floor.

How To Properly Maintain Hardwood Floors In 5 Steps:

1. Always lift objects of the floor — never drag items (especially furniture) on the wood’s surface. Hardwood flooring is covered in a layer of protective material called coating. This coating has a visual role as it gives the floor that lovely shine, but also serves to protect the floor from water, moisture, damp and minor scuffs. By dragging items on its surface, you might be damaging this coat.

2. Keep warm objects from the floor — similar to the damage from dragging items on its surface, warm objects may damage the coat or leave a stain which you will struggle to remove. Always use insulation material if you are unsure.

3. Quickly dry liquid spills — water or even dampness may damage the floor by penetrating the core of the wood. Wood and water do not mix well, however spills always happen. The key is to quickly drain and dry the surface.

4. Clean often — the key to increasing the longevity of the floor is regular cleaning according to the way in which hardwood floors should be cleaned. Start by brushing the floor using a soft hair broom as this will help remove any grains of dust. To remove larger particles of dirt you will need to use a slightly damp mop. No need to use a wet mop, one which is slightly damp is recommended for hardwood floors.

5. Re-coat when necessary — by now you already know that the coating which covers the floor has an important role in its longevity. The coating is not meant to last forever, at least at its full capability. From time to time (every couple of years depending on the wood) you should coat the floor again using a dedicated coating solution.

I hope you enjoy your hardwood floor for many years. Ryan writes about wood flooring and about the differences between the various types, from solid wood flooring to engineered wood floors.