Incentivizing new customers with giveaways vs dedicated customers

Almost all companies, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, service providers and everyone in between have to at some point decide which niche of customers they want to dedicate a promotional campaign to. promotional products There is value in reminding a new set of customers about a set of products that have just been released, but, also, there is value in tapping new markets and reaching new customers. Thus, the giveaways, especially for smaller or start-up companies have to be directed to one niche or the other.

Now, on one hand, a dedicated customer base which has already made the choice to purchase from a company might continue with their habits, and continue to purchase or use the services of that company. Of course, the products or service quality is a great way to maintain the grip on the user base, but, also, there are ways I which the public interest can be thwarted and they change their minds.

The giveaways for the established list of customers are a great way of reminding them that they are important to the company that the services and the products that they choose to purchase allows the company to thrive and to move on. However, over time, all customer bases will shift and change and also, depending on the range of prices, clients might find themselves facing different choices.

Thus, making sure that the promo items also reach new users is very important in keeping the business growing healthily. This is the actual way to envision this kind of relationship. The company will strive to bring new customers while keeping as much as clients that have already made the choice to purchase from them already.

While there can’t be any explicit graphs and charts detailing the value of each type of client, a company can read through its data to see if the numbers of customers are diminishing. environmentally friendly promotional products If the trend seems to show that clients are trying a product or service and then don’t return it can be an input for the marketing team to research further to see what it is that clients find less appealing and instead choose to discontinue their relationship.

The giveaways will thus become clear where they can have the most effect, on new customers or on the already established tier of clients. In any case, making judgment calls without actually looking at the data available to the company is a bad habit which should be avoided, no matter what the resources the company has available and the number of customers they can rely on.