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Network Enclosures

Server Enclosures also offers Cloud Tools, which is a catalog of applications and infrastructure software built to run on the RackSpace cloud. Some of the notable applications listed are Zend, a PHP stack,Cloudkick, a cloud performance testing services, CopperEgg, a real-time cloud server and application monitoring service, Xeround, a MySQL cloud database, and MongoLab, the cloud version of the popularNoSQL database MongoDB.

The control panel of Rack Monitoring and API are protected by SSL and the requests themselves are signed and can be safely delivered to untrusted clients. Deleted data is zeroed out immediately.

Redundancy of Server Enclosures is provided by replicating three full copies of data across multiple computers in multiple «zones» within the same data center, where «zones» are physically (though not geographically) separate and supplied separate power and Internet services. Uploaded files can be distributed via Akamai Technologies to «hundreds of endpoints across the world» which provides an additional layer of data redundancy.

This product of Rack Monitoring assures complete solution from one hand, which has the decisive features. Our modular designed systems can be easily adapted to the customer’s needs. The ELM control software allows for convenient control of all processes and access regulations.
The 19″ rack mount unit can be equipped individually and is a universally usable and convenient plug-and-play solution.