The Benefits of Reading Books by Different Authors

There is nothing quite like sitting down with a coffee and grabbing that latest bestseller to get stuck into for half an hour or so. Books have the ability to transport us into different worlds and lifetimes, so it’s small wonder that so many of us enjoy them so much. They pass away the time we spend stuck on a train or waiting for an appointment, and they fit perfectly into a pocket or bag.

But how often do you go out with a book by one of your favourite authors? There’s a reasonable chance that you tend to rely on two or three staple authors and rarely branch out to try anyone else’s books. While it is nice to buy a book that you know you are going to enjoy, it’s also beneficial to buy one that is written by someone you don’t know. And for that matter it’s also good to try different genres as well.

Why is this? The main reason is so that we can expand our knowledge and awareness of the world of literature – and that applies even if the books we read are popular fiction rather than the literary sort. If you’ve never read a horror novel before, why not give it a try sometime? You might just be surprised. And if you always stick to fiction and never reading autobiographies, you can enrich your views of someone just by reading about their life and what they have achieved in it.

Books are an extremely valuable source of knowledge and enjoyment, and by sticking to just a couple of authors or a couple of genres we are missing out on an awful lot of words that have been written for our benefit. Of course, you can’t expect to like every book you pick up, but even with those you don’t enjoy or even finish reading you will still be adding to your knowledge and expanding your whole reading experience.

If you like the idea of looking at different books, the best way to pick something unusual is to head straight for an altogether different section of your local store than you normally would. For example if you always make your way straight over to the romance section, why not try thrillers instead?

Once you have found a good uk book shop you should revisit it frequently to choose another book in a different genre. The great thing about this exercise is that you will discover new authors that you love which you wouldn’t otherwise have known about. After all, how did you find out about your current favourites? The chances are you did so after taking a chance on one of their books too.

The moral of the story is clear. You will learn far more and enrich your reading experience by expanding your horizons to include all the books you normally walk straight past. And that is always a good thing.

Daniel Collins writes on a number of topics on behalf of a digital marketing agency and a variety of clients. As such, this article is to be considered a professional piece with business interests in mind.