Understand How To Use The Latest Environmental Practices In Your Interior Design

But these days, there is another factor that has become an important consideration in the design and ambience of the interiors of the buildings we frequent and use; this is the environmental factor. It is impossible to escape from the constant news reports about global warming and pollution. We are all aware that the burning of fossil fuels leads to an increase in the amount of greenhouse gas present in our atmosphere. There are also other issues relating to interior design and our environment.

As long as you are armed with the right knowledge and information then any new interior design plan can be put together in such a way that any damage to the environment is kept to an absolute minimum. An eco conscious building does not have to involve an expensive designer and tradesmen. Such plans do not compromise on their style or practicality.

An important consideration is how you are going to decorate your walls. Most of us will still opt for paint as it is seen as being cheap and easy to apply. But most paints will still contain high levels of solvents. These compounds can be very harmful to plant and animal life. Are painted walls really the best choice? If so, then find a non solvent brand. The other option would be to go for wood panelling or wallpaper.

If you are going to opt for a certain amount of wood in the design plan then be certain to check the source of the raw product. There are two ways in which you can prevent environmental harm by taking time to buy the right wood; for a start there is the transport angle. If the wood is not grown locally then it would have been carried on a truck across the country, or even further, which has produced vast quantities of noxious emissions. Also there is the fact that by using wood you will be removing a natural ability for the planet to cleanse the air and produce oxygen. There are logos that can be found on wood that shows whether or not it is from a sustainable forest.

Do you know where your electricity comes from? Of course you will be aware that it is provided by a utility company, but did you realise that most of the electricity produced still comes from the burning of fossil fuels in power plants.

There is now the option of switching at least a percentage of your energy needs to a renewable source such as solar. Solar panels are now very efficient and also easy to install. When also used with eco saver lights and energy efficient appliances you can be certain you are minimizing the potential negative effects you have on the environment.

The furnishings you choose can be made from biodegradable or even recycled products. This will help to create a wonderful and original atmosphere, no matter what the rooms you are designing are to be used for.

Interior design involves planning our spaces to combine comfort and style with functionality. There is an ever greater expectation for areas with unique appearances such as restaurants requiring restaurant interior design . Tons more information at great design now at http://www.tollgard.co.uk/