What is buddy punching?

Buddy punching is a term used to describe when an employee gets someone (a buddy) to punch their timecard in for them instead of doing it themselves. The reason for doing it is that the employee might be late, leaving early, taking a long break or not showing up at all but still wants to get paid for the work time even though they are not working. The company loses out on minutes, hours or even days of work.

Whatever the reasons for buddy punching it has been costing industry millions for years. In an uncontrolled work environment the wasted amount of payroll can really add up. Using some form of modern digital punch system that uses PINS or some variation of a scanning device is a much better solution than cards. A better method to completely stop buddy punching is to buy a time and attendance software system with a time clock system that utilizes biometric identifiers.

A biometric identifier can be either a finger, a whole hand or an eye. By using a biometric time clock system, employees can only punch in and out when they are standing in front of the time clock. The new time clocks are easy to use. All employees have to do is swipe their fingerprint on a biometric scanner and the clock will register them as entering or leaving. Buddy punching is not possible with a biometric time clock.

By taking precautions and selecting the right attendance software products you can stop buddy punching and potentially save your company thousands of wasted payroll dollars every year

Bruce Anderson
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