What Is Neem?

The Neem tree is sacred in India because of its life-protecting properties. It is a powerful cleansing herb renowned for its ability to purify both the inside and outside of the body. It is an extremely bitter herb with powerful detoxifying properties. Its green leaves are full of cleansing chlorophyll and it acts as an invaluable skin and blood cleanser. It is very effective for normalising gut bacteria and reducing any imbalances that can cause bloating, discomfort and skin outbreaks.

Myths abound concerning the healing properties of Neem; its curative nature is said to have begun when a drop of nectar (amrita) fell on to it from the cup of immortality. Its bitter principle indicates its use in inflammations of the skin and digestive tract.

Common Name

Neem (E), Nim (H), Margosa (E)

Latin Name

Azadirachta indica – Folium, Semen, Cortex, Resin (Meliaceae)



Bio-medical Action

Alterative, anti-pruritic, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, antiseptic/bacterial/fungal/protozoal/malarial, anthelmintic, bitter tonic, antacid, hypoglycaemic

0.5–5g/day or 3–15ml/day of a 1:3 @ 25% tincture.


• Neem thrives as a large tree in well-drained soil all over India at up to 1000m. It is a tender tree not surviving in temperate climates where there is excessive rainfall.
• Often confused with Melia azadirachta (this is known as Mahanimba in Ayurveda). This is a tree with very similar properties that can survive in hardier climates.
• Used in the famous panchtiktagrita, a medicated ghee incorporating five bitter herbs used for inflammation in the skin, muscles and deeper tissues.
• Also a very infective insecticide/fungicide in the garden; spray an infusion on the plant for excellent organic results.
• It is a very strong herb. As with all very bitter and concentrated flavours it should only be used short term at high doses. Use for up to a month maximum. However, if used at a low dose the it can be used for longer.


High vata, wasting and debility. Any condition with cold signs. Considered to be bad for the heart and unpleasant for the mind by the Bhavaprakasha.

Why use Herbal Remedies?

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries for their healing and therapeutic properties. Different herbs are used in different cultures as a popular alternative to modern medicine. Herbs for Life focuses on traditional Ayurvedic herbs and the benefits they offer for common health conditions.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian philosophy of health and wellbeing. It means the ‘science of living wisely’. Using herbal treatments is fundamental to Ayurveda for staying at optimum health. It’s also an integral part of the relationship between humans and nature.

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian philosophy of health and wellbeing. It means the ‘art of living wisely.’ In simple terms, Ayurveda is a holistic system which guides us so that we can live a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. It recognises that we are all unique and focuses on food, lifestyle, massage, yoga and herbal remedies to suit our individual make-up.

Ayurveda is timeless — it has existed for over 4000 years but yet it still applies to modern day life. The key to its longevity is because Ayurveda is logical. An early description given in the Charaka Samhita (the earliest Ayurvedic literature) written circa 150BCE-100CE says:

“It is called ayurveda because it tells us which substances, qualities and actions are life enhancing, and which are not.”

The wisdom of Ayurveda encourages us to take responsibility for our own health according to the different stages of our lives, the seasons, and the environment we live, work and play in. These factors all have a big impact on our health and it makes sense to adapt our lifestyle accordingly so we can continue to live in harmony with our body and stay at optimum health.

Who are Pukka?

Our unique range of organic herbal remedies and award winning teas are based on the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda – ‘the art of living wisely.’ We set up Pukka Herbs to make the wonders of this wisdom easily accessible to everyone.

Pukka is a Hindi word meaning ‘authentic’, ‘genuine’ or more colloquially ‘top quality’. It comes from the Sanskrit ‘pakwa’ and this sentiment of offering the best quality organic Ayurvedic herbs and service is what we at Pukka Herbs are all about.

Find out more about Neem