Article Directory WordPress Plugin

As you know, WordPress is the universal platform, that may be used not only for blog creating, but also for other web-site types.

Once me and my friend have created WordPress build for the article directory, but this build have one essential shortcoming.

To display the list of categories on the main page I had to edit source files of WordPress engine. But it has deprived of possibility to use WordPress as the article directory at release of new versions, because changing of the source codes each time is not reasonable decision.

The idea of creation of universal and convenient instrument for realisation on WordPress the catalogue of articles did not leave me. As a result I have created a Article Directory plugin.

The primary task of this plugin is display on the main page (or any another) the structured list of categories, which can be easily customized with CSS. Also plugin allows authors to publish articles and change their profile bypassing the admin interface.


You can see the demo this site —

Plugin features

Standard features for categories list:

  • Showing an amount of articles in parent and child categories.
  • Showing a category description in link title.
  • Showing the empty categories.
  • Using hierarchy for subcategories.
  • Excluding a specified categories.

Special features for categories list:

  • Simple and handy design using CSS. The structure of categories is the multilevel list, which can be altered easily with CSS, as you need. The parent category have the <div> container to mark it out with CSS as a parent.
  • Parent category is showing amount of articles in subcategories. The character also include the number of articles in this parent category.
  • Showing a specified amount of child categories (2nd level).
  • Showing a categories in specified amount of columns.
  • Hiding all subcategories.
  • Adding an icons for each category in the list using CSS.

Additional features:

  • Authors can add articles and change their profile bypassing the admin interface.
  • Displaying the «Terms of article publication» on article submission page.
  • Excluding the child categories articles from the parent categories archive pages.
  • Ability to get an article source code.

Requires WordPress version: 2.9 — 3.0.4


Article Directory WordPress Plugin

Version: 1.3.0 | Last updated: 2011-01-16


If you enjoy this plugin, you can thank me and leave a small donation.


Attention: if you are using the plugin simultaneously with Article Directory WordPress Theme, miss the 5, 6, 7 and 8.1 points of installation:

  1. Copy the article-directory folder in WordPress plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
  2. Activate the plugin through admin interface.
  3. Activate the «Membership (Anyone can register)» option on the «General Settings» page of admin area.
  4. On the same page select «Author» or «Contributor» in the option «New User Default Role».
  5. Add the following code in the index.php file of your theme (or in another file in a place, where you want to display the categories list):

    <?php if (function_exists('article_directory')) article_directory(); ?>

  6. Add the following code in a place of your theme (for example, in sidebar.php), where you want to see the authorization form:

    <?php if (function_exists('article_directory_authorization_form')) article_directory_authorization_form(); ?>

  7. Add the following code in the header.php file before the </head> tag:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/author-panel.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/categories.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

  8. Select a prefered interface for authors in corresponding option at the «Settings → Article Directory» page of admin area. If you have selected the «Author panel», then follow these subpoints:
    1. Create in directory with your theme a new PHP file, for example author-panel.php and paste the following code in it:

      Template Name: Author panel
      if (function_exists('article_directory_author_panel')) article_directory_author_panel();

    2. Create in admin area a new page and select the template «Author panel» in page attributes. Through this page authors will add new articles and change their profile. Access in admin area for authors will be forbidden.
    3. Specify ID of this page in corresponding option at the «Settings → Article Directory» page of admin area.
  9. That’s all. If it’s necessary, you may customize other options of plugin.


There are two things, that you can customize:

  1. If it’s necessary, you may customize the author-panel.css and categories.css files under the site design.
  2. Customize options on «Settings → Article Directory» page.

How to add icons for parent categories

It’s doing using CSS. You need to add the styles for icons in style.css file of your theme.

Styles should be like this:

#cat-23 {background: url(i/icon.gif) 4px 3px no-repeat}

Here the digit 23 means, what this icon will be added in the 2nd column for the 3rd parent category from the top. Accordingly, it is necessary to create as many of such styles, how many you have parent categories, and specify the corresponding number for each icon.

i/icon.gif — this is the path to an icon file, beginning from a folder with your theme.

4px — icon shift value from the left of the parent category block.
3px — icon shift value from the top of the parent category block.

The plugin also lets you to display the list with the links to categories RSS feeds. To do this you must:

  1. Create a new page template.
  2. Add the following code:

    <?php $rssfeeds=true; ?>
    <?php if (function_exists('article_directory')) article_directory(); ?>

  3. Create a new page in the admin interface and select the created template in page attributes.


Version history

Version 1.3 (2011-01-16)

  • The author logged in through the wp-login.php page now automatically redirected to the author panel.
  • Added the option «Show text editor».
  • Fixed the problem, when the visual editor was not appeared.

Version 1.2 (2010-10-16)

  • Fixed the problem, when articles gets the «scheduled» status instead of «published».
  • Fixed a bug with the mb_strlen function.
  • Fixed errors, which appeared when «WordPress address» and «Blog address» differed.
  • Added new option «Default text editor» (HTML or visual).

Version 1.1 (2010-09-12)

  • Updated instructions for installing the plugin.
  • Added ability to select interface for authors: «WordPress admin area» or «Author panel».
  • Added ability to automatically publish articles submitted by authors or send them on moderation.
  • Added the TinyMCE editor and HTML editor into the author panel.
  • Added styles for editors in the author-panel.css file.
  • Added function for the authorization form (see instructions for installing the plugin).

Version 1.0 (2010-09-06)

  • This version of the plugin is developed for WordPress 2.9 and higher.
  • Updated instructions for installing the plugin.
  • Radically altered the system of settings saving, this reduced the size of the plugin.
  • The possibility of authors to add articles and change their profile, bypass the WordPress admin area (see instructions for installing the plugin).
  • For the logged user, whose role is below the «Editor», access to WordPress admin area is denied.
  • You can specify the minimum number of characters allowed to add an article.
  • You can specify the maximum number of links in the article.
  • Role Manager plugin (or similar) is no longer needed to work with the plugin.

Version 0.9.9 (09.27.09)

  • Fixed bug: subcategories disappeared if selected option «Sort categories list by your choice».

Version 0.9.8 (06.22.09)

  • Added option «Forbid publication in parent categories?».

Version 0.9.7 (03.07.09)

  • Improved block of article source code.

Version 0.9.6 (01.25.09)

  • Added new feature: ability to get source code of article.

Version 0.9.5 (01.04.09)

  • Now it’s possible to sort a list of categories by your choice. This will require the My Category Order plugin.
  • Plugin now works on WordPress 2.3 or higher (versions 2.1 and 2.2 are excluded).
  • Removed feature on redirects your on home page when clicking on the link «Exit» because this feature is built into WordPress 2.7.

Version 0.9.4 (11.29.08)

  • Changed the method of reading WordPress version. Therefore, the plugin now works correctly even if you use it simultaneously with third-party plugins replacing WordPress version.

Version 0.9.3 (10.05.08)

  • Fixed data base error: SELECT SUM(count) FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = 'category' AND parent =
  • Added French localization. Thanks to Le blogueur masqu?.

Version 0.9.2 (08.19.08)

  • Changes related to hiding unnecessary blocks from the authors.

Version 0.9.1 (07.25.08)

  • Fixed the bug, when articles with the statuses «Draft» and «Pending Review» were available to view.

Version 0.9 (07.19.08)

  • If not all subcategories is displayed according to options, the symbol «…» will be added after the list of subcategories.
  • Ability to add icons for parent categories. To do this, read the instructions above in the article.
  • Removed restrictions of functions in the administrative interface created by plugin for users up to the editor level.
  • The error, when at entering on a comments page in administrative interface the message «Restricted area» was deduced to all users, regardless of status, is corrected.
  • The message about the necessity to update WordPress is hidden from the authors.
  • By pressing the «Logout» link the user is redirecting to the home page of the site.

Version 0.8.1 (06.28.08)

  • Now it is possible to insert the «Terms of article publication» before the article edit form on «Write/Edit Post» page (terms are not shown for the administrator).
  • Since not yet found a way to show for author on «Comments» page only his comments, access to this page is closed for him.
  • The footer of admin interface is hidden from author as not the necessary element.
  • In the top block of Dashboard is hidden some site statistic info from the author. If you also want to delete all the widgets from the Dashboard, I recommend you to use Dashboard Widget Manager plugin.

Version 0.8 beta (06.13.08)

  • All the options transferred to the admin interface.
  • Possibility of translation of a plugin on other languages.
  • Functions of following plugins are integrated:

    Therefore, if you are using any of this plugins, they must be removed.

  • On «Manage Posts» page the author sees now only own articles.
  • On «Manage Comments» page the author does not see now such data, as e-mail and the IP-address of commentators.

Version 0.7 (05.22.08)

  • Added ability to display the specified amount of child categories (2nd level).

Version 0.6 (04.22.08)

  • Fixed incorrect counting the number of articles in parent categories in case they contain subchild categories.

Version 0.5 (04.11.08)

  • Added ability to output the additional list with links to categories RSS-feeds.
  • Made some changes in categories.css file for this page.

Version 0.4 (02.29.08)

  • Added ability to disable the output of subcategories.
  • Now it is possible of exception of selected categories/subcategories.

Version 0.3 (01.23.08)

  • Added ability to disable the «No categories» output messages, if the category does not contain subcategories.

Version 0.2 (01.19.08)

  • Added automatic sorting of parent categories.
  • There is a possibility to display the list of categories by columns.
  • Updated categories.css file.

Version 0.1 (01.07.08)

  • First release.

1 239 ответов к «Article Directory WordPress Plugin»

  1. index.php — to the place, where you want to display the list
    style.css — in any place, but it is better in top

  2. Very nice plugin. Works in WP 2.5 with a little tweaking..

    On the RSS Category page the arrow is showing.


    How do I remove the arrow from the rss?



  3. Mike, thanks for response.

    To remove second arrow, you must to edit the categories.css file.

    1. Change following:

    #categories li li {
    padding: 0 0 0 9px;
    font-size: 1em;


    #categories li li {
    font-size: 1em;
    background: url(i/arrow.gif) 9px 7px no-repeat;
    padding: 0 0 0 19px;

    2. Change following:

    #categories li li a {
    background: url(i/arrow.gif) center left no-repeat;
    padding: 0 0 0 10px;
    color: #808080;


    #categories li li a {
    color: #808080;

    That’s all.

  4. Hello Dimox,

    You plugin seems to be exactly what I was looking for.

    By the way, I would like to get my article list to be displayed in a particular page (named «Articles») instead of the default page.

    Could you explain to me how to proceed ?

    I am a beginner with WordPress and php


  5. Hi, Patrick.

    It’s not complicated:

    1. Do the copy of rssfeeds.php file and rename it to articles.php

    2. Edit articles.php: rename «RSSfeeds» to «Articles» and delete the code <?php $rssfeeds=true; ?>

    3. Go into the admin interface and click on «Write — Write Page».

    4. Write some title and select «Articles» in the «Page Template» block at the right side.

    5. Publish this page.

    That’s all.

  6. Hi. Thanks for sharing this theme. I am using in my blog. I’d like to know how to show excerpts in the «recent articles» that goes in the sidebar. Just like the way you did. What should edit? Thanks you.

  7. Raj, you should edit the sidebar.php file — it’s a code just under the «Recent Advice» (on your site) caption.

  8. Thanks Dimox. I got it.

    I want to let you, I found that when I click any category and go inside to the list of articles, there is no ‘next or previous button’ which can take the user to the next page of the article lists. There is no default page navigation so I added this in the category.php

  9. Raj, navigation is included in theme, but only not default navigation. There is navigation by WP-Pagenavi plugin. I think it more usefull then default navigation.

    P.S. This page is not for discussing about THEME, this is a PLUGIN page 🙂

  10. hoangxu, I sent a letter on your mail. Check, please.

    How to have the background and the border like this page ?

    You must do these changes in style.css:

    1) in this block:

    body {


    add the row:

    background: #F4F4F4 url(i/bg.gif);

    (bg.gif — is background image)

    2) in this block:

    #wrapper {


    add following:

    border-left: 1px solid #DDD;
    border-right: 1px solid #DDD;
    background: #FFF;

  11. I have try the plugin which you sent, and i replace the block like below but nothing’s changed.

    body {
    font: 62.5% «Trebuchet MS», Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
    line-height: 1.6em;
    color: #444;
    background: #F4F4F4 url(i/bg.gif);

    #wrapper {
    width: 990px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 20px 0 0 0;
    border-top: 5px solid #EEE;
    border-left: 1px solid #DDD;
    border-right: 1px solid #DDD;
    background: #FFF;

  12. Thanks for your help. It has displayed border and background.
    But it’s still error at the counter

  13. Unfortunately, I can not understand why the counter displays an incorrect digit. On my test sites it works without any errors (including this site).

  14. Hello, it seems this script is not compatible with EasyBlogsPro. When EBP is install and I add this to the template:

    I get many sql errors. Taking that from the template then my blog works fine.

    Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sseca/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 138

    Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/sseca/public_html/blog/wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 1886

    Warning: join() [function.join]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/sseca/public_html/blog/wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 1886

  15. Because I post it for 2 categories (included the parent category), so 1 post is counted 2 times.
    Sorry for my English.
    Thank you again.

  16. Hi Dimox thanks for your great plugins.

    BTW, I have when using your plugin. Plugin works good, but I have a problem. Below the script that Appearance in my site.

    I install your script at WP 2.5.1

    Would you help me, thanks

    WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near » at line 1 for query SELECT SUM(count) FROM rmh_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = ‘category’ AND parent = made by article_directory WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near » at line 1 for query SELECT SUM(count) FROM rmh_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = ‘category’ AND parent = made by article_directory WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; …

  17. windy, to tell the truth, I poorly versed in MySQL, but I have some assumptions:

    1) Your hosting is using PHP 5. I tested the plugin only on PHP 4.
    2) Tables of your db have the prefix «rmh_» instead of standart «wp_».

    May be reason in that.

  18. Thanks Dimox,

    I will try to repair it. Later I will tell you about my progress working. Thanks

  19. I’m not code retarded but cannot get this to work.

    I read the response for where to past the additional code to the index.php and style.css:

    index.php — to the place, where you want to display the list
    style.css — in any place, but it is better in top

    … but thats a little too vague for me. (Now your understanding my level of coding)

    After I do all this does the Directory automatically display on the homepage or do I need to add it somwhere…


  20. This is the message I get:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_wp_version() (previously declared in /home/poshwebs/public_html/untitled03/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php:41) in /home/poshwebs/public_html/untitled03/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 39

  21. Ben, it is hard to explain, if you understand little. I recommend you to learn firstly, how works the WordPress templates.

    Olsen this is because some plugins you are using is also contain this function. Just one you can do is to rename ALL get_wp_version in article-directory.php file to another, for example to get_wpversion.

  22. Jeff, you must to delete following code from articles.php file:

    <?php $rssfeeds=true; ?>

    Also is the formatting for the default categories.css being applied?


  23. I got this error;

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘jcmiras_surge.term_taxonomy’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT * FROM term_taxonomy LEFT JOIN terms ON terms.term_id = term_taxonomy.term_id WHERE term_taxonomy.taxonomy = ‘category’ AND term_taxonomy.parent = 0 ORDER BY

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/jcmiras/public_html/surge/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 140

    How do I fix it?

  24. Hi Dimox

    this is a great plugin you have written. I’ve modified it a bit to only display category icons of the parents category, with your theme article-directory, in order to have something like this : WordPressDB. The modifications are working only if the plugin Category Icons is activated (have a look at the screenshots : Category Icons). Where can I send you the modifications, if you want it ?

  25. Hi Submarine.

    The idea is very good. But tell me please, is it necessary to add an icons in ARTICLE directory. I don’t seen any article directory, which used an icons. I think what better to use them in LINKS directory.

  26. Alfie, I don’t know what is the reason of this errors, because I not seen them on my sites. May be reason in your hosting software. Sorry, I don’t know.

  27. I cannot make a 2nd level child category similar to your demo (example). I`m using wordpress 2.0.3

  28. The plugin is updated to version 0.7. Added ability to display the specified amount of child categories.

  29. I see we can set number of columns for categories list, how about setting the row?
    can we set specified amount of row for the article category plugin?

  30. rakanblog, no, we can’t. The primary concept of plugin consisted that categories list will be displayed on columns.

  31. I installed Article Directory and plugins. Now when I click on posts or categories, I get 404 error messages instead of posts. What am I doing wrong?? Thanks!

  32. Im trying to figure out the categories RSS feed. Do I start with the page.php file and insert and before the .

    Then after doing that do I rename the file to something else and create a new page with that file name?

    Whatever help you can give will be appreciated.

  33. i could not download the pligin or the theme, it’s not working..?!!!

  34. Hi there,

    I came across this plugin when i was searching for a category listing template of some sort.

    What i want to do is a have a listing of the different categories that I have. If possible only ones I select to be shown. But im not sure how to do that.

    I read through this page but i’ve got absolutely no idea how to get this plugin working for a page.

  35. What i want to do is a have a listing of the different categories that I have. If possible only ones I select to be shown. But im not sure how to do that.

    It can be done using the standard WordPress function wp_list_categories.

  36. thanks for your help, i really like the way you setup the site, Good luck 🙂

  37. Hi,

    How do I show excerpts in the “recent articles” that goes in the sidebar. I know I need to alter this bit of code somehow.

    Recent Articles

    <a href=»» rel=»bookmark»>


    Also when I alter the number of posts in code it still stays at 5

    $myposts = get_posts(‘numberposts=20’);


  38. Hi,

    This is a great script and so easy to install. One small issue though, is that there appears to be no link on my site to allow users to register.

    Any idea how I fix this?


  39. Thank you! Works much better now 🙂

    One more question: how do i convert the URLs to be more search engine friendly?


  40. Dimox,

    I accidentally found your plugin.

    I’ve been trying to get something like this for close to 3 years. My domain is languishing.

    Reading your pages it seems like we finally found an open Article Dashboard script so to say.

    I couldn’t find your contact. I wish to exchange ideas and discuss needs specific to article directories.

    Is that possible? Can I get your email address on my email please?

  41. Dimox,

    I am having trouble getting this to work on one of my sites. I am not very savvy at coding and perhaps I am placing the code in the wrong place.

    Any additional direction would be helpful.

    BTW…..I love this and have been looking for something like this for a while too!


  42. Pat King, I advise you to consider the information about WordPress templates in WordPress Codex.

  43. Hi Dimox,

    Your plugin is great and I already install and test it and in prosess to setup my site by using it as a main plugin.

    … and this is what I can observed and would like to know your feedback for help.

    on the user member area we got 3 tab menu:




    The problem that I can see is at the «Comments» tab menu, that user can see all the comments even that comments is not his/her comments or is not in his/her topics that his/her give a comments.

    Just imagine, any user (that become member) will see all this «not related comments» in their member/user section.

    So, my question is:

    1) how to make the user only can see his/her comments

    Please advice, if you have any idea?

    Thank you very much.



  44. myedream, I know this issue. It does not suffice me too. But I don’t know how to implemented it. The decision I can not find yet.

  45. Hi Dimox,

    I found this url:

    (at the bottom of the page…)

    Having tried much of the above, I have found that an effective way is to duplicate wp-admin/edit-comments.php

    Rename your comments administration file to something that will enable you to access it.

    Create a new wp-admin/edit-comments.php file with this content

    Your contributors will not see the comments, but will effectively stay where they were.

    I edit my comments by opening the ‘Comments’ in a new tab and replacing the wp-admin/edit-comments.php with the working URL (e.g. wp-admin/edit-comment2.php)

    Do you think that can help in order to implement the idea to block the «comments tab menu» in the user section?

    Hope to hear from you.




  46. I’ve read this information some time ago. The decision requires to edit WordPress core files, therefore it is completely not good.

  47. Hi Dimox,

    Just to updates to you and all friends here…

    I can disable the comments tab in user section by using the WPLite Plugin.

    You can see here the screen shot…

    But there, still got the «unnecessary write up» that I would like to remove/disable… do you know how to make it?

    Thank you!



  48. Hi Dimox,

    Thank you for your updated version!

    Is there any idea on «Recent Post», how to show only «the tittle of the post»

    Your help is hopeful!



  49. This is not related to the plugin.

    You need to delete following code in sidebar.php file:

    <div class="postmetadata"><?php the_time('m.d.y') ?> @ <?php the_category(', ') ?></div>
    <div class="entry">
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>

  50. Hi Dimox,

    Yes it works.

    Thanks for your help!

    This is a great plugin!




  51. Hi Dimox,

    I checked with the source of my other plugin to see where I am getting this error from that is showing on the front page of my site.

    Here is the error….

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near » at line 1]
    SELECT SUM(count) FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = ‘category’ AND parent =

    Here was their response. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    «but I do notice their sw is still beta… you might ask them too… those are their errors but likely some sort of conflict — perhaps they dont like our spf page that has dynamically generated content??»

    There plugin

    My site

  52. Hi Dimox!

    I must firstly say that your script is just great and has everything I’ve been looking for in a directory script. I even tried a few others but none had the versatility of this plugin; complemented with the support, extensions and compatibility with other wp plugins, the potential is limitless. I have achieved everything I wanted to do with your directory plugin. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

    I would like to ask one question though, relating to rss feeds. Is it possible to create rss feeds only for a particular keyword or category instead of the feeds coming from recent articles posts? I would like to use the articles feed on another website and it would be good if the articles are relevant to the content on the other website, this can only be achieved by extracting feeds from a particular category in the directory. Is this possible at all?

    I would appreciate any direction or ideas from you.



  53. Hi there, thx for this wonderfull plugin!

    Is there a way to put a little icon in front of the category titles?

  54. Hi, Farizan!

    Firstly, many thanks for so good words 🙂 I’m very glad.

    Secondly, feeds for a particular category is the default feature of WordPress. They has link like this:

    But WordPress has no the feature to get the feed of particular tag. Most likely there is the plugin, which do this. Try to search it.

    ralph, where you would like to add an icons — only in parent category titles or in child too?

  55. I installed it… by the manual:

    1. Copied to my plugins directory

    2.modified index.php (is there a special place where to put that line?)

    3. copied category.css and modified style.css with @import….

    4. Activate

    5. Set the options…

    And now what? 🙂 How do i use it? I was expecting to use a line like this [article directory id=1] inside a page….

    I’m using WP 2.6.

    Help me…. Thank you.

  56. Catalin, I don’t understand, what you want to do. According to 5 actions that you fulfilled, categories list is on the home page of your site.

  57. I was expecting to be able to create a custom page with an index of all articles…. Or maybe i don’t understand the finality of this plugin…

    I’m using a static page for the home page.

  58. plugin was working perfectly til I upgraded now I cannot activate the plugin because it produces this fatal error

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare hide_blocks() (previously declared in /home/articleb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/write-post-blocks-hide-2.5.php:13) in /home/articleb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 898

    any ideas?



  59. leanne, you must to deactivate and delete the plugin «Write Post» blocks hide (read above the Version 0.8 beta changes).

  60. There seems to be a tiny bug when the plugin is activated and when I want to upload an image into the gallery. Uploading is fine, but inserting isn’t do-able. The only way to insert is to de-activate your plugin to get the theme gallery working back to normal.

  61. Piyush, nothing to do here. WordPress feature is that if the category is empty, it shows an error 404.

  62. i want my article directory to be located here: but wordpress 2.6 is installed in root ( How do I do this?

  63. Hi,

    Great plugin and theme. Thanks.

    Just two strange little problems:

    1) The 1st paragraph is missing from each article

    2) There is a large space at the top of each article.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


  64. Darren, the reason of both problems that there is some wrong code at the top of each article code, for example:

    <br: Jennifer de Jong<br />
    The idea of decanting brings...

  65. hello Dimox,

    I really love the idea of making a article directory via wordpress engine. just want to ask. Is your plugin is an autopost plugin?

  66. Thanks for the great plugin. I notice that yours is presenting a useful message when an empty category is selected whereas wordpress defaults to the 404 — I was wondering if you could tell me how you configured this —
    Many Thanks

  67. Tony G, it’s the same 404 page, only remaked for article directory. See the 404.php file from theme folder.

  68. I would like to add this on the recipe section of my website. Just that section. How do I go about doing that? Do I paste that code in another page?

  69. Alex if you want to add this on page, you must to create a new page template, but if you want to add this on category page, you must use the condition is_category() in categories template. Details is in WordPress Codex.

  70. Can you tell me why I’m getting this error and how I can fix it?

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_wpvers() (previously declared in /home/fatcityl/public_html/articlejava/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php:69) in /home/fatcityl/public_html/articlejava/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 67


  71. Hello Dimox,

    I just installed your article directory and it looks great but have two problems.

    On home page I get the following error:

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near » at line 1]
    SELECT SUM(count) FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = ‘category’ AND parent =

    for every category I add.

    I added a single article and it shows ok. There is no other post on the database but the initial WordPress Hello World.

    Also while testing I added the three pages, Privacy, Submission Guidelines and Terms of Service. However only the Privacy page shows up. The other two pages are published and can be reached by typing the urls of the page but don’t show on the menu.

    I also have installed the three recommended plugins.

    I am using WP Ver 2.6.
    Any suggestions?


  72. Solved the :

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near » at line 1]
    SELECT SUM(count) FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = ‘category’ AND parent =

    It was because there were no subcategories and the server uses php ver 5.

    My Navigation problem is probably not your plugin.

    The search also has a mySQL error when no entry is found using the term (s) entered into the search — which is probably not your plugin either.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.


  73. Michelle, tell please how you fixed this problem?

    Charles, I use on my server php5, but there is no this database error.

  74. Dimox,

    My mySQL error:
    SELECT SUM(count) FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = ‘category’ AND parent =

    Error seemed to occur because I initially had no sub categories for any of the few categories I had. As soon as I added a sub category to each category the errors disappeared one by one. If someone started with sub categories for each category I suspect they would never get this error. I am assuming it has something having to do with the MySQL version due to the error mentioning it — but I know how vague and sometimes wrong error messages can be.



  75. Hi,

    Thank you for this plugin! It works great without any errors on WP 2.6.1!
    I would like to know if there is a way to display the titles of the articles under each subcategories ! I’ve been looking all around and couldn’t find a solution!

    Do you have an Idea?

  76. is there a way to put some credits from the author? It should have the author’s resource box after post.

  77. Dimox,

    Another question — I see that your sites are doing the same as mine;

    When you go to; you wil see the article detail 14.09.2008 | Author: ravish | Posted in Beauty — when you click on «ravish», you will see the Author «ravish» Page

    When you do the same on this page; you will see the article detail 11.02.2008 | Author: Dimox | Posted in Blogging — when you click on «Dimox», you will see Error 404 — Not Found

    Any idea what I missed?



  78. Lourens, on this site it was my mistake in settings (does not concern neither a theme, nor to a plugin). Why so on your site, I don’t know.

  79. Hi,

    i have a default installation, using both the plugin + theme.

    The Home link appears (near top left)

    But not the: ‘Privacy Policy’, ‘Submission Guidelines’ or ‘Terms of Service’

    Advice appreciated.


  80. Hi Dimox,

    Sorry, I should have have said that I did create them as ‘Pages’.

    Do I need to link to them (which I am happy to do) of should they appear as per a regular WordPress installation?


  81. Darren, you need to specify the ID’s of this pages in header.php file. Instruction about this written on Article Directory theme page.

  82. I’m having the same problem as Charles above with the MysQl error. Everything was fine until I switched servers and am now using Mysql 5. Then the errors appeared.

    The page can be seen here

    Adding subcategories is not an option for me. Any other solutions would be appreciated.

  83. Thank you Dimox. The updated version you sent me by email worked perfectly. You are a great developer and I appreciate the support you provide for your products.

    Thanks again!

  84. Hi, I have following problem when instaled the plugin:
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_wpvers() (previously declared in /mounted-storage/home51b/sub001/sc35457-HZHX/ in /mounted-storage/home51b/sub001/sc35457-HZHX/ on line 67
    Any clues what could be the cause. I’m not familiar with PHP so help would be appreciated.

  85. HELP! This is the error message I get when I try to log into the admin. What am I doing wrong.

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user ‘legalvsi_mrcfund’@’localhost’ (using password: YES) in /home/legalvsi/public_html/legalvsillegal/includes/ on line 14
    Couldn’t connect to MySQL

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  86. Thanks Dimox…..
    I am a novice to all this and I need my article directory set up EXACTLY like this one, with the only exception being the color scheme, mines is red, black, white, and gray. Can I pay you (or anyone who’ve post here) $25 to set it up for me if I give you all my ftp info. which is change later. I host my own websites.

    Can you help me get install this «article directory in my wordpress» blog? I am my own host so I have all the info you’ll need. Can I pay you to set it up for me? I found that even with instructions I still don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to «code»!


  87. Hi Demox,

    I was accidentally found your great themes and plugin. Anyway, i have installed your themes and also your plugin, but it doesn’t come perfectly in my website, sorry because i newbie in WordPress and Php;

    My Questions are:
    1. Why i cant display this welcome message like this: Welcome to Article Directory. Here you can find interesting and useful information on most popular themes.

    There are 636 published articles and 281 registered authors in our article directory.»

    2. Why i cant display the recent articles?
    3. How to build authorization log in?

    Thanks before


    I finally did it! I got it to work. Now I have one or two questions. Is there more help files? Like a PDF or something?

    Thanks for this nice looking article theme.

    P.S. How do I add a small graphic in the header like the one depicted on your site?

    Thanks again!

  89. Indra, if you have downloaded theme from this page, all of your points shall be shown.


    Is there more help files?

    No. All info in article above.

    P.S. How do I add a small graphic in the header like the one depicted on your site?

    You need to know CSS before doing it. See this comment.

  90. Got it!

    Thank you so very much Dimox for a very good product! I’ll be hanging-out around this site a lot!


  91. Question,
    How do you add pages to the top ROW where you guys have displayed HOME, PRIVACY POLICY, etc….

    Second, the pages that I have written and want to be displayed in the top right hand corner above the search box are NOT coming up. It’s only displaying one for some reason. Can you explain on how to fix this.


  92. Hi Dimox, any hope for me? I’m feeling envious seeing all those happy people with your plug-in. My problem was described at comment N°446. Please, give me just a hint.

  93. Once I have this installed do i have to add all of the article categories manually? Whwere is the license information for this plug-in?

  94. Once I have this installed do i have to add all of the article categories manually?

    Of course.

    Whwere is the license information for this plug-in?


  95. Dimox,

    Any chance of you setting up a forum of some type (phpBB, SMF, etc) for support? It would make searching for answers to questions easier and we call all help each other more.

  96. I can’t find a way to delete the «Uncategorized» category. Did you delete it from your directory or did you simply rename it?

  97. Any chance of you setting up a forum of some type (phpBB, SMF, etc) for support?

    I see no sense to create the forum.

    I can’t find a way to delete the “Uncategorized” category. Did you delete it from your directory or did you simply rename it?

    This category cannot be deleted. It must be renamed.

  98. Dimox really great plugin. I have two questions

    1. On my site, when you click on an authors name, you are taken to a 404 error page rather than to their profile. Do you have any idea why this might be happening?

    2. Would you be willing to accept a donation in exchange for the ability to remove teh promotional links at the bottom of the directories theme?

  99. i installed the package as suggested in this site; however, now my entire blog is disabled. I can still administer, but the blog itself has gone entirely blank. You can see by visiting

    Please Help!

  100. 2chess vision:

    1. On my site, when you click on an authors name, you are taken to a 404 error page rather than to their profile. Do you have any idea why this might be happening?

    This is enigma for me.

    2. Would you be willing to accept a donation in exchange for the ability to remove teh promotional links at the bottom of the directories theme?

    You can delete them without a donation.

    Steven Y, your blog is not blank, only not displayed the categories list. If plugin is activated, I don’t know why so, unfortunately.

  101. Hi,

    A pleasure to see the results of this plugin, I’m dazed!

    I have an issue, though. When I accept subscribers who can post articles, they get access to a plugin where they can change the google tracking code. How do I get this off the subscribers interface?

    That would be helpful. Thanks for any suggestions.

  102. Hi Dimox,

    Concerning 168:

    I would have considered having not configured access rights properly if other plugins had been accessible as well, but this is not the case. All other plugins are hidden from subscribers.

    Maybe I just should look for a better plugin. 😉

    Май выгодные торговые ветры заполнить ваши паруса. (Я надеюсь, что это Google перевод достойный, и я надеюсь, что я была права, признав правильным языком в блоге)

  103. Joe, in this case, I am not able to help.

    Concerning your last paragraph: a language is right, but I don’t understand nothing =) Translation is bad.

  104. Hi, Great plugin! Wondering if you have any work around for adding a link directory on theme also? I wan to have a site that is an article directory and also an industry directory on the same site.



  105. Dimox, Suppose so. I was looking at what would be really useful for my readers. Not so much what is popular now. Not to be rude or trying to stir up any animosity but article directories aren’t exactly cutting edge either. But thanks for a great plugin anyways.

  106. Hi Dimox,

    I’m trying to get the pages to show up in the top bar. I would like to have the «terms of service» page to show up next to «home», but I could not find where to tweak the settings so this link appears. Also, the «site map» is a great idea, how do I do this in the template? Thanks for any feed back.

  107. Hi, I just want to say thank you for that great plugin. Great Work. 😉

  108. Hi there,\

    i just love your plugin, thanks alot.

    I have a question, maybe it is simple for you but im stumped.

    I would like to have it so browsing users, that are looking at an article someone posted. Can send an email relating to the article, by click ing on a button. It would be «mailto:» function of sorts i would guess. ?

    But i want it to send the email to the poster of the article, maybe with the articles title in the subject line..

    I realize this is a personal customization of your already great product but, i would really appreciate the help.

  109. OK, i wasnt sure if it would be possible for you to do this. Anyone else able to help me? I could pay something for the service. Thanks

  110. figured it out..

    I did have a question about limiting how many characters a new author is allowed to use in the title when posting an article.

    Reason for this is when the articles are displayed in sidebar. Or other places to, the titles are displayed too long to fit in certain areas.

    please help..

  111. «The error, when at entering on a comments page in administrative interface the message “Restricted area” was deduced to all users, regardless of status, is corrected. »

    I still have this problem…comments tab is still there, is there a fix for it?

    i am using the latest version… ver 0.9.3

  112. I did have a question about limiting how many characters a new author is allowed to use in the title when posting an article.

    The title field is unlimited.

    I still have this problem…comments tab is still there, is there a fix for it?

    I don’t know how to remove it.

  113. Hello Dimox!

    How I can have a section that people will be able to submit their articles? Let see , I’m a writer and want to send an article to your website , is that possible to register and just send teh article to the admin?

    Thank you very much

  114. is that possible to register and just send teh article to the admin?

    Yes, if installed the Role Manager plugin.

  115. Hi,

    First of all I must say THANK YOU! this is just what I was looking for. My question is, how difficult would it be to replace an already established article directory made with article Dashboard to this format.

    I have one at and I would like to back up the database, set one up instead and then import the database. Is that possible. Please email me, I would willing to pay you to help me do this, right after the first of December.


  116. I have it installed on this site:

    but my title seems to be hanging to low. Is that because the wording is too long.

    I was reading through all this, but I just downloaded the latest version and wonder if most all of those previous instructions are still valid on the newest releases or not.
    etc. on the rss stuff.


  117. Disregard my previous messages, I downloaded the other plugins and it is working fine.

    I do wonder if you have a pdf explaining how to do certain things. I guess I will go to the plugin owners pages for more on those details. etc. role manager etc.

    In regards to my article directory question above, maybe I could help you put together an instruction manual in exchange for converting over my site. Lets discuss.

    Thanks again, I had my new site up and adsense installed and pretty much ready to go in less than an hour.


  118. how difficult would it be to replace an already established article directory made with article Dashboard to this format.

    Most likely there is no way to do this. I’m not able.

  119. Please note for anyone that has WP Securtiy Scan enabled (or is thinking of installing)…this will cause conflict in Article Plugin and won’t work correctly. It just took us many hours to figure this out. Hope it helps someone. If anyone finds a hack or fix for this conflict, please post here. it would be great to know.

  120. Hi,

    I uploaded the theme in WP2.5 as well as the plugin BUT I cannot see the plugin in the list of plugins when I go into the admin area of the wordpress dashboard.

    1. Copy the article-directory folder in WordPress plugins directory (…\wp-content\plugins\). DONE
    2. Copy the categories.css file in directory with your theme.
    3. Activate the plugin through admin interface.
    4. Add the following code in the index.php of your theme:

    5. Add the following code in the style.css:

    @import ‘categories.css’;



  121. rajul kaushik, I’m not clairvoyant, so I do not know what is the reason. Perhaps you are doing something wrong.

  122. Hi Dimox,

    I know u aren’t a clairvoyant but I am sure you can spell out a few possibilities which I may be doing wrong. According to me I have done everything right. Is there a possibility that this might be conflicting with some other plugin or something like that?

    You know better.

    Pls guide me.


  123. Hey Rajul,

    Maybe deactivate ALL additional plugins UNTIL you get it to work correctly. That is what we did with ours and finally got it to work. Some plugins conflict with it.

    Also, check that you did not load the plugin with an additional outside folder. Sometimes when you «unzip» a plugin, you will have another folder that needs to be opend up before you FTP over to your site. That has caused issue with plugin not showing in dashboard…Good luck, Jeremy

  124. Hi Jeremy,
    Yes now I can see the plugin at least in the plugins list.

    I cannot however understand these steps:
    1) »Copy the categories.css file in directory with your theme.»

    2) Add the following code in the index.php of your theme:


    Thank you very much.

    Best regards,
    Rajul Kaushik

  125. Hey Rajul,

    If you are using both, the Plugin & the Theme, you don’t need to worry about that part!
    Dimox alreay put it in his theme…that is only if you want to use a different theme.

    I would recommend that you also check out the other plugins that he mentions above.

    Hope that helps.

  126. Yes, every single advise has worked well.
    Thank you very much Jeremy.

    I’ll bother you again if I have any question. I hope youll not mind.

    Thank you again.


    DIMOX, this is great creation: something that I was looking for.
    Just look at my domain: I can scale it further………..

    With sincere appreciation,

  127. hello,

    can you tell me which files were edited in the plugin? For the new update?

    i have modified it extensively and dont want to loose my changes.


  128. Hi Dimox,

    Thanks for the update.

    I hope my queries are related to plugin so I am posting them here.

    1) I wish to find out as to how can I create child categories within the main categories.
    Like u see:

    iPhone 25
    -unlocking 5
    -skins 7
    and so on………..

    2) You see the complete list of latest articles is appearing on the home page.
    How can I hide this and instead only the categories and child categories can appear on the home page.

    Rajul Kaushik

  129. 1) I wish to find out as to how can I create child categories within the main categories.

    As well as parent categories, only you’ll need to select a parent category.

    How can I hide this and instead only the categories and child categories can appear on the home page.

    Remove following code from index.php file:

    <h3>Recent Articles</h3>
    <ul class="recent">
    <?php get_archives('postbypost', 30); ?>

  130. Thank you Dimox,
    Yes that helped:

    Now, is there a possibility that after I am uploading the articles, the categories get self-arranged in alphabetic order? Any tweaking that I need to do?


  131. Dimox,

    It’s fine………..the articles are indeed appearing in alphabetical order. Thank you.

    All right, another question:



    Rajul Kaushik


    Possible. But I’m not answering to such questions. There is WordPress manual and forum for this.

  133. What does this mean?

    I am installing using fantastico and having the zip files uploaded and unziped on the server. Should I be uploading them one by one?

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare artdir_wp_version() (previously declared in /home/thebodyw/public_html/massage-articles/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php:68) in /home/thebodyw/public_html/massage-articles/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 67

    This looks like exactly what I need if I can get it working!!


  134. Julie, in functions.php file of Article Directory theme find this text (2 times): artdir_wp_version and replace it on get_wp_vers.

  135. It doesn’t say artdir_wp_version anywhere in the functions.php file.

    It does already say get_wp_vers. Also when I activate the plugin the two side bars disappear.

    Thanks for your help

  136. Dimox,

    1. is it possible to use subdomain catagories? for better seo?

    2. is it possible to display related pages, like in (assuming, you have thousands of articles in each category) can you recommend a plugin?

    i recently purchased wordpress cloner, that can install configured wordpress in the root directory into subdomains, in seconds. so, installing catagories in subdomains is not a problem.

    Do you see any advantages of spending $97 on this software? using subdomain can bring in a lot more traffic…. eg. uses this tecnique.

    So im thinking, if i can use this software in conjunction with your plugin?

    or is there a way to have subdomains catagories? in which case this awesome software will become pretymuch useless.

    thanks for your time in advance.


  137. 1. is it possible to use subdomain catagories? for better seo?

    I don’t understand a question.

    is it possible to display related pages, like in

    No. You need find another plugin for this.

    Do you see any advantages of spending $97 on this software?

    I have nothing to say.

  138. Sorry, i wasnt clear…

    what i meant was,

    instead of having

    so, by having hotels in subdomain, search engines, will simply read hotels as part of your domain, …. if you follow the link in my previous post, about wordpress cloner, it gives a better idea what im talking about.

    my question to you again, is: is it possible to have catagories in subdomains, using your plugin? is it possible to customize it?



  139. Great then…. i will still be able to use my purchase of WPcloner… (link in my previouspost)
    which will help me create subdomains in an instant, by cloning wordpress in each subdomain

    so, … just make changes to the index.php of the ‘catagory’ and ‘sub catagory’ link address and ill be done?


    do you think, your plugin will NOT work with my (subdomain) set up?



  140. Have you seen any issues with 2.7?

    I’m having an issue with the «Logout» since updating to 2.7.
    Not sure if is from plugin or template. Our other installs are not having this issue. I don’t want to «uninstall these plugin to check it unless absolutly necessary. Please let me know if you have seen this issue. Thanks so much!!!!

    p.s. you can see error here:

  141. Hi Dimox,

    While this plugin is very good as it is

    can we use it to display links for various wordpress blogs, which would actually be micro niches to the theme of the main blog.

    To clarify,

    just for e.g let’s say there is a wp blog,

    where when a visitor visits, on the index page, he will find links to

    backpain etc. etc. covering all niches under the macro health niche

    and which ( the links, like acne for e.g ) ) would actually be wordpress blogs themselves
    taking you to that niche wordpress blog which you may click on?

    That way, we can tie all the niches falling under a main macro niche,
    also save on individual domain registration charges.



  142. Where can i find the link to download both these: Article Directory Plugin & Theme

    I cant find the link to register and log in and download. Please point me in the right direction please.


  143. great idea VJ.

    thats what im going to do. use index.php for main list of categories.

    I will install each of these categories(niches) into subdomains,

    and each subdomain will list multiple micro niches.

    Keyword Country ( vs wordtracker ) will be a great software, one can try for 30 days at no charge.

    I much prefer it over Wordtracker, anytime in terms of monitizing with Adsense….

    To be honest with you… it shouldnt take too long to find the niches and micro niches to find the highest paying keywords.

    Great idea, again VJ.

    now i will be able to use this directory plugin, on root domain and on subdomains.

    Awesome! Dude! Your Da Man!


  144. Me too, Jeremy

    I’m having an issue with the “Logout” since updating to 2.7.
    Not sure if is from plugin or template. Our other installs are not having this issue. I don’t want to “uninstall these plugin to check it unless absolutly necessary. Please let me know if you have seen this issue. Thanks so much!!!!

  145. Vic, no registration is necessary for downloading both: plugin and theme. Links are set off, it is difficult not to find them. Be attentive.

  146. Laurie Meade, Jeremy, JohnieO, this issue is from theme, because since 2.7 there is some changes. I will update it soon specially for WP 2.7.

  147. Thanx Dimox!

    I saw the comment that the issue for WP 2.7 logout erro was with the Theme, not the plugin. I look forward to the updates;)

  148. hi dimox,

    nice pluggin. i activated it ok and it seems to be working. but my only question is it possible to place the directory on only one page rather than changing the entire page template. please let me kno if using the directory only on a single page is possible. i tried just pasting the code in the html content of the page but it didnt working.

    thanks for the help i appreciate it and thank for such a nice plugging

  149. Hi Dimox,

    Great plugin.

    Would it be possible to have multiple installations?

    I already have a «shop by brand» directory, but if I could generate a second page, I could also have a «shop by item» directory, using the exclude function to get rid of cross-over.

    Would be very grateful to hear your thoughts.


  150. hey dimox,

    i create a page template, inserted the code and its works, i have successfully create a single directory page for my site. thanks for that. BUT the it only displays the directory in 1 column. i have tried changing the number in «The number of columns for categories list» on the Options pages but it doesn’t change anything. Is there a combination of things i should be doing on the options page to make the directory display in several columns like yours?

    thanks again dimon….i appreciate it.


  151. hey dimon,

    yes i inserted the code @import ‘categories.css’; in my themes style.css as the very last line. not sure if its in the right place or if i should have even done that…?

  152. Lexton — I had exactly the same problem; just copy & paste the contents of styles.css into your stylesheet.

    Anyone else that wants to run two at a time — I managed to do this by duplicating the plugin — i.e. adding a «2» to all functions/classes and names 🙂

  153. hey harvey,

    i tried inserting the lines @import ‘categories.css’; into the style.css and i also tried manually copy pastying all the codes in cartegories.css in the style.css. and not sure why, but i even tried copying pasting all the content in style.css into the categories.css. none of them worked for me.

    what do u mean content of style.css into stylesheet??? isnt the stylesheet and style.css the same thing???


  154. Im in the process of making Categories and sub categories.

    For some strange reason, i am having shut down the browser, delete cookies, and re login. Else, screen’s getting frozen.

    Is there a limit on number of categories and subcategories?

    Am i supposed to wait between each category/subcategory creation?

    im confused. (running Wp 2.7)

  155. lexton, please show me the site where is your problem.

    Sean, number of comments is unlimited, and no need to wait between each creation.

  156. hey dimox,

    my site is so i tried all that was suggested and it wasnt working. but i go to check it later on in the day and apparently the columns were fixed. not sure which of the 3 moves i did to make it happen, but its working now…

    thanks alot dimox, i shall be on here for further assistance when i need. but truely, thanks you for a great pluggin and all the quick support. its a good thing.


  157. hey dimox,

    i successfully created a article directory on one single page using a page template. problem is…when i create a category template that is supposed to look like my home page e.i. i copied home html code as my category html code…..i should have gotten all my home page functionalyty in the newly create category template page….

    the articale directory pluggin deactivated all of my home page functions when i created it as a category template…..what should i do…..

    i kno this, becasue i deactivated all the pluggins and tested each one by one….and it turns out the article pluggnin made the funtionality go away….

    please tell me what i can do for this…

    thanks alot

  158. After my last upgrade for the plugin for some reason the catagories are not displaying on the homepage. I checked to see if the theme is okay and it seems to be. I haven’t upgraded to wordpress 2.7 yet could that be the problem?

    the site is

    Thanks for a great theme and plugin


  159. Hi. Just downloaded and istalled your plugin to replace my crappy, old, buggy Article Dashboard site. Where were you when I was looking for a WP article site? Oh well, at least I found you now 🙂

    Is there a nice slick way to quickly set up categories? I have a plugin installed that will start to import from iSnare, so those categories will get generated. But, I’d like to offer authors more than what iSnare has…

    Thanks for a GREAT solution!

  160. Is there a nice slick way to quickly set up categories?

    Categories can be created one by one. I do not know another way.

  161. Has anyone been able to develop a hack that will allow the HTML version of the article to display for easy copying and pasting into websites? This would be similar to what has at the bottom of their articles.



  162. I am building a 2nd site and wish to create diff. categories and sub categories.

    do i need to make them all again or is there a file i can copy from the previous site into the new site?

    2. is it possible to have a dropdown menu, like in because, if you have as many sub categories as they do, it just will be too long! any solution to this problem?

    for categories and subs.

    3. Is their a way to buy your plugin and not have to display your links?

  163. will this plugin work (can you make it to display 3 columns) with default plugin? has anyone tried this with default plugin?

    i tried, but it doesnt seem to be working. is their any way you can make it to work with the default plugin?

  164. Hi Dimox,

    Thanks for the plugins…but don’t know why it is not working at my site………I have tried to fix it…..but still having the same problems……..what to do?

    Can I contact you personally.

    Thanks for your great effort though.


  165. @sean:

    do i need to make them all again or is there a file i can copy from the previous site into the new site?

    Again for every new site.

    is it possible to have a dropdown menu, like in because, if you have as many sub categories as they do, it just will be too long! any solution to this problem?

    May be I will add this feature in one of future versions.

    Is their a way to buy your plugin and not have to display your links?

    You may remove this links without any payments.

    i tried, but it doesnt seem to be working. is their any way you can make it to work with the default plugin?

    All you need is edit categories.css file. A knowledge of CSS technology is require for this.

    @tiherp: describe the problem more.

    @Publishmyself: this feature will appear in next version of plugin (very soon).

  166. Dimox,

    please take a look at my categories. They are getting spitup, when Virtual silo of are installed. Please let me know if their is an issue with your plugin or theirs.


  167. They are getting spitup, when Virtual silo of are installed.

    I don’t see this.

  168. Dimox,

    Please also take a look at

    here all the same plugins, including article directory plugin of yours, along with Virtual Silo are installed and activated. (exception being article directory theme not installed)

    if you notice, the directory is not split up, like in Review Articles site, ( I will keep the article directory plugin activated at this site, until you take a look at it)

    Does this mean, the problem is actually with the Theme ‘articles directory’ and not the plugin ‘article directory’? or perhaps it is the Virtual Silo plugin the culprit?

    sincere thanks for your help and your awesome article directory plugin and theme

  169. Virtual silo plugin for some reason breaks the function of my plugin. I don’t know what I can do.

  170. thanks for the update to grap html. I did upgrade, but don’t see any difference. What do I need to do. Again, thanks for responding so fast!

  171. Dimox,

    if you take a look at my other site, emagazinarticles, you can find your Article Directory plugin is installed along with Virtual Silo installed (activated)
    yet no breakup of categories like my other site revarticles

    emagazinearticles does not have the Theme Articles Directory. Just Default theme.

    Do you think that the culprit here is the Articles Directory Theme and not Plugin? that is not working with Virtual Silo plugin?


  172. sean, to say something specific I need to test the Virtual Silo on my localhost with my plugin, but it not free of cost.

  173. Can you tell me why my article directory worked fine yesterday and now today I’m getting this error «Warning: Division by zero in /home/fatcityl/public_html/freshsqueezedarticles/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 150»? It seems all my posts have disappeared. Thanks

  174. Hi Di,

    Last night, I did an automatic upgrade…. and my sidebar gone missing as well as the footer too.

    Do have a look at my site:

    Need your help buddy.


  175. Brian, are you sure that the reason in this plugin? Try to deactivate it and check for result.

  176. I have a question about running a site with the plugin installed. How do you manage users?

    I have been looking around trying to figure out how to set up my site to allow users to sign up and submit articles for approval . rather than have them email me articles then have me publish them for them. Would the settings be in your plugin or would it be in role manager and I’m just missing it..

    Sorry to be so dense.


  177. Dimox — The «article source» is a great addition to this plugin and makes it a very valuable asset to the WP community. Thanks!

    I have a couple of things that I would recommend to adjust on the article source.

    1. The «article source» option should only be available on «posts» which are the articles in your directory. Right now, they also appear on pages which would be things I would NOT want them to have access to the source code.

    2. A the bottom of your generated source code, inside the area, are the words «Press Ctl C to ……» This information should be put OUTSIDE the box of code that can be copied. It should not be part of the article source code, but below the box as instructions.

    3. Can the «article source» boxes be set to be «on» when someone goes to that page, instead of having to click the link to «turn» them on? Just a suggestion.

    Can’t wait to begin using this. My theme is all done — I was just waiting on the source box — now time to solicit for the niche articles that will be on this site. Thanks again!

    Kelly Ling

  178. Oh, I forgot one other VERY important thing!

    In the source code boxes, the title of the article does not appear in the text to be copied. This should definitely be there!

    Thanks again!

    Kelly Ling

  179. jdaniel, you need to install the Role Manager plugin.

    Kelly Ling:

    1. Ok.
    2. Ok.
    3. I think not worth to do this. Not every site visitor will use source code.

    In the source code boxes, the title of the article does not appear in the text to be copied. This should definitely be there!


  180. JDaniel — I think you can just choose to set new registrations to «CONTRIBUTOR» — which means they can submit articles, but NOT publish them.

    Article Source — I wish the linkback to the article page was in the same box as the article
    source so people would just have to cut n’ paste the whole thing. Less chance of somebody «forgetting» the backlinks.

    It would also be nice to see a feature where you could have a rule reminder — i.e. You must include the linkback — right before the source. But I think I can figure out how to accomplish this.

    But I am really happy to see this feature included!

  181. Hi

    Thx for a great tool and theme!!

    Could I somehow protect a articles section / catagory?
    I have «Video section for free» (How to work from home)
    and the second section is «Secrets to WFH» … ? I want to have people signup for newsletter, where I give them the password for the second video section?

  182. Peter — make the 2nd video on a sub page of a sub page (child of child page). Set up an auto-responder program here. Then, put the link to this sub, sub page in the auto-responder program sequence. When they enter their name and email, it will automatically send them the link to watch the next video and you will now also have their contact information 😉

    Hope that helps…

  183. Publishmyself — I do have the role manager plugin.

    The contributor role does allow you to publish I tried it with a test user. I was hoping there was a setting in the article directory plugin that allowed them to queue for publication so I could allow people to submit article by default but I could check for quality before I let them go live. maybe I can find someone to modify role manager to get that functionality

    I’m real excited about the source box stuff I thought I might have to have someone write a pluggin to do that stuff. f I have to check out the functionality. Thanks Dimox



  184. Hi Buddy,

    I did tried deactivating it and nothing happens.

    Then, I removed all Plug-In’s one by one and tested nothing happen. At the end, removed all & reinstall. Now it’s working. I am not sure why…?

    By the way, thanks for the advice.

    One more thing., I would like to have the Recent Articles on Side Bar (like yours here), How do I do it? on my site

    Please advice. Thanks buddy.


  185. One more thing., I would like to have the Recent Articles on Side Bar (like yours here), How do I do it? on my site

    It will be like on my site if you will not use widgets in Sidebar 1. Other way I don’t know.

  186. hi buddy,

    thanks for the speedy response, great & have removed widget on side bar and it’s working.
    now i can see «Recent Articles» on the side bar.

    it’s displaying 5 recent post….. how to increase or decrease the number in it.

    also would like to know, how to insert a logo in the header.


  187. JDaniel. — I don’t have a Role manager plugin — Just this plugin and theme. Try deactivating that Role manager thingie, and just use native WP settings to set the default. I picked this up from WP documentation, so I’m pretty sure it is correct.

    I think it is the WP default that Contributor cannot publish. That’s how it is working on my installation at least.

    Then I set the default signup to Contributor — and I’ve made a couple of trusted people authors (which can publish).

  188. I know it may seem like a daunting task, but you guys might want to read previous comments. Most of your answers are in there and have already been discussed 😉

    Hope that helps you!

  189. OK I am a CSS Retard….

    Can somebody help. I would like to stick a banner sized adv in the heading between the title and description on the right, and the search bar/pages on the left.

  190. Dimox — I appreciated you taking a look at my suggestions and am looking forward to seeing them implemented. I would also like to contribute a little bit to the development of this great plugin. Do you have a Paypal address?

    Thanks very much for your hard work.

    Kelly Ling

  191. Kelly Ling, thanks.

    Do you have a Paypal address?

    No, I’m from Russia and Paypal is not friendly payment system for us, the Russians.

  192. Hello dimox,

    i have an issue that i havew already aske dof you but cannot find or remeber the response.

    I need to make it so new authors can add pictures to their posts.

    I believe it was in article-directory.php file.

    Something like removing or changing » #passworddiv {display: none !important} »

    but for the media part.

    I also want to turn comments on for authors to see..

    sorry to ask again but i cannot find where my original question went to, so any help would be great.


  193. Something like removing or changing ” #passworddiv {display: none !important} ”

    #media-buttons {display: none !important}

    I also want to turn comments on for authors to see..

    Find this:

    function restrict_dashboard_screens() {
    if ( ((strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'wp-admin/edit-comments.php')) or (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'wp-admin/comment.php')))) {
    if (!current_user_can('level_7')) {

    and replace level_7 on level_4.

  194. Hi guys. I found the *perfect* plugin to go hand-in-hand with the Article Directory plugin. This plugin allows you to — get this! — make a list of categories and add them in mass! And to top it off, you can create sub-categories at the same time by typing them into the list like Category/Sub-Category. It is slick, I tell you.

    Here’s the plugin page

    And here’s the download link

    The author also has a plugin called Mass Post Manager that allows some bulk category/post management facility. Not as cool, but potentially helpful.

  195. Hi,

    My site loaded with 100k articles and for some reason I’m getting this warning message.

    Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/articles/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 106

    Anyone know what is going on?


  196. @HealthArticle.

    It does. I loaded it on a 2.7 blog last week, and it worked like a charm.

    it took forever to find it — I was actually looking for something else when I ran across it.

  197. Dimox, I’ve been trying to figure this out on my own, but haven’t come up with a solution. Is there a way to include the title in the source boxes AND remove the article source link from pages? Thanks! I’d appreciate the assistance.

    Kelly Ling

  198. Hi Buddy,

    Thanks, now my site works well like your sidebar

    I have 2 questions.

    1. How to add a logo in the header and would like to have a tiff image.
    2. How to insert RSS feeds, example like google news feed or from other information into my blog.


  199. Hi !
    Nice plugin !
    Is it possible to have it working in a simpel directory way ?
    I mean, listing website, not articles…
    Websites directory ?
    Let me know if it’s possible !


  200. Is it possible to have it working in a simpel directory way ?

    No, it works only with articles.

  201. Hi. Couple questions…

    1) Does anyone have a decent list of article directory directories? It would be great to be able to get our newly created directories listed somewhere…

    2) Dimox, when the next releases come out, will there be updates required of the default theme? I want to make a couple theme file changes and I want to make sure I don’t lose them in the next release.

    Thanks for the great plugin!

  202. will there be updates required of the default theme?

    Did not understood, what are you talking about.

  203. Hi Dimox,

    I basically did all the steps which you have mentioned above. Infact, I tried it on a different theme and it worked perfectly fine. But in the current theme, it doesnt seem to work. The only difference was that in the current theme, I copied the code in home.php file and not index.php. Please suggest what shall I do??

  204. Hi all

    How would i go about evenly spacing out the categories columns.

    What file would i need to change?

  205. hi there,

    what do i need to change in that file?

    i want 3 columns, and all to be align left. But to be spaced evenly across 640px


  206. Hi,
    updating theme to the latest version 1.5 and Article directory plugin.When I try to activate the plugin I get this fatal error.
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mypo_parse_query_useronly() (previously declared in /home/product/public_html/wp-content/plugins/manage_your_posts_only.php:11) in /home/product/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 975
    any help would be appriciated


  207. Hi, I have 2 comments.

    1. Again, can you help a CSS retard figure out how to put a banner add in the white space on the top?

    2. Is there a way we can donate? I know you said you don’t take paypal. But I have really «gone to town» with this plugin, and would like to give something back.

  208. Hi,

    looking for a smarter way to show categories to authors I came across your plugin.

    Is there a way to make the categories list expandable, so that only parent categories are shown to authors and only after a click on the parent, the subcats will be shown?
    What would also be very handy if a new article could only be put in exactly one category at the lowest level…

    Would this be possible in principle with your plugin?


  209. Is there a way to make the categories list expandable, so that only parent categories are shown to authors and only after a click on the parent, the subcats will be shown?

    Not yet. You are talking about categories list, which is in admin area or on home page?

    What would also be very handy if a new article could only be put in exactly one category at the lowest level…

    I think I can do this.

  210. Oh cool,

    thanks for the consideration — the expandable categories list would be for the authors when writing new articles. For readers (front end) there are quite a few ways how to show / hide / organize categories so there is no problem. But in the backend, all the categories are shown. In the compose new article area, it will become very confusing for authors if possibly hundreds of (sub)categories are shown at once.

    It would be so much cooler if the author could click his way through to find a fitting subcategory at the lowest level and could put his article there (and only in one spot).


  211. @Pete, I will look what I can do about it. Task is complicated by the fact that the admin interface of WordPress is constantly changing (2.3 — 2.5 — 2.7).

  212. Dimox,

    Is it possible to install on wordpress MU?

    assuming, we make a lot of subdomains for categories and sub categories,

    how would the whole thing work?

    If it can not be done, and i want to use the subdomains, for categories, do i need to install your plugin in each subdomain and use sub categories, in in the article directory as categories?

    How would i tie it all into the index of the domain? do you suggest I use a static page?


  213. Is it possible to install on wordpress MU?

    I have not tested a plugin on WPMU, therefore I can’t say anything about this.

  214. Hi, Nice Plugin.

    I do have a couple of issues with it however. When I activate it my top level categories give the oops sorry no posts page, when in fact there are sub categories with posts.
    You can see what I mean here

    Issue 2- I have a featured post which is featured at the top of the page. This takes on the content of the first post of an archives page for some reason.
    You can see what i mean here.
    The post at the top with the fish should alwasy say «become an author»

    I would love to use this plugin in my knowledge base section, but it looks like these issues will prevent that. Any ideas?

  215. PS. I can always just remove the featured post from my archives page, so that issue is not a big worry, but I do need to make sure that my top level categories contain posts from the sub cats.

    Thanks for the help.

  216. Dimox,

    yea this is one of the things that really is a bit frustrating about wp — LOTS of work from lots of people gets ditched by the constant update incompatibilities — I hope (probably rather dream) the wp team will have a more steady core running sometime.

    I appreciate your effort very much and hope this is not too much work though…


  217. @mike — just deactivate the option «Exclude the child categories articles from the parent categories pages?».

  218. I must have some really bad luck. I did click no for that option and it still shows up the same way.

    Should I add each article to both the child and parent category in the post editor?

  219. Nevermind, somehow it kicked into gear when I submitted a test post, or maybe it just needed a minute.

    Thanks for a great plugin.

  220. Hello,
    This plugin is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much.

    I am not really good with CSS (actually, I»me really bad) but I managed to arrange things a little. At this point, there is a few things I can’t find and was wonderring if you could help me with that:

    1) There is a space (margin) at the left of the directory, I can’t find how to align the directory to the right like my blogroll.

    2) There is some kind of a tabulation before the child category. I like the way it is on your website so I would like to move the child category to the left.

    3) and finaly, what call the color of the main categories? I can change the color of the child but can’t figure what to do for the main categories.

    Here is my site in case someone else know what to do:

    Best regards,

  221. Hi,
    I finally managed fix my 3rd problem. Thats great.

    and about my 1st problem, I actually want to align the directory to the left (not the right). What I want is the directory to look like my blogroll and link just bellow. That would be awesome!

    Thanks again

  222. @patrice, you need some changes in categories.css:

    1. replace:

    #categories .column {
    float: left;
    width: 130px;
    margin-right: 5px;


    #categories .column {
    float: left;
    width: 160px;
    margin-right: 6px;
    padding: 0;

    2. replace:

    #categories li ul {
    margin: 2px 0 10px;


    #categories li ul {
    margin: 2px 0 10px;
    padding: 0;

    3. replace:

    #categories li li {
    font-size: 1em;
    background: url( 9px 7px no-repeat;
    padding: 0 0 0 19px;


    #categories li li {
    font-size: 1em;
    background: url( 3px 4px no-repeat;
    padding: 0 0 0 15px;

  223. That’s awesome! Thank you so much!!!!
    Your plugin is just great. Maybe a little difficult to addapt for dum guys like me but it’s still a great plugin

    Thanks lot!

  224. AMnom — All the articles in this plugin are actually WordPress posts. You can use any of the WordPress SEO plugins for your articles.

    Kelly Ling

  225. Hi,
    I’m not sure if this is a re-post or if my first post got filtered out as spam. Anyway, I put the code into my index.php file and the categories showed up in the footer. I left it that way so you could look at it. Let me know what I should do. I am using WordPress and Thesis.


  226. @Jill — when you in category just select «Sort by title».

    @Chris — you put code in the wrong place. Learn the structure of WordPress templates.

  227. I followed your directions word for word. I copy and pasted the code into the index.php page in my FTP client. I realize that it showed up in the footer. I’m not a total moron. Just to check, I pulled it out of the index.php and put it in the footer.php and it looks just the same. I have a feeling that it has something to do with the Thesis theme more than wordpress.

    Here is the code:

    Main Index Template (index.php)

    How can that be in the wrong place?

  228. Hi. This plugin is the BEST! thank you so much!
    But I want to know how I put a logo in header and change the font and size of the name of my directory, like you did here in header.
    answer me please. thanks

  229. Is there a way to display items listed as Category X on Page X so we can show a description of the category?

    Having it in the title doesn’t work.


  230. I like the plugin. Is there a way to add a user registration to this? i would like users who want to write here be able to ask to register.

    Is anybody good enough with this to make it work in a custom theme i have? I am lacking in knowledge about css and php but would gladly pay to get this plugin working with my theme.

  231. I like the plugin. Is there a way to add a user registration to this? i would like users who want to write here be able to ask to register.

    Registration form is included in my Article Directory theme. You can take it from there.

    Is anybody good enough with this to make it work in a custom theme i have?

    I don’t give such a service.

  232. Hi, Dimox: I downloaded your plugin today for my site. I’m stuck on step 2, what do you mean by «Copy the categories.css file in directory with your theme.» I added the plugin to my directory. However, what am I copying? By the way, your plugin looks awesome on your site! you are really talented. Thanks!

  233. @SleepDeprivedMom — article-directory folder contains the categories.css file. You need to copy it in your theme folder.

  234. Hi, Dimox

    i think this is tplugin that i want, did your plugin include user to registrate so the visitor can sumbit their article. if i check yours there is only authorization link that only include username and password. how can my visitor registrate their self so they can submit article?

    thanks a lot Dimox

  235. dear Dimox,

    I can fix my problem now. and I can show the register option in authorization. But my problem now is how you take image beside the blog title like yours?


  236. I installed your plug-in. It seems like just what I need, however, as soon as it installed my admin page went blank. I had to go into the database and manually deactivate the plug in in the table. It is a repeatable issue. I am running wp v2.7.1

    Where should I report this?

  237. Dimox

    I am experiencing problems with the installation to get the site to work properly. People can publish their articles but when the links are clicked on the article doesn’t appear. What am I doing wrong? Also, how to I set up category RSS.

    Is this a theme question or a plug-in question. Thanks in advance.


  238. What am I doing wrong?

    You might not have configured the access rights of authors.

    Also, how to I set up category RSS.

    It is not necessary to setup. By default link is like this:

  239. hi,

    how can i get the categories listing installed ? i mean instead of adding category or subcategory one by one….


  240. I’ve been meaning to post this a long time ago and never got around doing so.

    There are a plug in that you could use to add categories in bulk very fast to your directory.

    If you install;

    Post Corrector

    Allows to enable automatic category guessing. If you have many categories or you are posting remotely — greatly eases category assignments;

    Allows Bulk Categories Creation — just enter Categories in Text Area and all of them will be created in a bulk.

    Automatic Keyword Linking — Ideal for PPC programs — enter keywords you’d like to hyperlink in all posts and thats all.

    Append and prepend certain html codes to single posts — no need to alter themes if you just want to add some Adsense codes.

    Add it in the text box like this;

    Arts & Entertainment
    Arts & Entertainment/Arts
    Arts & Entertainment/Games
    Business/Article Marketing
    you would use the / to indicate the sub categories.

    I have created over 400 categories in less than one second with this plug in installed on my site — you will however still have to create the category list yourself.

    Just look at the available plug ins available for WordPress and you will find out the unbelievable things you can do with WordPress and your article directory plug in and theme!

    This is truly a great creation by Dimox

  241. Lourens,

    thank you so much for the tip, it is still lightning faster than creating one by one 🙂

    do you know how to import all the articles from articlesbase or other free articles directory, and how to import a list of «virtual» authors ?

    and do you know where can i add the free articles website to a articles directory, so that articles can be added automatically (from clients that use article submitter software…) ?


  242. Tim,

    I do not know of any script available to do the importing of authors and articles. I wrote a script like this a few year back for the purpose of publishing articles from one site to all my other sites. Unfortunately this script seems to be lost at this point.

    The good news is that there are three free article publishing sites that I know about and you could receive in excess of one hundred articles a day if you make use of these services;

    1) Unique Article Wizard

    The one that require the lest effort as it is a WordPress Plug-in so you can just download and install it — change the settings and wait for the articles to arrive!

    2) ArticleUnited

    This require some effort on you part as the receiving script is provided by the site. It is easy to setup and the sign up is also quite easy.

    3) iSnare

    You will have to create your own script to receive the articles or you could adapt the above mentioned script to receive the articles.

  243. Lourens,

    thank you so much for the tips ! i googled much time around about a directory for articles directory websites, but didn’t find anything…

    did you try the wp uniquefier yet from ? it rewrites all the contents to get them uniques… i am waiting for the promised resutts…

    i’ll test your tips and let you know ok.


  244. Awesome plugin! Quick question; how can we get the subcategories to show further down the hierarchy? For example if you have 5 different subcategories under finance: finance>banking, when you click on finance, all 5 subcategories show up, but when you click on the subcategory «banking», the rest of the subcategories do not show on that page.

    I would like my users to have the option that if they click on banking, and realise it is not the subcategory they want, they can just go to the top of the column and pick another subcategory. Currently the way it is set up, they would either have to hit the «back» button, home link or main category link to see the other subcategories.
    I hope this makes sense?

    How would we do this?

  245. I’ve set up an article directory using this plugin and suggested theme. It is easy to set up and keeps you running in a short time. I am happy with the performance of my article directory that I am planning to create another one.

    I would like to know if there are other themes you can suggest that is compatible with your plugin? I would like to create a directory with a different look this time.

    A million thanks for this great plugin.

  246. I would also like to ask if is there a way to mass email all the authors and subscribers of the directory?

  247. @Jerome,

    How would we do this?

    Now — in no way. I will try to do this, but do not guarantee that this function will be realized.


    I would like to know if there are other themes you can suggest that is compatible with your plugin? I would like to create a directory with a different look this time.

    No, only one theme. You’ll have to do this by yourself.

    I would also like to ask if is there a way to mass email all the authors and subscribers of the directory?

    I think there is a plugins which can do this.

  248. Hi, you can email people with the Email Users Plugin. It is very good because you can email by roles, or by specific users. The only pain is it just presents a list of users in the order they signed up or something, and not alphabetitcal. Now that I have hundreds of users it can be hard to find the one I want.

  249. Hi,

    Great plugin, I’ve installed it on my domain, but fore some reason it will not show my nw page links in the navbar.Each time I create and publich a new page it does not display the link in the main navbar.

    I believe it is an issues with the theme and not the plugin itself. When I switch themes the page links from the pages I created show up in the Navbar.

    Any idea why the page links don’t display in the navbar «AFTER» creating and publishing a new page?


  250. thank’s this is great plugin…

    But how can i make like you, the RSS categories…? I think that’s good.

  251. Hi Thanks!

    That worked great!

    How do I get my recent article posts to display like you have your «Recent Articles» in your Sidebar 1? With big red links, the date, category, and excerpt?



  252. @david,

    But how can i make like you, the RSS categories…?

    You can read about this in article above.


    How do I get my recent article posts to display like you have your “Recent Articles” in your Sidebar 1?

    If in the first sidebar widgets are not used, there will display the “Recent Articles”.

  253. Hi,

    First, thank you for this great plugin!

    I had a question / bug report. I have the option set to hide empty categories, but it does not appear to work if there is no category nesting structure — it does not hide the parent categories even if there are no child categories, and no articles in the parent category.

    Any thoughts on what to do, or is this a bug?


  254. Hi

    How do we;

    a. create featured articles list
    b. insert articles in multiple categories
    c. make it SEO friendly
    d. enhance author’s profile

    In your theme — how do we activate other sidebar widgets like for popular articles, featured articles, feedburner etc

    regards / Prafulla

  255. @Expatify, this is not a bug. This option works only for subcategories. I’ve incorrectly named it.

    @Prafulla, Google will help you.

  256. hi,

    is there a autoresponder plugin to manage (list mailing, unsubscribe, scheduler etc. ?) the authors subscription ?

    i have found an autoresponder, but the users have to subscribe through a form box… i also found a plugin to export the emails….

    But the most elegant one would be both combined in just one…


  257. Tim —

    I use the email users plugin to email authors. It does not have an autoresponder. The best thing to do is to search the plugins directory on I wouldn’t email too often though, or you’re just asking to get ignored.

  258. Hey Dimox — thanks for the last update, ESPECIALLY the ability to restrict authors from posting in top level categories. No matter how many times I stated it in the rules, they’d do it anyway. Now if I could just get them to submit in the RIGHT category. Oh well….

  259. publish:

    articles directory is one of the greatest way to get your list… so if there is a way to manage that list that would be great… as i wrote b4, there is a email user plugin, but that has no user management (automated unsubscription ex.)… so that when you send this way, that would be considered as spam….

    and of course there is paid plugin to have wp autoresponder, so what i do now is to export all the emails (periodically) to the wp autoresponder and work that way…


  260. Tim — there is a plugin — I believe it is called «subscribe» that allows uers to subscribe/unsubscribe. Again, I don’t know about an autoresponder.

    I email a couple times a month — not more — and it is mostly about the article directory — so I really don’t think it is spam. If people don’t want the updates, they can delete themselves as authors, I guess…. You could say that in the emails, and so you have given users a way to unsubscribe.

    I give them free links, and figure they should be able to accept an infrequent email.

    I am not doing hard core marketing in mind, but sometimes I give a hint that goes back to an article I have written that may have some advertising in it. I guess the way I do it is indirect, and ha ha, probably not as effective.

    I think you are on a good track here. I is worth further examination.

  261. i have received error:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘mumnig_kkcc.term_taxonomy’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT * FROM term_taxonomy LEFT JOIN terms ON terms.term_id = term_taxonomy.term_id WHERE term_taxonomy.taxonomy = ‘category’ AND term_taxonomy.parent = 0 AND terms.term_id NOT IN (0) ORDER BY

    how to fixed this…

  262. @suraj, unfortunately, don’t know how to fix it, because I can’t understand the reason of the error.

  263. Hi Dimox

    I’m using both the plgin and the theme. But I want a small modification.

    When a logged in user post a comment the link to their website shows up.
    Is there a way to override this making the link go to their profile page?

    Thanks in advance


  264. Hi again

    If this helps you or anyone else I managed to find the solution 😉

    1st — create a new comments template (create your own or just get it somewhere else)

    2nd — this code is responsible for showing all your blog comments and it’s quite self explanatory: you have to find comment_author_link() and change it for:

    user_id) : ?>
    user_id); ?>

    <a href="; ?>»>
    | <a href="#comment-» title=»»> at |

    (unregistered) | <a href="#comment-» title=»»> at |

    You can do it in different ways: plugins, or even changing the functions template. But this seems to be the easier way to acomplish this.

    Dimox, thanks for all the work and effort you’ve put in building this theme and plugin. The possibilities it opens are huge!


  265. hi,

    did you guys ever had a problem with your hosting service when using article directory ??

    one of my website caused the problem and they call it: TOS Violation — MySQL Overload

    the site has reached about 40’000 articles and over 10’000 registered authors…


  266. PS: and which hosting service fit best for a long term function ? let’s say when you reach over 100’000 articles and maybe as much registered users ?


  267. I’ve got a master resellers account that I use for my article sites — I am running four at the moment and two of then accept any and all articles submitted via submission sites.

    The one article site got 64701 published articles and 15,208 registered authors and the other one got 64589 published articles and 17,743 registered authors.

    The real issue is the over selling by webmasters and then they claim abuse or violation of their terms just because you use what you are paying for but in most cases they expect you to pay but do noting on your site, time to move on and get a real host.

    This is the best combination to use for running an article site because WordPress, the article plugins by Dimox, a few other plugins and the theme by Dimox is not that demanding on the system resources as claimed by webmaster.

  268. hi Lourens,

    i got that impression too, but since they may see that your site is using what you are really paing for and that your site is «working» so moving away is a big issue (or not), so i am trying to arrange things by telling what to do or what to pay to get it work normally….

    and have you ever moved your article directory (incl. databases) to another hoster ?? i have to move one, but it’s not easy to do… and i don’t want to loose the 15000 users

    do you have good hosting service to recommend to me ?


  269. Tim,

    Yes, I moved from another server to the one that I am using now.

    I moved from the previous server because I could get similar resources at one fifth of the price of the old server.

    The move was from a cPanel environment to a DirectAdmin environment and it took me a few weeks to get use to the new control panel.

    There are quite a few free scripts or snippets of code that you can use to create backup files (WordPress and DataBase) on the existing server and then transfer them over to the new server directly without having to download and upload the files again.

    You can also make use of the free script called bigdump to import the data into the new database — the possiblilities are endless if you just look around on the internet.

    I do not want to single out a host or promote a host — it would be unfair but you could look on my site at the bottom to see the host that I make use off (I added it for you) or just look for real bargains on auction web sites.

  270. I use both the theme and the plugin but the login function doesn’t seem to work from the homepage. You get emailed nicely your login and username, but the don’t work when you try to log in from the homepage. Where in the code can this be fixed? Probably has to do with the fact that this wordpress installation in not in the root but in a folder?
    Website =
    Thanks for your help.

    The Netherlands

  271. martin, may be this because 2 sites involved in this process ( and

  272. hi,

    on some of my hosting service, i got this message error in the header of each post:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘citabsco_wrdp2.tbl_cxp_posts’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT * FROM tbl_cxp_posts WHERE (`postid` = ‘25220’)

    when i disable the article directory, it disappears…

    Do you know where the problem comes from ?

    Strangely this problem happens with the installation on a specific hosting service….


  273. I installed the plugin and set up categories here but now I wonder where users can actually register, sign in and post the articles? Sorry this question must have come up before but couldn’T really go through all the replies.

  274. Yes but when someone logs in all they see is «tools» in the left sidebar and that’s it. How do they publish articles?

  275. Phil, I’ve registered on your site. In admin area I see not only “Tools”. I see also «Posts», «Comments» and «Profile» and I can publish new post. Not see the problem.

  276. Yes, I saw. Yesterday I changed the default user role upon registration to «contributor» — that solved my problem. Thanks for looking into it.

  277. hello
    are there any extra plugins like featured authors, most popular articles?

  278. As an admin, can I post an article in multiple categories? I understand that- you have disabled multicategory selection for authors.

  279. I noticed that links that apear in your articles do not have a nofollow tag. How do you sfaeguard yourself against bad-neighbourhood links?

  280. just fyi… I am more than happy to give you a donation for your plugin… I do feel its worth supporting, however your method of donation is a bit odd… do you have paypal or something easy??

  281. hi there and thank you for this grate plugin i really like the look and feel of it, i was wondering since i installed the plugin like 2 days ago how to get any writers to place articles into the database any tips thanks again Dimox

  282. I Dimox, one question, how can i use your plugin for only one category and his child and
    exclude the oder category. I want choose a category an his children to be list in as directory, and the other category must be ignored.

    You know how can i do?


  283. I already upload and activate your plug in but I still don’t know how to make all the category and recent post appear on home page.

    Can you explain more please?

    # Copy the categories.css file in directory with your theme.
    what do you mean by that?

    # Add the following code in the index.php (or another file) of your theme:

    Can you tell me what is the specific place to put in index php? or any place is ok?

    # Add the following code in the style.css:

    @import ‘categories.css’;

    Can you tell me what is the specific place to put in style.Css? or any place is ok?

  284. what do you mean by that?

    categories.css is in the plugin’s directory (/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/). Copy it into the /wp-content/themes/YOUR_THEME/ directory.

    Can you tell me what is the specific place to put in index php? or any place is ok?

    You can find the place with testing different places. I can’t say specific place, because I don’t know the structure of your template.

    Can you tell me what is the specific place to put in style.Css? or any place is ok?

    Place in the end of the file and it will be ok.

  285. Thank Dimox for taking your time with me. I still have one more question:

    categories.css is in the plugin’s directory (/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/).

    Copy it into the /wp-content/themes/YOUR_THEME/ directory.

    What file that I copy, would you please tell me? I don’t know which file. Sorry, I am too new to all this stuff. Thanks in advance.

    and one more question please. is there any other plugin I need to install too to make it like your site right now.

    You said if I download your theme, I just install, and activate the plugin and it will be done, but after I install the plugin and download your themes, I still don’t see any category and recent post on home page. I mean the feature of article directory plugin works perfect in backen.

  286. What file that I copy, would you please tell me?


    is there any other plugin I need to install too to make it like your site right now.

    Role Manager plugin.

    I still don’t see any category and recent post on home page.

    You must create all categories in admin panel. Recent post will be shown if site have any of the articles.

  287. Hi Dimox, in the option of plugins i have choose

    Hide empty categories? YES

    but all categories are displayed. Why? i want display category only with some articles inside, and the categories with no articles the category must be hide.
    You know how made?

    For my first question of some days before i have made so: in line 99 of article-directory.php in the query i have

    WHERE term_taxonomy.taxonomy = ‘category’ AND term_taxonomy.parent = 204 »

    so all my directory with ID parent 204 i used for this plugins


  288. Dimox, is there a way we can place all submitted articles under moderation instead of being published straight away?


  289. DIMOX,

    you should start a directory for your Q&A, I tried to look through the list but could not find the answer to my problem, I could have missed it! Sorry if this questions has been asked before.

    I am trying to add pages that should be displayed on the homepage just like you have:

    sitemap, submission requirement, etc

    but for some reason when I add pages in the backend, they dont show up, only one did.

    Please help me



  290. @ Daryl

    this should work if you make all new users a «contributor» by default.

    @ Dimox

    somehow something must have gone wrong with the plugin on my sites because clicking the category links on the homepage of articlesfox doesn’t take me to an overview page like it does when I click on the links on your homepage here? Any ideas what may cause this?

  291. Hi there,

    In the setup of my article directory, I can get the secondary categories to show up in the bullet list like you have them here. Is that standard functionality, or a special implementation of the categories.css.

    An example of how you have a bulleted list of subcategoires under your main category is here:



  292. Jeff Morrow, bullets like on the page you linked is the default state of HTML-lists. If you not see the bullets in you theme, it means what they removed with CSS (most likely in style.css).

  293. Hi.

    I have a problem about the plugin.

    When I use the permalink, categories are visible but articles aren’t visible.When I deactive the permalink, the plugin are working without problem.

  294. I have succesfully plugin installed, and just a few problem on author page. How to visible «setting» menu on the authors page?

    Thanks Dimox

  295. gossip, if you mean the «Management» menu, then the link should be added manually by editing sidebar.php file, between:

    <?php if (!current_user_can('level_7')) { ?>


    <?php } ?>

  296. Not like above, I mean the uthor profile page. In dashboard theres is shown «articles directory plugin». I want to hidden it. I trying in role manager plugin setting, but I not found it. Therefore I ask this case to you

    Screenshot HERE


  297. I’m trying to edit my left sidebar categories. I’d like to split them up with little header graphics. You can see them here:

    I did a mock up in photoshop of what I’d like it to look like.

    Right now this is what my left sidebar is like:

    I’d like it to look like this:

    I don’t know too much about php but I’m pretty sure everything is controlled in the php file ‘article-directory.php’

    I put a copy of mine in it’s current state in a text file here.

    I’d really love to get my left sidebar looking like the After picture above.
    Any help would be greatly appriciated.

  298. Yes I have been setting like that. I also try to reinstall the plugin But the setting menu still show up, any solution?

  299. Nick, you need to use default WordPress function wp_list_categories() to show the categories list, not my plugin. Your problem is solving with only CSS.

    gossip, it is strange… Unfortunately, I have no other solutions.

  300. Dimox when I deactivate your plugin my left sidebar and the resmost of my site turns off. I think I need to do what I need done with your plugin involved. At least thats how the guy on elance built it for me.

    Please check out my site and you’ll see what I mean.

  301. Dimox, I am a total WordPress newb and I really don’t have a clue what I’m doing. Are you saying that if I remove all references to your plugin that the original wordpress sidebar would come back?

  302. hello,

    is it possible to limit the number of submission per day to void spammers to send too many contents ? i mean something that limit 10 posts per day per user for example.


  303. hi Dimox,

    another question: how can i hide the main categories which have no subcategories or posts. There is a function not to show the subcategories in the article directory admin, but i may can do something in the css file ?


  304. Tim, you can do this only with CSS. Sorry, I incorrectly said. I can use for this an option «Comma separated IDs of categories, which should be excluded».

  305. I currently have a lot of articles on a script called Article Dashboard, which doesn’t appear to be supported any longer. Is there any way to import those into this plugin’s database?



  306. Hi, how can i review articles before they are posted?

    Thanks Andy

  307. mattr2110, all the instructions are in article above.

    Andrew Hook, install the Role Manager plugin.

  308. I only have 2 columns and there is a big space between the two columns. How do I get three columns and make them closer together?

  309. Hi, how to I add a privacy policy like yours, terms of service, etc on top sidebar?

  310. Dimox you said, «Nick, you need to use default WordPress function wp_list_categories() to show the categories list, not my plugin. Your problem is solving with only CSS.»

    How much do you want to do this for me? I can’t figure this shit out man.

  311. hi, i have installed ur plugin and follow it step by step.

    the setting seem works because whenever i wanted to publish a new post without any categories, it would remind me to add at least one category.

    but in my directory page, i cannot see any directory listed.
    further more, i didn’t see the registration button as well.

    please advice

  312. but in my directory page, i cannot see any directory listed.

    Don’t know a reason, it must be shown.

    further more, i didn’t see the registration button as well.

    Read the FAQ.

  313. Dimox, using the latest plugin and theme; for some reason there is no pagination showing up on the bottom of the post pages. for example I have it set to show 10 posts per page. If there are 29 posts in that category, it still only shows 10 posts on the page with no pagination to get to the rest of the posts. in this case there should be 3 pages: 10,10,9. Any idea why?

  314. james, may be because the ‘Exclude the child categories articles from the parent categories pages?‘ option is active on plugin’s option page. I not see another reason.

  315. I’m noticing a weird issue that is inconsistent. I’ve got everything configured correctly from what I can tell. In short, category pages and sub-category pages don’t show all (or sometimes ANY) of the articles that have been assigned to them.

    The «recent articles» in the right sidebar do indeed show the posts as added and WordPress shows they’ve been categorized, but for some reason either only a few show up or none at all.


    My Hypnosis articles aren’t showing up at all on either of the Hypnosis or self-help parent pages, but the «addictions» sub-category does have two of 44 posts in «Adictions».

    This is totally confusing. I can’t see how or why this is happening. I have about 2000 articles on this site at this time and traffic is growing, so I need to resolve this somehow.

  316., I will seek a way to fix this.

    William Ashworth, try to deactivate the option «Exclude the child categories articles from the parent categories pages?«.

  317. I’ve tried with and without that option. That’s what doesn’t make sense. It’s really weird.

  318. William Ashworth, yes, you are right. It was my mistake. I did make only pagination, when the WP-PageNavi plugin is used.

    To resolve the problem, do one the following points:

    1. install the WP-PageNavi plugin.


    2. find the following code in the category.php and archive.php files:

    <div class="navigation"><?php if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { wp_pagenavi(); } ?></div>

    and replace it on:

    <div class="navigation">
    <?php if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { wp_pagenavi(); } else { ?>
    <div class="alignleft"><?php next_posts_link('« Older Entries') ?></div>
    <div class="alignright"><?php previous_posts_link('Newer Entries »') ?></div>
    <?php } ?>

  319. Hello,
    I’m having a problem with your plugin. When the plugin is activated I have the following issue:
    — for a user with the role «Contributor», when I click on ‘Add New posts’, the ‘excerpt box’ disappears which is not desired.

    I have had a look at your code, but I don’t find any part which might have disabled the excerpt. But it’s confirmed that this plugin is causing this behaviour when activated. If I deactivate it, the issue disappears.

    Please can you get back to me with how I could fix this asap? Would appreciate an email if possible, else I will look back to this comment.

    — Wakish —

  320. Wakish, deactivate the option ‘Hide unnecessary blocks from the "Write Post" page, if this is not the site administrator?‘.

  321. @Dimox:
    Yeah, this option was the cause. Could this option be made more specific? That is giving checkboxes of exactly what you want to be hidden? Just a suggestion 😉


  322. Still having some issues. Would you mind logging in and taking a peek, or letting me email you screenshots of my config? I’m pretty sure it’s configured correctly, but for some reason SOME (not all) pages simply show nothing, even though the counters next to the links confirm something’s in the categories.

    It’s just the listings that don’t show up and it’s only sometimes, not always. The right sidebar always shows the newest stuff too, so the system’s sorta half working for me.


    Just need an email address to send the screenshots to. Or you can email me and I’ll reply if you don’t want to publicize the email address. Thanks!

  323. William Ashworth, try to do the following:

    1. deactivate Article Directory Plugin and check the problem solved or not.

    if nothing changed:

    2. activate the default WordPress theme and check again.

    Then tell me the a results.

  324. Hi Dimox,

    I am having the same problem as William Ashworth with subcategories and articles not showing. I am wondering if it has anything to do with 2.8.6? I have 2 sites using your plugin and both work fine, but both are still using 2.8.4. Two sites that I am having problems are both using 2.8.6. Coincidence? Thanks!

  325. Glad to see I’m not the only one 🙂

    I still haven’t found a fix for this. It’s hit or miss. Some pages show it, others don’t. It’s really weird.

  326. Hi. I recently upgraded the plugin. Should I also upgrade the default theme?

    What other plugins, besides WP-PageNavi, should be loaded?

  327. I noticed that here, on your article directory, the rss feed categories do not work. If you click on RSS Categories, you are taken to a page that lists the RSS feeds. However, if you click on one of those links, you wind up on the regular category page. Just FYI

  328. Should I also upgrade the default theme?

    As you wish. It’s not obligatory.

    What other plugins, besides WP-PageNavi, should be loaded?

    Role Manager.

  329. hi a kind advice for your article plugin which can make this plugin even more powerful could you please add a copy paste option like in articlemonkey website so that the users of the article directory simple have to copy paste the content with the link back to that particular article directory and to the orginal source.

  330. Hi. I tried setting the «show article source» flag to on, but it doesn’t seem to have changed anything. How is that supposed to work? Does it add it to the end of the_content? Or a link? I have the 1.6 theme installed…

    Also, what about a link back to the article directory? Shouldn’t there be something added at the end of the_content that has a link back to the source?

  331. Never mind… I found the link. I just wasn’t quite sure what to look for. I have Sociable enabled, and it didn’t show up until after that. Is there a way to have the Source link appear prior to anything else attached to the_content? Would changing the filter order accomplish that?

    Also, I was able to rig up something so that the article directory linkback always appears even if the visitor doesn’t use the article source link (sometimes visitors to article directories just copy and paste from the article’s page).

  332. Is there a way to have the Source link appear prior to anything else attached to the_content?

    Find this row in the article-directory.php:

    add_filter('the_content', 'get_article_code');

    and replace it on:

    add_filter('the_content', 'get_article_code', 1);

  333. Why do I get «No articles in this category» (then it lists the articles) when there ARE articles in the category? I’ve looked everywhere and can’t figure this out!

  334. Same issue. I’ve never resolved this. Some categories with articles in them show the listing, while other sub-cats don’t. It’s really weird.

  335. Hi Dimox,

    I like your directory plugin. It is just what I was looking for.
    Thanks so far.

    But I have some problems with it. I have insert it in the index.php file which normally displays the latest articles. Now your directory is displayed firstly on the page. But there is a huge distance to the following «latest articles» section. If I cut the line «content: ‘.’;» in the categories.css file that distance is no longer so huge but normal. But the problem is, that all directory links, created by your plugin than loose their link functionalitiy. You can click on them but nothing happens, although the source code looks fine.

    In IE it works, no problems.

    Can you help me somehow?

    Kind regards

  336. Horst, find this in categories.css:

    #categories {
    margin: 15px 0 5px;

    and replace on:

    #categories {
    margin: 15px 0 5px;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 10;

  337. 1. Does anyone know of a nice plugin that helps to speed up the article approval process? I found and loaded Admin Management Xtended, which has some nice one-click features, but you still have to open a new page to review an article. It would be nice to open a preview pane or an Ajax-type popup/preview to speed reviews up a bit.

    2. Does anyone know of a «directory» of article directories? I’m sure there’s some place people go to find article directories to submit posts to.

  338. In regards to my question regarding the «Article Source» link…

    I modified the code to

    add_filter('the_content', 'get_article_code', 1);

    Now, the link doesn’t open the windows with the source code. It just appends a ‘#’ to the end of the URL and refreshes the page.

    Did I mess something up?

  339. After thinking about it a bit, it seemed that perhaps the Article Source code was firing off too early in the_content (perhaps before the_content was even populated). So I changed that line back to what it was before. That did the trick. The raw content boxes are now opening up, and the link is still appearing appearing after the end of the article but before the Sociable icons.

  340. Hi Dimox,

    Thanks for this nice plugin. However, please advise me what should i do if i want to reject an article submitted by some of my user. I am able to approve the article by clicking the ‘publish article’ button. But dont know how to decline. Please help.

  341. Hi Dimox-

    For some reason i am not getting any prompts or anything to approve pending articles. I don’t even see a list of them. I am using latest version of WP. Thanks in advance for your help!

  342. Dimox,

    If I delete the article, then I will have to send a mail to the author manually that his article has been rejected. I am using the wp status notifier plugin which would send automatic mails when an article is approved / rejected. Isn’t there any option using which we can get the articles in declined status and the mail may be automatically sent.

  343. Brendan,

    For some reason i am not getting any prompts or anything to approve pending articles.

    Because the plugin does not send any notifications.

    I don’t even see a list of them.

    ‘Posts -> Pending Review’ in admin area.

    Article Directory Land,

    Isn’t there any option using which we can get the articles in declined status and the mail may be automatically sent.


  344. Per the questions from Article Directory Land, perhaps it’s a good time to ask my questions again:

    1. Does anyone know of a nice plugin that helps to speed up the article approval process? I found and loaded Admin Management Xtended, which has some nice one-click features, but you still have to open a new page to review an article. It would be nice to open a preview pane or an Ajax-type popup/preview to speed reviews up a bit.

    2. Does anyone know of a “directory” of article directories? I’m sure there’s some place people go to find article directories to submit posts to.

  345. Hi Dimox,

    Is there any way to also show the main category description along with the child category. For example, on your site:
    Internet Business » Blogging
    if you click on «Blogging» child category, your title is:
    Blogging » Article Directory

    What I am looking for would be:
    Internet Business » Blogging » Article Directory

    Any idea how? Thanks!

  346. Still having the issue where some categories (not all of them) choose not to show articles in it. This one in particular has 21 articles.

    If you go to this URL, you’ll see that the system recognizes the articles are indeed there, but the child level doesn’t want to show them.
    (says Broadcast Adv. has 21)

    Any help is appreciated. I’m running the current version of wordpress at this time. Thanks.

  347. The authorization box and the register/login links are not showing up on my site, even though I have enabled «anyone can register» in the general settings. How can i correct this? I am using your article directory plugin and theme, as well as the role manager plugin you suggested.

    I am only getting a section that says:
    * Submit Article
    * Manage
    * Comments
    * Plugins
    * Users
    * Options
    * Logout

    Whereas I want to remove that and have the authorization box there instead. Please let me know how to do it.

    Secondly, where/how do I integrate Adsense into the site?

  348. Whereas I want to remove that and have the authorization box there instead. Please let me know how to do it.

    Click on ‘Logout’ and you’ll see the authorization form.

  349. Thanks Dimox! Can u please tell me where/how do I integrate Adsense into the template?

    Also, is there any way (or any plugin) so that we can pull fresh content from various feeds into our site, so that it becomes a fully automated article directory? I want to have both the options available. That is,
    1. that real users can publish their articles
    2. ability to also pull content automatically from feeds and maybe publish that under a dummy username.

  350. Hi Dimox,

    I like your plugin . Can I remove footer containging copyright powered by WordPress · using Article Directory plugin · Theme by Dimox?

    How much I should donate in order to remove copyright notice?


  351. hi,

    is there a way to send the author author automatically a personalized email that his article has been published ?

  352. is there a way to send the author author automatically a personalized email that his article has been published ?

    I don’t know a way.

    Do you have paypal account?


  353. Hello dimox,.
    Can I ask something?
    I’ve allow anyone register from my blog setting but the register link isn’t appear on my sidebar. Is there way to placing it manually?
    If there is the way please send a email to me or reply at this comment.

  354. aan, put the following code in a place, where you want to see the link:

    <?php wp_register('', ''); ?>

  355. What sofware did you use to create the sitemap for your article dirctory theme/website?

  356. hi

    what does this mean?

    1. Copy the `article-directory` folder in WordPress plugins directory (`/wp-content/plugins/`).
    2. Copy the `categories.css` file in directory with your theme.

    copy? copy it and do what? thank Manny eintorrella@aol.como

  357. hi
    the file is broken :

    Unexpected end of archive The archive is either in unknown format or damaged

  358. How do I add a logo image right before the title, in the header section (like you have on your site).

  359. Hi,

    Thanks for this theme & plug in!

    My question relates to the authors who have subscribed to my directory. Is there any way I can send an e-mail broadcast to all of them using the plug in. If not, do you know of a plug in which lets me do this please?


  360. Ejaji,

    Go to your admin and open your theme editor. On the right side look for the header file. Open that and look for the tag and that is where you will put your logo.


    Here is the url where you can have a look at the one I created.

    I made it at It’s free and easy to create.


    Go to your admin and click on plugins then click on add new. You will find a list, look for email, click on it and it will give you a large list. I’m sure you will find what you are looking for there.

  361. Hello,

    I have a question, i want to make a new website with this theme and plugin but i want to show «Recent Articles» in other blog with traffic and PR how i can do this?

    Thank you,


  362. Thanks guys!

    Still struggling with how to add this .png logo I got from cooltexts though 🙁

  363. Barry, open your cpanel and look for the legacy file manager, open that and look for your blog folder, open that and then look for your wp-content folder. Look for the theme folder and then the article-directory folder. Find the image folder and the upload link. Upload your image.

    Do that and then post if you are still having trouble

  364. Dimox i think is not ok this code because the plugin is running in the site X and the post i want to show in the site Z so…i think need something like include… 🙁

  365. I have this error: when at entering on a comments page in administrative interface the message “Restricted area” was deduced to Colaborator and Author users level, for Editor users level, and admin, works fine. (using Version: 0.9.9 and wp: Versi?n 2.9.2)

    Please somebody help me.

    Thank you very much!

  366. Cristian, find the following code in article-directory.php:

    function restrict_dashboard_screens() {
    if ( ((strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'wp-admin/edit-comments.php')) or (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'wp-admin/comment.php')))) {
    if (!current_user_can('level_7')) {

    and replace level_7 on level_1.

  367. Wooh! I visited my article site today and the weirdest thing had happened. The resolution (size) of the whole thing has decreased. Take a look and see what I mean:

    It just changed overnight, I didnt do anything to it!

    Any idea how i fix this and get it back to normal please?


  368. How odd.

    I just checked using Opera and, yes, it does look 100% normal. I flicked over to Firefox and it looks tiny again,

    All other sites look normal in FF, though. Just that one looks small. I tried emptying cache with no result. Weird

  369. Hi there, grat plugin.

    Is there a way of making the article directory appear on a page other than the front index page?
    I wouldlike it to appearon a page created in wordpress.

  370. Hi Vince, I like your site and the logo you made for it. Care to share how you made it and how you are getting so much traffic to your site already? Have a look my site and let me know what you think.

    By the way, the plug-in for this site is great. I was wondering if there is a ratings plug-in you or anyone here can recommend so visitors can rate articles. I know WP has a list of ratings plug-ins but I’m not sure which one would work best for this theme.

  371. hi all,
    I am using WP 2.9.2 and when i try to activate this plugin, i got:
    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
    What could I be doing wrong here? I followed all the instructions.

  372. Go back to plug-ins and click on installed then click on activate again and it should work.

  373. Sir is there have any options that at first admin will approve authors articles?then it will publish on site.Plz sir help me

  374. hello
    i really love this plugin
    and i want to change the theme.
    can you help me?
    i tried to installed digg 3 column theme from small poatao
    and it seems not working, category feature showing top to down, not left to right

    email me !

  375. Sajib, no.

    Tom Carrick, perhaps you need this.

    jacksoking, most likely, you have not connected the categories.css file.

  376. yes, category.css is the problem.
    but i tried include category.css to theme
    it seems working but not work well
    i set 3 cloumn but it shows 2 cloumn.
    and the sub-categories is showing front of right not like the default.
    i am wondering you can fix my problem.

  377. hi, i?m use your plug and theme on articuloshispanos (.) com but i have a problem with the option to show the «source article», somebody can helmpe?

  378. blog3k, it seems like you have changed plugin’s code — script using for display a sourcecode is broken on your site.

  379. hi, i upload the compplete theme and plug again but the problem is theare, i think the problem is with other plugin..

  380. Hi,

    I have problem with previous (or suggest) articles in the same category (the bottom of article page).

    For example, if I have category structure like:

    — Society
    — Relationships

    Sometimes I got «more articles» at bottom of page with «society» category, and sometimes with «society». The same happens in top, below title: sometimes «Posted in Relationships» and sometimes posted in «Society».

    How to fix this or how to let me decide for each article what is the best choice?

    Thank you.


  381. Alex, send a link to your website so we can have a look at what you are talking about. Also, you may find an answer to your problem by going to your admin panel, clicking on setting and clicking on Article Directory and selecting the options you want from the list.

  382. When my user gives log in details on home page, it still shows login box and does not show the options like Submit Article, Change Password, Logout. Earlier it was showing. You can use the login details «ahujaks» and password «ahujaks» to test the same. Please help.

  383. kulpreet, this can occur if cookies are disabled in your browser. I have tried and logged in successfully.

  384. Dear Dimox,

    Thanks for your quick response and that problem has solved.

    One more thing I would like to know is that when Author clicks on link My Profile he cannot change his password because there is no submit button.



  385. kulpreet, find in article-directory.php this code:

    .submit input#publish {visibility: visible}

    and paste after it following code:

    .submit input.button-primary {visibility: visible}

  386. Hi Dimox,

    Thanks for this great plugin! I am using wordpress and buddypress to create a social network site and would like to use the wordpress blog as a sort of forum. I stumbled upon your plugin which is very useful if I want my users to see the different categories in the forum. I did everything in the installation instruction bt the categories directory are still not showing in the home page. What could be the problem? dose the plugin work with buddypress? Hope you could shed a light to this query.

    Thanks in advance!

  387. Do you have plans to release a new version for WP3 ? Or I can figure out it myself. I already hardly tweaked your code.

    Nice job! My respect!

  388. How much would you charge to make this script for me so that I can charge people for posting articles? I need to charge auhors monthly? Is there possible to add rating articles function for registered users only? What would you charge?

  389. densyo, I have not tested plugin with buddypress and don’t know what’s the problem.

    Maxoud, most likely, I will refuse from further develop and support of the plugin, I had neither the time nor the inclination for this.

    e-Stonia Web Developers, sorry, I can’t do this.

  390. Hi. I’m having an issue with my main article site, and I was thinking you might be able to provide some insight.

    The site is huge, and occasionally goes through a phase where it simply will not load. However, if I visit the site as admin (wp-admin) it will immediately free itself up, and start loading normally. It’s a puzzle.

    I watched it happen just a few minutes ago. I tried to hit the URL in a Firefox session. Nothing would load. Then I tried it in an IE session with the same results. Then I added wp-admin to the URL in the Firefox session — it went to the login page, and I logged in as admin. When I refreshed the URL in the IE session, the site came right up.

    This has happened before, but it is very sporadic.

    I can’t think of anything I’ve loaded that would do this. Can you think of any reason why logging in as admin would free something up?

  391. Hi,

    I just installed the theme and plug-in and I’m noticing that the plug-in limits me to only choosing one category. Is there a way I can change it so that I can choose more than 1 category for a post? Thanks!!

  392. Walt, sorry, I can not imagine why this is happening.

    free marketing products, see plugin options page.

  393. Thanks for this, very good job,
    but i’ve a problem with widget in wordpress v3, no categories display on the sidebar when ADW is installed

  394. @ Will
    It seems there is an opportunity to make article directory on WP3 without plugin just using custom post types.

  395. I’m have a new issue. I see a number of articles being submitted with the category «uncategorized». I do not have that category — I changed it to something else long ago. I was under the impression the article directory plugin would not allow a post to be published without the category, and I’ve tried to do it myself but it always stops me. So, how are authors getting away with this?

  396. Could I use this plugin to make an article directory that wasn’t based on the main page of my blog? I’d like to open up an article directory as an extra feature rather than the entire purpose of the site. So the actual article directory would be it’s own category, with subcategories for the articles.

    Is this possible, if so how?

  397. I have role manager installed, I was wondering what setting do I need to have in order to have the author be able to update their profile in wordpress?

  398. Please let me know how to get approved for an author account.

  399. Hi Dimox,

    How to hide sub — sub categories in the main page?

    Please advise.

    Thank you.


  400. Can you place the directory in a subdirectory on your server so it’s not the main front of your site. I’d like to have a specialized article directory but as another part of my WordPress blog site where it functions just like here, but it’s separate from the site? Like

  401. Go to your cpanel and click the fantastico icon and click wordpress on the left side then click new install. It will ask you what directory you want to put it in, name it whatever you want. Since you already have WP installed, you may have to edit your config file. It will give you instructions.

  402. Hi Dimox

    I’m having trouble installing the Article Directory Plugin (I installed Article Directory Theme successfully). Here is the message I get when I try to install the plugin:

    Destination folder already exists. /home/article/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/

    Plugin Install Failed.

    The plugin is not showing up as one that needs to be activated, nor is it showing in my llist of Active plugins. The only plugins showing up as active are Role Manager and Post Corrector.

    I am new to WordPress, so please be patient.

    Can you help please?

    Thank you

  403. Graeme, strange problem. Try to delete the plugin and then refresh plugin’s page and then reinstall the plugin.

  404. Dimox, the plugin is not listed so I can’t delete it. Perhaps I’m not uploading the correct files. I’m trying to upload Is that right?


  405. I’m trying to upload Is that right?

    No. You need to unzip this archive.

  406. GM that happened to me too. what I did is clicked on plug-in on the left side, found it and clicked activate. If you can’t find the one you uploaded, just upload it again from the WP admin.

  407. Thanks Gary. I may have to go back a step or two….I’m new to WordPress. I’ve got a zip file on my Desktop called article-directory.0.9.9 as a result of downloading the plugin. Would you mind walking me through what I need to do with file please? I didn’t find the instructions here easy to follow.

    Thank you and regards

  408. Can you get into your WP admin/dashboard? If so then on the left side you will see a plug-in link, click on it to open the dropdown then click on installed. If you see the plug-in you uploaded then click activate, if not then go back to the plug-in dropdown and click on install new. At the very top of the next page you will see an upload link, click it and then click the browse button to find the zip file you downloaded, on the next page click activate and you’re all set.

  409. Hi Gary

    Very kind of you to help me out. There was nothing installed to activate, so I did as you suggested and installed it again. I got the following message:

    Installing Plugin from uploaded file:
    Unpacking the package.

    Installing the plugin.

    Destination folder already exists. /home/article/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/

    Plugin Install Failed.

    I’m not sure where to go from here. Are there any other free good article directory scripts (excluding Article Dashboard)?


  410. GM when you click on the installed link under plugins, at the top of the page do you see a link that says inactive? If so click it to see if that is where the plugin is. If its there click activate.

  411. Gary, there is no Inactive link. All I have is «All» (which has Akismet, Post Correlator and Role Manager), «Active» which has the 3 just mentioned), and «Upgrade Available» (for Akismet). If it helps any, I’m using WordPress 2.9.2.

  412. hey is there any chance i can integrate this with headway theme? i am total noob as css,i want the categories column in the sidebar instead of the it possible to modify the theme provided by you this way??

  413. Is it possible to create mailing list and sent out emails to authors who have registered on the site?

  414. Is it possible to show sub posts instead of sub categories under the parent category? So if I have 2 posts in a certain category, the plugin will show those instead of a sub category?


  415. Dimox, I do not have sub categories. So instead of showing those under the main category. I would like to show the actual posts within the category.

  416. to further clarify. Under my main category it says «No categories». I would rather have that show a link to the posts within that category.

  417. Just what I was looking for but need some direction in tweaking to work best. I’m using this as a directory of categories. Half posts are custom business listings. Half posts are events, updates, and general goings on of the group. {No posts/articles will be submitted by outsiders}

    Problem is I just want the directory to display on 1) the main directory page (with no content) and 2) directory above each business listing.

    I love that I can exclude categories- but the directory still displays on those categories/posts which have been excluded.

    What is the best way to accomplish this? (I’m don’t know php…)

  418. Carrie Wells, use the following code:

    <?php if (is_page('7')) { if (function_exists('article_directory')) article_directory(); } ?>

    7 — is the ID of «Directory» page. Replace it with your own.

  419. well i found the plugin helpful. But i would be glad if the future release of the plugin with have shortcode , this will really make it easier to use. i had some minor challenges using it initially until i read through some of the replies but with the shortcode, it will be one of the most useful WP plugin.

  420. Dimox;

    Thanks! But I’m not sure do I add that to function.php or another file?

    I can’t wait for this to come out in another version too; this is a n awesome plugin — {I’d pay for some premium features.}


  421. Dimox, I want to remove the recent post/articles from the side bar. How can I remove it without messing up the theme? I tried putting 0 but it adds 10 articles.

  422. Carrie Wells, find in your template a place, where you have inserted this code:

    <?php if (function_exists('article_directory')) article_directory(); ?>

    and replace it with code, which I have posted in my previous comment.

  423. Hi Dimox,

    great plugin, very nice job. Thank you for sharing.

    I have problem:

    If I try login from another site (not main — home), I get errors:

    Warning: parse_url(/http:/ [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse URL in /home/caffema1/public_html/ on line 968

    Warning: Cannot modify header information — headers already sent by (output started at /home/caffema1/public_html/ in /home/caffema1/public_html/ on line 890

    I am not good in programing and I do not know what to do.
    Please help.

    Thank you

  424. Hello Dimox
    I found a small bug after update to Wp 3, it’s impossible for users add tags to article, any help?

  425. Stew, it’s not a bug. See these options:

    — Hide unnecessary blocks from the «Write Post» page, if this is not the site administrator?
    — Show the tags field?

  426. Dimox
    I set YES and tag not show, before update my wp to version 3, the tags field not work, if i deactive the plugin article directory, the tag field work good
    bye stew

  427. Hi Dimox,
    Thank you very much for your article directory plugin.
    So amazing because you give us just for free.
    But would you help me, because I try to put adsense on my post, but wont to show.
    I try use adesense deluxe, or put adsense code my your template, but still not displayed.
    Would you help and assist me? Thank you very much.

  428. I have uploaded the theme and plugin but i see no articles published what am i doing wrong
    or have i to submit the articles

  429. Hi Dimox,

    Nice plugin. Do you plan to make this compatible with WP 3.0 soon? Another thing. I can contribute article directory templates if you like. That’ll help users as well.

    Role manager plugin you’re recommending is no longer up-to-date.

  430. Ken, of course you have to submit the articles.

    Manish, frankly speaking, I have no desire to develop further this plugin, so I do not know what came next.

  431. Do you mean, you will no longer update it? That’s bad news since there are many users of this plugin already. If you don’t mind. May i know reason?

  432. Manish,

    Do you mean, you will no longer update it?

    I don’t know now.

    May i know reason?

    1. Not interesting, no incentive.
    2. Requires many changes after every major WordPress release.
    3. I not quite a PHP guy, therefore hard to develop the plugin.

  433. Would you like to sell the whole setup? I can further develop this plugin i know.

  434. Hey, I was planning to move my nyw Article site from ArticleMS to your theme. The only question I have is: How do people sign up at my website? I did a test of the theme and it works et ( but I do not see any where the visitors can sign up an post articles.

  435. Domix, I have Authors closing comments when they post an article. How can I take that ability away from them. I want visitors to be able to comment on all articles posted to my site.

  436. Gary,
    to disable commenting control on posts add this code to your theme’s functions.php:

    add_action('init', 'action_metaboxes');
    function action_metaboxes() {
    add_action('admin_menu', 'my_remove_metaboxes');
    function my_remove_metaboxes() {
    remove_meta_box('commentstatusdiv', 'post', 'normal');

  437. Hey… thanks, that worked just fine. However, I have another question. I want to turn comments on for a particular post that an author made but some of the functions inside my admin dashboard has been disabled for what ever reason. Can you advise? Thanks

  438. Gary,
    my offered code only disables Author’s control over turning commenting (and trackback) options on/off on their post (checkboxes below in Add/Edit post panel). It does not disable commenting itself: you still have the control on these things so you are in charge to allow/disallow globally.

  439. Gary,
    you still have GLOBAL control over commenting/trackbacks through Settings -> Discussion menu. My offered code just removes checkboxes in Author’s admin area to disallow them to turn On/Off these things.

    If my code is not what you are waiting for, just remove it to revert.

  440. Hey, I figured out the thing I asked before you had replied, but thanks anyway. I’m currently trying to add the rss feature to each and every category. I’ve created a new php file named rsstest.php and placed it in my current themes folder. However, when I create a page I don’t get the option to choose it as default template. Does anyone know why?

  441. Gary,
    you still have GLOBAL control over commenting/trackbacks through Settings -> Discussion menu. My offered code just removes checkboxes in Author’s admin area to disallow them to turn On/Off these things.

    If my code is not what you are waiting for, just remove it to revert.

  442. Nevermind my previous question about the RSS feeds for all categories. I figured our that if i changed the CHMOD of the rssfeeds.php to 555 then I could view them. Thanks anyways!

  443. Maxoud,

    The code you gave me works just fine. I was having the problem before I implemented the code. I was just hoping you could give me some advice on how to solve the problem.

  444. Gary,
    Dimox is hiding some Admin area features using javascript. These includes tags, WP version and more, but nothing about comments. Can you please explain what really is missing. And check your other plugins for sure.

  445. nice theme dimox , I love it, but please lead me how to :
    1. remove sidebar 2(the one that has RSS, Archive, blogroll), I need to change become 2
    columns theme
    2. remove the recent articles on the bottom at home page

    thanks alot

  446. I am having a problem with my new users who sign up and have the option to change their temporary password. When they go to their profile and change their password, there is no way to save the information because there is no «update profile» button.

    The update profile button is there on the admin’s profile, and it only appears when I upgrade the user’s role to an editor or admin. When I disable the plug-in for the Article Directory and use another theme, the update profile button re-appears for any type of user role.

    Is there a way that I can get this button to appear on the profile page for all roles?

    I am using WP v3.0

    Thanks in advance.

  447. Hi Stew,
    That’s too bad that it is not compatible with wp 3.0. I am using on my 3.0 site and everything is working fine, other than the “update profile” button.
    If I could get this to work, everything else seems to be working very well.

    Thank you….

  448. I have both theme and plugin installed on my article directory. I am getting just one large list of categories. How can I make several columns of categories. Can’t find a post on this. Thanks a bunch!

  449. Rockabilly, try to remove this row form article-directory.php:

    .submit input {visibility: hidden}

  450. Hey Dimox, I have both theme and plugin installed. There is no code to edit. I am just getting one column of categories. Is there an area of theme or plugin that I should look at the code? I have plugin configured properly. I skipped 2-nd, 4-th and 5-th installation requirements.

  451. Chris, I can’t say anything without an example.

    Stew, it seems like these plugins automatically insert his code at the end of post content, therefore it falls into the textarea. You need to put share buttons manually.

  452. Hey, Stew! Your HTML output is damaged. Check your code. Use WP’s debug and error_reporting();

  453. Maxoud
    I’ve try it, but i have extract the function (for plain text and html) from article directory plugin and place it in functions.php file. Article directory plugin not work in Wp 3, user can’t add article TAGS in dashboard.

    I’ll like add source code function withouth plugin but not understand how do it.

  454. Dimox. I am using your theme/plugin. I want to remove links from footer. Can i pay a one time fee to remove them? If yes, How much? I know you have worked hard so i can’t simply remove link without asking you.

  455. Hi,

    I wanted to check the following items about the plugin, no doubt it is a great plugin and I am not sure if it does the following things.
    1. Specify Custom fields
    2. Let users submit their listing to the directory
    3. charge users for submitting listing to the directoy.


  456. the plugin is not working anymore on my index page. I have no idea why. I am using wp3.0.

    When I activate the plugin I get the header, the first lines of index page (welcome…., there are….) and then the rest of the page is blank. I have tried reinstalling it but to no avail.

    Please do you have an idea what happened? It was working fine since I installed it, even after I upgraded but suddenly it went down. 9At least i don’t know what I did to cause that to happen)


  457. Is there a place where I can find more information on how to add custom fields to the article submission.


  458. I am looking at switching from a joomla site to wp, can i customize more than described here…I am looking to do what sobi2/sobi pro can do…is this possible…can i hire you or a programmer to build upon this plugin?

  459. Hi. I tried to make this plugin work for me…
    the website is
    The problem is that after registering, I can not submit articles, it always takes me to «htto — 500 internal server error» and then say: «HTTP — 500 Internal Server Error
    The page you are attempting to load returned an error.»

    How can I solve that?

    Thank you.

  460. So when will you update this plug-in so that it’s compatible with the current version of WordPress 3.0.1? Seems like a useful plug-in, but judging from some of the comments here, it needs to be updated to solve compatibility issues. I considered using it but saw the date of the last time it was updated and knew it would be a waste of time because of the version of WordPress I’m using.

  461. Hi, How do I get to the google adsense code to change size and account number? I’ve looked everywhere and can’t see it. Thank you!

  462. Dimox, awesome plug-in mate.

    I am wondering though, how can I make it so that registered members automatically have the permission to add articles?

  463. Alright, the plug-in seems really good, I’ve made some settings for Admin / Moderator / Author etc, but I still can’t work out how to make it so that whoever signs up automatically goes into the Author group.

    Which tab has this feature?


  464. Thanks again! I know I’m being a pain lol but I have one last thing! I have edited the specific permissions, but no matter what I do, a new user «does not have permission to make posts»..

    The thinks I have checked under «Author» are:

    -Upload files
    -Publish Pages
    -Publish Posts
    -Edit published posts
    -Delete published posts

    What else would you reccomend so that they have the permission to post articles?

    Thanks for putting up with these questions 😀

  465. OKay my last post seems to have not worked lol, but everything you said has worked so far, now the last step is just that my new users still dont have the permission to post, even tho I made a group and enabled «Publish Pages» and «Upload files».. just wont work though, when a new used clicks «add article» it says they do not have permission. Thanks again.. 🙂

  466. Nevermind, got it working! Turns out the authors category just woudln’t work for some reason!

    thanks again! This is an awesome script and recomended for anyone looking for an article directory solution!

  467. Hi, I see you came in and answered questions but not mine. I want to get rid of or change the adsense on the pages but can’t find the code anywhere. where is it??

  468. You have to apply for adsense through google but the first thing you should do is set up your website. Google will not approve your account unless you have a complete website with traffic to it. I know of a plug-in that will add content to your site automatically.. have this plug-in add content for a while before you apply for adsense.

  469. Thanks but I already know that and have a google adsense account. it’s displaying on my site of several hundred pages now with this guys code not mine — I don’t want to make HIM money, I want to make ME money! Plus, the damn thing is in a funky shape and I want to change it. Perhaps that’s why he wont answer the question. Anyone else know where the code is? I’ve checked through all the ones I can edit through the wp editor interface so I am assuming its coded or hidden.
    Thank you.

  470. hmmm whose adsense is it exactly? and how did they get it onto your site?

  471. Anyone else know where the code is?

    That’s where you, your authors or hackers put this.

  472. That’s where you, your authors or hackers put this.

    And that means what??

  473. Default ArticleDirectory theme does not have any Adsense code. That means somebody else placed it there.

  474. Thank you for the answer and Good question! I downloaded it from here so I have no idea. I can say that I didn’t think this had adsense, but I always have ads blocked, I turned off my adblocker and accidentally was looking at a page on my site and that’s when I saw it. Someone must have gotten in. wonderful. Someone hacked my twitter acct too. Maybe same person.

    Have a good day all.

  475. I’ve been using your plugin and theme for quite awhile now. It mostly works perfectly.

    Recently, I’ve had several people post articles and somehow they selected ALL of the categories. Yet, when I try it, I get a message telling me I can only select one category. How can they possibly be selecting more than one category? And, how can I make absolutely certain it doesn’t happen in the future?

  476. Walt, probably they submit articles with JavaScript disabled in their browser. Unfortunately, no way to prevent this.

  477. Hi Dimox,

    Do you know the MySQL command to approve all remaining posts in wordpress. I have more than 1000 pending posts in the last few days. I filtered out and deleted all the spammy niche posts such as escorts, pharmacy, poker etc. and now all remaining pending posts seems ok and adsense safe. But I dont have the patience to go through approving each of them. Is there any way to approve all the remaining posts at once without going through it one by one or one page after another. I know there are MySQL commands for deleting or approving pending comments and I am quite sure there would be MySQL commands for approving all the pending posts too. Do you know the MySQL command for the same. If anybody else also knows please share with us as it would be of great help while bulk approving articles.

  478. Zaman, I don’t know MySQL, but I have found this command in Google:

    UPDATE `wp_posts` SET `post_status` = 'publish' WHERE `post_status` = 'pending'

    I think, this is that you want. I recommend making a backup of the database before it changes.

  479. Hi

    First of all Thanks a lot for your beautiful template… are really good at what you do.

    I have following questions i will be really thankful if you reply to them

    how can i make more than one indexed page like you have your home page. i need 3-4 indexed pages like that for my site.

    how can i place advertisements on the side on my website

    thanks for your time.

  480. Hi people,

    I saw this themes and plugin and I think that this can help me alot. Actualy, I want to use it to build my own article directory network, but I would also like to build spinner engine website which can automaticy send unique articles to my networked sites.

    Does anybody have idea how to build that engine website on WP, or is there some plugin that can help me? It does not have to be free.


  481. Tushar,

    how can i make more than one indexed page like you have your home page. i need 3-4 indexed pages like that for my site.

    I don’t understand what you want.

    how can i place advertisements on the side on my website

    Edit sidebar.php.

  482. Hi again,

    I start to configure this plugin and teme and I need to translate it to another language, and I can’t find this part of text:

    Welcome to article directory {Site name}. Here You can find interesting and useful information on most popular themes.
    There are {articles number} published articles and {registerd users} registered authors in our article directory.

    Where I can find it and change it?


  483. Hi, I have been using your excellent plugin and theme for some time, but I have 2 small questios that I have not yet figured out.

    1. Why the links do not show in the articles that are being puplised? I create a link to a webpage in the article, puplish it, and no links appear in the article? Using other themes, the links are there…

    2. If I write an article that is too long, it does not show all of it.

    Can you help me?

  484. 1. Why the links do not show in the articles that are being puplised? I create a link to a webpage in the article, puplish it, and no links appear in the article? Using other themes, the links are there…

    Read this.

    2. If I write an article that is too long, it does not show all of it.

    The reason exactly not in my plugin.

  485. Hi, I am trying to download the plugin but the link just reloads the plugin page?

    Please send me the link so I can download it.


  486. Thanks for your prompt reply.

    One more issue — I have created all parent and child categories however articles the child categories are not being displayed on the home page?

    any ideas?

    thanks for an awesome plugin!

  487. I am using Heatmap theme and wondering how I can get the stats to show up btw I added code to the functions.php that I saw in the one with your theme….any help appreciated ….see below no numbers 🙁 I’m using WP 3.0 ?

    «There are published articles and registered authors in our article directory.»

  488. Sharon, you must put this code in functions.php. And the text with a stats will be the following:

    There are <?php global $numposts; echo $numposts; ?> published articles and <?php global $users; echo $users; ?> registered authors in our article directory.

  489. Thank you.
    Seems that I was missing the ‘global’ part within the code for the template!

  490. WordPress says the theme is broken when I try to upload?

    Can you please check the file and let me know once updated?


  491. this is great plugin for wp but them don’t working with big database article , thank you

  492. john, I don’t think it’s the fault of plugin. When knowing the plugin code I can say there is no matter how many articles you have.

  493. The zip file does not include the style.css file therefore I am unable to load in wordpress.

    PLEASE update and advise!


  494. It seems that you have released an update version. From the demo, I’m pretty much happy with the features you have included. Luckily didn’t purchase the directory plugin which cost me an arm and leg

    Will test it further and not hesitate to give donation since it well worth the money.


  495. hi,
    great plugin!
    thanks so much,
    is there any Changelog for the 1.0 version. i just started using this 3 days ago and now an update!
    great work.

    ps — i’m working on coding a way to have the directory only display ‘n’ random categories, to save space, changing every 24 hours…

  496. The update have broken all the permissions I have given to all my authors !!!!!!
    I have more than 200 contributors !!!
    WHy do you have changed this ? It was not necessary to broke this part
    Now I have to waste time searching how to fix this
    any help ?
    For sure, I will donate only if I can have a solution.

    1. If you want that contributors have access to admin area, use a previous version of the plugin.

      The main idea of this version is close access to admin area for users who has role below the Editor.

  497. also when i update the plugin for latest version. my website doesnt redirect to index. also if i type my weburl and it goes to author-panel page. not the index. my indexpage is not at all showing . how to solve that?

  498. what if the author , or contributor, wants to edit the previously posted articles? . i dont see any option for that

      1. I think this part needs to be added. I just noticed this as well and decided to remain on older version of plugin and older version of WordPress once I noticed this wasn’t there.

        Things needed…

        * Edit previous articles
        * Images support in articles
        * WYSIWYG editor (light support), at least for links so they don’t need to know HTML
        * Forgot password functionality that doesn’t use WordPress’s branded page

  499. and regarding that index redirection . its because of redirection plugin. thats a piece of shit.

  500. i hope u dont understand. for example if i am a contributor or author. i have posted an article & it has been waiting for approval. in the meantime i want to change something in the post which i made. how would i do that >? . with ur latest update.

  501. the update seems to be broken when my authors tries to login it say’s «you don’t have permission to access this area» something like that. And so they won’t be able to submit new articles. What seems to be the problem? I went back to the older version instead.

      1. it say’s like «You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.» it won’t take me to the dashboard.

  502. So other than using the old version if you made signups contributors. Can you change the membership status via rolemanager or something and use the new version or would that not be possible?

  503. So does that mean the new system does not use the standard WordPress registration form anymore at url/wp-login.php?action=register ?

  504. I just installed the article plugin. But I can’t manage it. If you visit my site you only see the submitting page in the option page. But where is the home page?

    1. In author-panel.php file find this row:

      'post_status' => 'pending',

      and replace pending on publish.

  505. ok i already have two questions pending. here’s a third.
    but in addition to not having a way for the authors to log in the author panel is blank when i am not logged in. so need to solve both of those
    also need to know where to put
    UPDATE `wp_posts` SET `post_status` = ‘publish’ WHERE `post_status` = ‘pending’
    so that all future postings will be automatically approved.
    thanks so much for putting this here. donation will follow when i get it fully operating correctly. can delete the other two pending messages. still saved me about $100 over the runner up software for doing this job

    1. but in addition to not having a way for the authors to log in the author panel is blank when i am not logged in.

      Only logged in users can submit articles. If they were allowed to add articles without registering, we get tons of spam.

  506. Hi, does the plugin allow for the article administrator to review articles before they are published or are the entries automatically published?

  507. How to add TinyMCE editor to author panel. Right now there is no way to add any links in the articles, that can be followed by SE bots. Who will post articles to such directory, if authors can’t do some SEO link building.

        1. I agree. People publish articles for link building, is there a way to allow the authors to acess admin page to publish their articles like the other versions?

  508. ok let me see if i can clarify this
    or you can just go to my site and see it for yourself
    when you are not logged in , there is NOTHING there
    i am looking for a registration link or something but it is completely blank
    i am using one of the simplest themes that you can use and i do believe that i submitted everything properly. so please advise how i can resolve this issue.

    i changed the code from pending to publish, does this mean that i wont have to moderate? i am likely to have 100s of articles coming in daily. i won’t have the time to moderate them all

    1. i am looking for a registration link or something but it is completely blank

      Firstly you need to allow the registration in general setting in admin panel.

      Secondly you need to put on your site the registration link and authorization form. You can get the code from the sidebar.php file of Article Directory Theme.

      i changed the code from pending to publish, does this mean that i wont have to moderate?


      1. uh… you think you might have includede that bit of info in the INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS??? would you like to help me fix my broken blog now. in trying to figure out the solution my blog ended up not rendering ANY links properly they ALL show as code now! VERY unappreciated failure to provide vital info on your part!
        EMAIL ME!

        1. you think you might have includede that bit of info in the INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS???

          Will be added.

          would you like to help me fix my broken blog now.

          Sorry, I’m not interested.

  509. I setup the plugin and the theme as the directions said on the website. People can signup and submit articles but the front of my site show the main categories and it just says No categories under each main one. I have reset the settings to the default settings and I still cant seem to get anything to show up. I have an article listed under Real Estate and Finance says there is one article but it doesnt show the sub-categories.

  510. this is a fantastic plugin! i do agree with Juri Hass, the ability to add links or pictures to articles would be great.

  511. How can I use custom taxonomy for directory instead of categories for posts? Is there an easy way to do it?

  512. I am having problem with category lists. They are not coming as equal.First colum is shorter than the other two, how can I fix this please?

  513. just fyi
    i got it working after all.
    nice script
    please ensure people have all the basic info they need to do the installation.

  514. Nice script and works well have been using it since its original release.
    In the new update i am unable to get the script to work with the customised author panel like i need to make the submitted articles published immediately, but that is not working at my end, or is there a plugin for that particular function.

    1. In the new update i am unable to get the script to work with the customised author panel like i need to make the submitted articles published immediately

      I have tested and this works for me.

  515. Hey Dimox,

    How can we «Nofollow» the navigation links at the top? I’ve tried plugins, tried doing it manually, and nothing’s worked so far.
    These are in my top nav
    * About
    * Advertise
    * Author Panel
    * Contact
    * Privacy Policy

    Any ideas?

    1. Close to perfect. Need the ability to let users view/change/delete existing posts. Right now (unless I’m mistaken) they can only submit, but cannot change their articles they’ve submitted.

      1. Need the ability to let users view/change/delete existing posts.

        These functions will not be added in author panel.

        1. May I ask why? These are considered essential functions of any article directory. They’re the basics. One instance I can see needing the ability to edit submissions is if they messed something up and need to make a change.

          1. Then maybe I need to help you. I’ve been developing professionally for 10+ years. I’m somewhat busy with a large project this month but I may be able to help out over the next 60-90 days 🙂

  516. So, is this a new version of the article directory theme? I like it.

    I have a LARGE directory. Recently there have been numerous issues. For instance, all of a sudden the «front page» is not working. The only part that loads is the introductory paragraph, and then nothing else. I suppose it could be a plugin or perhaps a script error, but I’m not sure about the best way to get it debugged. Suggestions?

      1. When I look at the view-source option and compare it to the index.php file, it appears that the page stops rendering at the point where the article_directory function starts. So, I just commented out that function like this:

        //if (function_exists(‘article_directory’)) article_directory();

        Now the theme looks right. Exactly what does that function do — and why does everything look normal when it is commented out? Is there something else I can do to debug this issue?

          1. WP 3.0.1. AD 1.1

            I have 6 article directories set up, all identical. They all «share» the same theme and plugin version. This one is the only one that does this.

            I did a little debugging. If I add a var_dump($cal_tree); at about 190 I get a good dump. However, if I put a var_dump or echo right before $_tree = array(); at about 193, I get nothing. I’m not sure how to debug further…

  517. can you help me ?
    I get this error page :
    Cannot modify header information — headers already sent by (output started at /home/path..of my domain…./themes/article-directory/author-panel.php:1) in /home/mydomain/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890

    any idea ?
    I get this when any user publish a new article.
    I then see the article in the admin panel to moderate it
    but for the author is a bit disturbing !

    Thanks to help !

      1. Not the solution, unfortunately.

        I have seen a part in your script author-panel.php where MAYBE there is MY problem.
        It seems that BECAUSE I have created new roles (to manage some authors) that I have created a conflict between the plugin managing the new roles and yours.
        But even if I deactivate «WP Limit Posts» (the plugin I used) and delete, the roles are still in the DB and even I put back users to simple Contributors, the trouble is still there.
        I went to PHPMyadmin and deleted in the DB all the new roles this Post Limits created.
        Still the problem when a simple contributor create an article. I don’t get any message that the post is under revision…

        How do you manage new roles (i need to have free and paid authors).
        Any plugin suggestion ?

        Any idea to fix the conflict ?
        Thanks a lot.

        1. How do you manage new roles (i need to have free and paid authors).
          Any plugin suggestion ?

          I just selected the «Author» as default role for new users. Don’t know a plugins.

          Any idea to fix the conflict ?

          Have no ideas.

  518. Hi. I am about to install wordpress and your (fabulous) plugin on my domain name.

    I was just wondering how can i populate my article directory quickly?

    Do you have a big pool of articles i can link into immediately?

    I do not want it looking empty from the begining as this will discourage people wanting to submit to the site.

    Your ideas or thoughts would be greatly appreciated as I would like to populate my directory asap.


    1. I was just wondering how can i populate my article directory quickly?

      Sorry, I’m not a specialist in this.

  519. Hello,
    i wonder how to , when i make acc on artcle directory site and go login its open an error page. In that page i got two options login to wp-admin(but this is impossible because new user is autor, not admin.) and log out . So how to change those options(where to change code) or redirect to main page ? I hope u understand my problem, ty. Marin

      1. heres link vrtic go register and after reg u will see, i wrote everything in post before, ty

        1. When someone register, is have to be by default that when i get login, show error page, and said i dont have permission to login in that page ? mybe i forgot something when i was installing…pls help me, ty

          1. All users with role below the Editor will see such a page. Editors and Admins have full access to admin area. This is the feature of the plugin.

            For preventing this you can change the plugin’s option «Interface for authors».

  520. Phew. It took me a bit of reading and learning but I am ready to go except for one thing. I have the Submit a Store page set up for the author panel but don’t understand exactly what to put in the ID of author panel page. What should I enter there? What should that look like?

  521. Sorry. Looks like I have one more question. I activated membership in Step 3 and changed to Contributor in Step 4. In Step 5, I added the code to a sidebar widget that says «Sign up to Submit a Store.» Nothing shows up. Do I need to at the code directly to the sidebar.php file instead? If so, where in the file?

    1. Do I need to at the code directly to the sidebar.php file instead?


      If so, where in the file?

      In desired place for you.

  522. Like Vanessa, I to don’t understand exactly what to put in the «ID of author panel page».
    What should I enter there?

  523. Hey Dimox,

    I’ve had ALOT of lost password/password reset emails since installing the new version. Would the update have anything to do with that?


  524. thank you Dimox!!
    my article site is almost ready to go! (just got to mess around with CSS a bit).

    1. If you have selected interface for authors as author panel in plugin options, then select «Yes» in the option «Allow to choose only one category».

      1. Ty very much, how to show thumbnail picture of the custom post in category ?

  525. Love this plugin concept! How do I set it up to have a paid posting section? i.e. members would pay for different levels of posting service, simple = free, bronze = $29 per mo, silver = $49 per mo, & gold = $99 per mon.

    I’d even like to add a one-time posting fee if someone didn’t want the monthly membership.

    Any ideas?

    1. Hello :
      Dimoz answered me the same some days ago. I am still searching a solution to have paid and free users posting articles. I would like to stop posting after the first free article for instance..and authorize the gold member to post 10 articles for example..
      DIMOX : it would be very useful to get this option (even paying for that !)

  526. 1. Is there any way to stop the «new user registration emails»? They are clogging up my mailbox.

    2. Also, any way to stop fake new users and spam registrations?

      1. Okay, but I keep receiving “new user registration” notification emails whenever a new user registers. I want to stop receiving them. How they they be disabled?

  527. Is this plugin working with the Thesis Theme?

    I am asking because it looks like I’d need to insert a bunch of code in files other than custom.css or custom_functions.php .

    However, Thesis loads the default files every time I load the site. What I’m trying to say is that I can only edit custom.css or custom_functions.php, which are specific to Thesis. Any idea how I could go around this issue?

  528. Hi

    i have one small problem. i have so many subcategories that my articles are wayy below the subcategory list that my visitors might leave the page without even seeing the posts. please let me know how i can fix this so that i can see the articles/posts above the subcategories. please use the following link to see my problem. thanks

  529. Hi, I have built several sites using this theme and I also use many sites that others have build, thanks for your good work, however I’m having a few problems. I get this message when login in to mine and others banks » You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.» Then 2 options, log out or go to authors panel. Neither of these work. Is there a solution to this? Many thanks.

    1. This means that you have not configured the plugin according to the instructions for installation.

  530. Does anyone know how to clear out wrong category count? I have moved to a new db and imported but am not bringing over the articles but it shows count.

  531. Seems new posts are delayed for about 3 hours as they get automatically scheduled?? However as Admin they post right away. Authors status is set to «publish» not pending.

    Anyone know why this delay is happening?

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Remove the following row from author-panel.php file:

      'post_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),

      and problem will be fixed.

  532. Hello! I downloaded your Article Directory Plugin and did everything the installation said. Thank you, by the way! The thing is, I seem to have a problem where the category list shows up even on individual posts. I want it to show up only on the home page. Otherwise, it pushes the actual article far down on the page.

    Also, the Author Panel page has for some reason placed the items that are supposed to be on the side panel below the Author Panel sign up.

    I’m not that well versed in wordpress, so I’m not sure how to correct this myself. Can someone help me with this? Thank you.

  533. Hi, I’ve just installed your theme and plugin and would like to thank you for making it available! I’m having problem however on the home page. My Categories show with the number of articles, but the sub categories don’t show and when you click on the category it comes up with a message saying no articles in this directory. Any ideas? The site is


  534. Hey I installed the and its working but only one problem. When you submit an article the thank you message does not show. When you click on my profile, it opens the submission form instead of the update profile page

    Please help

  535. Hi Dimox,
    I have the spanish translation for the plugin & theme, if you are interested.
    Other topic: Like the comment from «E», I have a lot of new span new users 🙁
    I try install Captcha plugins like Si Capcha & ReCaptcha and the Spam Users still appear all days 🙁
    I try to make a false registration and, by my mistake, I put an registered e-mail and a wrong Captcha info. WordPress advice me the errors, but when I go to the Home, I can see the Menu of registered users… If I try add new story, WordPress ask me for login & password but seems like I’m registered.
    Excuse me for my bad english 🙁

  536. Glad I found this plugin, have been looking for one with all the features you have.

    Sorry if this question is the wrong place, tried to follow your rules…

    Got everything working, but really confused on how to use the «Post Corrector plugin». My blonde headed brain cannot figure out how to use the categories text file along with the the post corrector plugin. Have looked on the authors site without luck, their forum seems to be offline (or hacked).

    Can anyone please tell me how to use the plugin along with the categories text file I downloaded? Make my day and help a blonde:)

    Thank you in advance.


    1. Paste the contents of the text file on the «Posts — Bulk Create Categories» page of admin area.

      1. Thank you!

        I found it under «Post». The instructions says «Options». Just was not getting it. Really appreciate the reply. Should have seen that myself but totally missed it.


  537. Hi Dimox,

    How can I customise the article submission page? for example to add some new fields?


  538. Hi, is there a list anywhere of the urls that use this plugin? I love the WP sites for article marketing but I can find very many of them. I’m sure there has to be 1000’s out there. Thanks

  539. hi Dimox,
    really i love your theme and plugin, the new version is good but personnaly i prefer the older, because with the older version we can use benefict plugin for the articles, like all in one seo plugin, and and twitter plugin to automaticly tweet a new article on twitter … i think if the new version can use «wordpress plugin» that will be great.
    so, i try to translate your theme to a french version, if you accept , i will do it and give you the french version to publish it if you love it 🙂

  540. on 8.2 and 8.3, I don’t seems to get it. Will the created page be published? The page ID, is it the url of the author page created? Please help me out.

    1. Will the created page be published?

      If you will publish it, it will be published.

      The page ID, is it the url of the author page created?

      Read this.

  541. @Cody Butler yeah a list would be great. I am using this plugin for my new article site PR Portal but I have found quite a few others that I think are using it too. I will start noting the URLs.

    1. Feel free to use mine. We have tons of authors now after a little clever marketing and started in December of last year so we’re just under a year old. We’re indexed within an hour or two (roughly) and are ranking for some interesting stuff right now.

      We’re getting between 600-800 articles submitted daily…I think it’s safe to consider this a success! I’m not comfortable updating to the newest plugin version though as my users won’t be able to modify their articles anymore.

    2. I use this on my site too. Likewise, we are receiving more than 500 submissions a day which are mostly thrash( unreadable spinned articles) and duplicate articles. We do human review and so most of the submissions are discarded. We maintained it that way so that search engines won’t mark as a spam site.

  542. Hi,

    How easy would it be to modify the home page category list so that when a user selected something under a heading (like Celebrities under. Arts & Entertainment) it would link directly to an article called Celebriities.

    If it is easy which line of code should be altered, what should I use and what page should I modify.


  543. hi..
    i have used your plugin… but it’s not working like in your site:
    well in the link you can see that it shows everything few times.. and when you press one of the categories like this one:

    it’s duplicates everything as the number of articles….

    can you please help ?

    thank you

      1. yes i have fixed this… i think the problem was in my theme…

        well it’s working now…
        actually i’m using this as a bussiness index… it’s very nice ! thank you and keep developing…

        if i mas suggest somthing a plugin that is not exist in wordpress… its an accessible comment form for wordpress…. it’s a big problem to make a wordpress site accessible for blind people without that and ther is no such plugin…
        that plug in shuld function luke this:
        -the feilds need to be marked when they are pressed
        -if the client press «send» without filling the fields he will get a messege in the same page (no refresh) that will tell him what fields wasn’t filled and he can press on the errors- that will jump the marker to the relavent field…

        what do you say ?

  544. unexpected T_STRING in /home/macbeth/public_html/ on line 18

    This is the error I get with every installation and with the correct changes.. I find that its telling me that there is a bad Tstring in a gif.. which is really odd actually.

  545. hi, is it possible to color the BG of the child categories diffarent fron the main categories in the dropdown menu ?

    this is the relavent code:

  546. I get this error after pressing the submit button for submitting the article. I know it’s line 9 on author-panel.php but that line is where the start of all the code for author-panel.php is. Any ideas why it would do this?

    output started at /plugin-directory/author-panel.php:9) in /home4/techiezi/public_html/wenewsit/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890

  547. This is an excellent theme. With the SEO power of WordPress under the hood it makes a very powerful article directory. Awesome!

          1. i have a great need for such fields do to the nature of my site..

            if it’s possible i’ll be very greatful for suth a contribution to your great plugin !

            if not, maybe some kind og guidance of how to do that ?

  548. I want to give some inspiration for the use of this plugin without the theme. If you check out my website which I’ve linked to you will all see what can be done. I suppose the experts will know this already but for those of you who haven’t thought of all the different ways you could use it.

    1. Great example. I’m working on a highly custom integration as well. Just haven’t figured out how I want to proceed to finish. It’ll be sweet when I’m done.

  549. Hi Dimox,

    Fantastic theme and associated plugin! One question — the widget showing the Top Authors allows you to click a link to see that particular authors info. Is there something I can do to enable visitors to access any author profile even if they are not a ‘Top Author’. I know they can follow a link from an article but it would be good if visitors could click a link and see a complete list of authors.

    Thanks for your time,


  550. Hi i am facing problem in management area. When i login as administrator it works fine but when I login as author it’s submit article section and profile section not working. profile show value ‘&profile’ in url. Kindly help me

  551. Does anyone have a list of how to use some of the plugins to show ‘excerpts’ on homepage as well as top categories, etc? Some of the sites you all have a fabulous.

  552. Hi
    It’s possible add in author article submit page paypal payment for add stycky/featured posts?
    I have add sticky class in my theme in last recent posts added in home page, and i like add this function in author submit page, if author select stick for es. 10 days will pay for publish if not want add sticky can publish for free normal usage. Can help me to add this featured, see esample in my site,

  553. Is it possible to have the article text on the author panel defaulted to visual instead to html?

    1. Try to activate any other theme, and then again activate Article Directory theme. This may help to see template “Author panel”.

  554. Thanks. Its confusing the newbies who register on the website and unable to post because the have
    not selected the visual tab. Too many emails on «how to submit?», even with a static page
    giving instruction on how to submit.

    1. you can change this in the code… i have made a small change in the code that maks the visual as the default….

    1. on the author-pannel.php file you have this lines around line 264… this area control the text feild… you can modify it…
      i foe example did this (for html and visual 2gether but with the visual as default) and less hight:
      ‘170’ ) );
      function wp_def_editor() { return ‘wp_def_editor’; }
      add_filter( ‘wp_default_editor’, ‘wp_def_editor’ );
      the_editor($_POST[‘post’], ‘post’ , », false);

  555. Is it possible to add a support link in the article directory plugin so visitors can contact me?

  556. Hi z,

    Thanks for the info. In fact not required. just change the line 268 in the author-panel.php

    function wp_def_editor() { return ‘visual’; } — Just change the defaulted ‘html’ to ‘visual’.

    Many thanks anyway, your advise on the line helped me trace these code.

  557. This may be a simple configuration issue, but I can’t find where. AD plugin seems to be working okay, but when you go to any category or subcategory, you still see ALL of the categories/subcategories at the top of the listing. Example page:

    On your demo site, you only see the relevant subcategories listed when you click on a category. We pasted the code into our archive.php file.

    Are we doing something wrong? Thanks for any help.

  558. Added Authorization form code to my side panel and it does not appear. I submitted a «test» article and received the «pending review» notice, but don’t know where to review the submitted articles pending review.

    I think I made a mess of this installation and need a lot of help. I want an article directory to be a part of my site, not the whole site. Please advise.

    1. Added Authorization form code to my side panel and it does not appear.

      Sorry, don’t know what’s the reason.

      I submitted a “test” article and received the “pending review” notice, but don’t know where to review the submitted articles pending review.

      Search the «Pending Review» link on the «Posts» page.

      1. Hi Dimox,

        Okay, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful here and I realize the plug-in is free. However, «Sorry, don’t know what’s the reason.» is somewhat less than helpful. I really like this idea and want to use your plugin to do it. Is there anyway I can have you fix it, even if a donation is required, I’d like to get this installed and working properly.



      2. I couldn’t get this script to function properly despite following the directions explicitly. I asked for help and was willing to pay you to help getting it functioning on my site. It’s unfortunate that you chose to not respond to my request. I now have to uninstall what’s left and move on.

  559. Hi Dimox,
    first of all thank you for your plug in and congratulation. You have done a great job 🙂 ( that’s why I’m using it 😉 ).

    I’m using the Article Directory Plugin to create an Italian Article Directory. The wordpress I installed is already translated. I’ve also modified the .mo file that I found in your plugin directory. But still there are some things things that can’t be translated. For example the Top Author widget title. Or the «Submit Article» in the home page.

    Is there a way for me to translate everything? Or this is a problem in the main wordpress translation? Thank you 🙂

    1. This widget belongs to the Article Directory Theme, not the plugin. Theme contains its own translation file.

  560. I have created a test account because of many new users but no one added an article. Now I know why. Because It don’t work. Nothing happens when I click on add article or when I click on my profile. Why is that?

      1. Yes I think so. But where could it go wrong then if I installed it wrong? What should I do then?

        1. It may not work, if you have not specified the «Author Panel» page ID or if this ID is wrong.

          1. Sorry. I did’t have the author page active. Now I have added it. But what ID should I use? I am using 1 right now.

          2. Thanks. I see you have registered. Can you please tell my why # Submit article
            # My profile buttons don’t work? I have both this link on the right side and above. But non of them works.

  561. I have set up a wp-blog as a directory and it seems to work quite smoothly. What I would like to do is set up German language article sites. Is it possible to set up the theme for German and other languages?


    1. My theme and plugin contain the .pot file, which you can use to translate on German or any other. More about translating you may find in WordPress codex.

  562. When I click on an author link at the bottom of the article it redirects to the home page. What can fix this?

  563. I installed your script today. it’s working fine. There’s one thing missing though:
    IMAGE UPLOADING (and resizing on the fly).
    Also, would it be possible to include your current theme along with the one available at ?

    1. IMAGE UPLOADING (and resizing on the fly).

      Sorry, I’m not able to do this.

      Also, would it be possible to include your current theme

      Not possible.

  564. Why html view and standart view are the same? i see the same code example my text , in standart view and in html view? IS THIS A BUG?

  565. Is it possible to add image upload tag, and upload images directly to the server?

  566. I love this plug in it works perfectly!, However, I need to create multiple article directories for a website I’m building. One is related to courses and programs and one is related to authors, teachers and finally, one is related to course books. How can I use article directory plugin to create multiple directories? I have a way do this using A-Z index, but I don’t like this as well as your article directory plugin. Is there some code customization that could be done to make this possible?

    Thank you for your response.

      1. Thanks for the quick reply.

        I’m trying to add articles to the frontpage (below the main category, instead of sub-categories, show article titles), but I’m not being able to. Is there any easy hack to do it?

        Thanks once again!

  567. Hi
    I have important SEO problem with my site.
    In Google Site map my site show in not SEO user friendly type
    If search my site with google
    i see:
    Name of my site
    Link my site
    and not useful part 2, part 3, part 4 for page listing
    Check image:
    How i can resolve it?

  568. hey dimox …is it possible to do what this italian guy (mywebmagazine) is doing ?
    I do not see any mention to articledirectory in the footer of his web site ?
    Mine is giving you a PR4 😉

    Or the mention is out because he paid for this ?
    Thanks to give me an answer.

  569. Everything is done, but when a new user try to go the article write page «author panel page» its show this message, that you do not have sufficient permission the access this page.
    How to solve this.

      1. Hi Dimox, i have the same problem when a new user try to go the article write page “author panel page” its show this message, that you do not have sufficient permission the access this page. I checked the id it seems to be the right id. Can you please help?

        1. Search the WordPress Plugins for Login Redirect, you can set any page from there.

  570. How to make post page to make «visual» default, because now default is «HTML»

    what line to edit?

  571. Do you do any custom work to make the sites look much better? I am not very good with CSS and enjoy the way you site looks here was wondering if you take on any custom jobs please let me know.

  572. hi,
    i give all right to the new register member as you mention above, but the new register member still can’t post the article. Can you help me if i am doing anything wrong?

    My Website Online Article Directory

    Please reply soon. Thanks

  573. hi,

    i did that, but now i am facing this problem. [Attention! The option «ID of author panel page» must be filled obligatory. Otherwise, the authors are unable to add articles.] . I also try your above suggestion, but can’t find the Id of author panel. Please reply thanks.

  574. hey,

    finally its done. Thanks for your great article script. I’ll keep updating your development.


  575. Hi,

    I tried updating the plugin but it says file not found. I have tried it three times. Is there a manual solution?

  576. Hi,

    Thank you so much for a great plugin. I have two questions.
    1)How do put a top author sidebar like have above or in the demo site?

    2)How do a make the default of the page where the author writes and publishes an article text not html. I think a user may be confused if they were shown a html control panel.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated



    1. 1)How do put a top author sidebar like have above or in the demo site?

      You can use this code.

      2)How do a make the default of the page where the author writes and publishes an article text not html. I think a user may be confused if they were shown a html control panel.

      If you talking about Visual/HTML editor, the latest version of the plugin has an option for this.

  577. Before installing the newer version that I download. Should I first uninstall the old one first?

      1. I could not replace the files. this message I got
        Destination folder already exists. /home/klauzer/public_html/

  578. Hi,
    How can I place banner ads on each post and on the home page without messing up the layout of the theme? I have tried the text widget and it makes a mess of the format. Many thanks

  579. For some reason, the article directory plugin keeps creating new categories with numbers as the names (2, 41, 42, etc.). I assume these were supposed to be assigned to the actually categories with those numbers, but for some reason it created the new categories when the posts occurred. How can I fix/prevent this?

  580. Ha! I figured out what the issue is with my large article directory!! To review: one of my directories (the largest one — 71,000+ articles) was showing only the intro paragraph on the home page — no sidebars, no recent articles, nothing else. I posted about it a few weeks ago. Since this directory is now getting several thousand visits per day, I wanted to get this fixed. It appeared to be the category logic in the plugin, so I started there.

    In the theme I manually inserted a wp_list_categories with all of the options hard-coded I believed it would be using. I then removed one parameter at a time until I got it to load correctly. Once I removed show_count — everything worked!

    So, I started over and updated the «parent count» and «child count» Article Directory options to no. Now, the blog loads perfectly — the only missing element is the post counts.

    I think WP has a bug in their wp_list_categories function. Apparently they never thought a category could get that large. Your plugin is probably OK, but you might want to check it out. You may have some insider knowledge about how that works that I don’t.

  581. Another question. Does anyone know of a plugin that will filter and/or replace bad words in a post? I have been warned by Google a couple of times about having porn articles. They got past me somehow into the directory. I regularly search for certain words and delete those posts, but it would be nice to prevent it from happening.

    1. Walt, if you have not found one yet, give this one a try (WP Content Filter) It’s in the wordpress repository. It has a 5 star rating and has won the ‘The Famous Software Award’ for WP Content Filter.

      I have a couple questions for you, how did you get the search box in the navbar? Also wonder how the placement of your adsense code is working out for you, are you getting clicks?

      1. Hi Gary.

        The search box — such a long time ago I don’t recall the details. It looks like I commented out part of the «top nav» ul and then messed around with the «nav» ul. It now looks like

        <!-- -->
        <!-- <li><a rel="nofollow" href="/">Home-->
        <!-- -->
        <!-- -->
        <!-- <form method="get" id="searchform" action="/">-->
        <!-- -->
        <!-- -->
        <!-- -->

        <li><a rel="nofollow" href="/">Home

        <form method="get" id="searchform" action="/">

        Not sure how much that helps. I’m a hacker by nature 🙂

        The Adsense is not doing quite as well as I’d like given the number of visits I receive daily. So, I keep adjusting it and trying out new adblocks, layouts, etc.. Some days are *much* better than others — not sure why.

        1. Well, that didn’t work. Tell you what, shoot me an email at wwday3 [at] gmail [dot] com and I’ll send the mods (in header.php).

  582. Hi, I have an issue with the article directory plugin. It seems when activated, all the articles submitted do not show in the pending post (for review). I found it odd since I have over 1400 authors with only 150 articles posted by authors.

    Coincidently, last week when trying to upgrade my version 1.1 to 1.2, the upgrade fail for some reason and I did not notice that the plugin deactivated. But I found the pending post started increasing almost immediately by the hundreds.

    Strangely, when I notice the plugin deactivated, I activate back and upgraded to 1.2, the postings
    immediately stopped but the number of registered authors started increasing.

    I deactivated the plugin and the posting in my pending post started increasing again.

    Is there something wrong with the plugin? Please advise.

  583. Hi,

    Thanks for the plugin it is brilliant.I have a number of customizations I would like to make if possible.

    1)I would like to be able to display the information and favicon of the author above their articles. A small author profile. Similarly to what you have on this websites.How do I do this?

    2)I am trying to make the text area where the users write and publish their articles smaller. This is because it is taking up the space of the side bar and pushing them to the bottom. It would be great if I could have the sidebars next to the posting area. Is there anyway of doing this?

    3)Finally, my posting box dosent display the import photo option of normal wordpress blogs. Is there anyway of changing that?

    Thanks so much for your help



    1. 1)I would like to be able to display the information and favicon of the author above their articles. A small author profile. Similarly to what you have on this websites.How do I do this?

      2)I am trying to make the text area where the users write and publish their articles smaller. This is because it is taking up the space of the side bar and pushing them to the bottom. It would be great if I could have the sidebars next to the posting area. Is there anyway of doing this?

      Sorry, can’t help with that.

      3)Finally, my posting box dosent display the import photo option of normal wordpress blogs. Is there anyway of changing that?

      No, this not possible.

  584. Hi,

    There are some features that would make this plugin more powerful.

    Like author page can have WSIWIG editor like Ezine Article have.
    Editor Body box should not allow any links
    Separate Author Bio Box in Editor.

    Thanks for such a wonderful plugin

  585. Hi,
    Anybody know what is the cause of these problem? Tehse is after upgrading to version 1.2.

    Warning: Cannot modify header information — headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxx/public_html/ in /home/xxx/public_html/ on line 890

  586. Hi again,

    Forgot to mention, can we have collapsible Main Categories on the Index Page, again just like Ezine Articles, not in the looks but functionality.

    Thanks again for taking your time out to make this plugin, what seems to me the best free article directory solution

  587. Hi,

    Brilliant Plugin and it fundamentally offers exactly what I need. However…

    I would like to integrate this plugin with the ‘Thesis’ theme, and I can do all that is required, but after I do step 8.1, when I click «Submit Article», the page that is returned does not contain any of the correct CSS of the website. It contains the form — I have tested with «Article Directory» theme, and it is no problem.

    The website is:
    It’s only testing for now, but I have a test user with no admin priviledges and it is basically un-useable without the site’s standard CSS when they try to submit articles

    Have you any experience with this plugin and the Thesis theme?

    Thank you!

  588. hi
    when user register on the site they didn’t getting any mail of account activation . When i checking from admin their is existing user account when i gave them password set from admin and they try to login but msg » You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    » Go to the author panel

    » Log out
    plz tell me what i have to do to correct this

    1. when user register on the site they didn’t getting any mail of account activation

      This is the problem of your hosting provider.

      1. hi sir no their is no such problem in hosting provider. Myself is hosting provider and i am running before this a wp website and that works fine.
        Any any settings remains in this plugin or site then please tell me why its not working.

          1. hi sir u can try urself its not working try to register their and u will not get full work process
            this is url

  589. Hi,

    I have been using this plug in for some tme now and have 17000 articles and over 5000 authors.

    I am having difficulty monetising the list of subscribers. Is there any way of adding a double opt-in to register as an author so that I can sent follow up e-mails to this list?

  590. How can I change the email notification that new user gets, where it says that login is
    I want it changed so users can login from the author panel instead.
    Because right now it always say that You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. from the wp-login.

      1. So go round this problem then we need to install authorisation plugin?
        Very strange about this issue because there or not many register users that will be authorized,
        except me 🙂
        So every member need to see this error page, doesn’t make our site so popular then.

        1. User must register for submitting articles. Plugin contain authorization form, see installation instructions.

      2. I adjusted the role «Author» by default for all registered users? What is more need to do?

  591. So what is different between me setup and the installation instructions is only “Author” or “Contributor”.
    I have choose author. So I need to choose “Contributor”?
    What is different between “Author” and “Contributor”?

  592. My god I changed to contributor but still same problem.
    Dimox you said to read the instruction. And I did. But I didn’t find anything what I did was wrong.

    What did I miss. Please be more specified.

  593. Hi Dimox,

    I love the plugin and theme. It works great, but I have found a glitch. Can you help me fix it?
    When trying to login from the authors page I get the below php error. The login works fine from all other pages. Can you assist?

    » Warning: parse_url(/http:/mydomain/author/login name/) [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse URL in /home/domain dir/public_html/my domain/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 968

    Warning: Cannot modify header information — headers already sent by (output started at /home/domain dir/public_html/my domain/wp-includes/pluggable.php:968) in /home/domain dir/public_html/my domain/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890 «

      1. Dimox,

        I found the porblem but I’m not sure how to fix it. The glitch occures because I’m using a custom permalink structure » /http:/My Domain/%category%/%postname%/ «. If I change it to the default it works fine. However, I don’t want to use the default structure. Do you have any thoughts on how to correct the issue?

  594. Hi. Looking for suggestions.

    1) Is there a good plugin for banning authors? I have had a couple incidents with authors copying and pasting web pages and submitting them as articles. Since that’s a violation of my directory(s) TOS, I want to ban those authors from all directories. I’m thinking the best approach is by email and by IP, but I haven’t yet found a good solution yet.

    2) Is there a way to extract all of the email addresses of authors and perhaps import them into an autoresponder? It would be best if the initial email sent to the authors with their password could be somehow routed through an autoreponder service, but since that doesn’t (yet) seem to be possible; I was thinking of just sending a second email for their opt-in.

    Thanks for the plugin 🙂

    1. I love this plugin, and have been using it for several months. I am drowing under too many submissions, but most of them are really bad.

      I don’t have time to email all of these authors to fix things, but would love a quick way to shoot off an email (assuming they even use a valid one) to tell them why I am deleting their article.

      Maybe it could even have a checkbox : i.e

      1>Pure Spam
      2>Tag Spam
      3>I need writers fluent in English, and not machine written bad spins.

      haha .. OK, maybe that is a bit harsh, but you get the idea

      1. 🙁 I have the same problem… from the version 1.0 I get A LOT of SPAM USERS 🙁

  595. hi
    thanks for great work but i want to change look of my home page and color how to do this kindly update me

  596. I am attempting to use your fantastic plugin on my wordpress based article/blog directory.

    I have tried placing the article submission code in various places in the sidebar.php file, as well as just adding as a widget text/html file on the sidebar but has been unsucessful in getting a register/submit aread to show up on the sidebar

    can you please assist me?

  597. I’ve loaded the theme and plugin, when I try to add articles as a user there is a message stating I dont have adequate permission when set up as wordpress theme, when set as auther-cpanel the screen is blank, any suggestions are appreciated…thanks

  598. Hi,
    i think i have installed everything correctly as per instructions.
    i have manually created categories as well as bulk created them via the Post Corrector plugin.
    however, any new article that i publish, just gets filed under Uncategorized category.
    even if i go to a specific article , edit it and use a different category, upon saving the changes, it defauls back to Uncategorized, ( this is the undeleable default category of WP)

    please advise.

    thank you

  599. I do not see options under the Settings tab for for this Theme. I’m using 3.01. Was it moved?

  600. Thank you for the great plugin. Is it possible to have under the author panel:

    — a tab listing all submitted articles for the author with an option to edit or view the articles

    Am asking this coz once a user submits an article it is not possible for him to edit.

  601. Hi,

    Is it possible to use this plugin to automatically receive articles from distribution services such as isnare or articledashboard (eg. like you can with an articledashboard script powered article directory) ?



  602. Hi All.. For All spamming problem i have got a plugin for captcha (Contact form and Its Special Captcha Plugin) and this has resolved my spamming problem, Now i am getting captcha in comment page tooo.. To check and confirm please visit it and verify it.

    1. Hi Chintan,
      I tried 2 captcha plugins and are still registering fake & spam users :-S

  603. How do I allow them to add an image? There is an «Inser/embed» media button but no button for uploading an image?


      1. I notice it isn’t possible as standard but I’ thinking to be able to allow them to do both these things as an alternate of each other, as this site requires them to send us an image too: So on the submit page, there would be two extra fields. One to allow them to upload an image when they submit, which we collect at the other end, and also another field which allows them to add the location of their image if they don’t want to upload it.


  604. The theme currently shows 30 recent articles on the main page. How can that be reduced to, say, 5? I can’t tell if this is a function of the theme or WordPress and I can’t located where to make the change. Thanks!

  605. All my posts are going to scheduled rather than published, I upgraded the theme and the plug in and it still does it, any Ideas

  606. What about enabling users to add an attachment to the article? And also to add a custom field say for example: Location: or Hometown:

    Is that easy enough?

  607. Hi,

    I’m currently setting up my site and am having trouble viewing some of my articles. I click on my category and it only shows the first page of the articles and doesn’t have any links to page 2 or any other page for my older articles. Is there a fix for this?

  608. Dimox,

    What plug-in are you using to show top authors in your sidebar? or did you code it in? if so can you display the code here.

    Thank you,

  609. can someone help me how to make author panel work? I followed the instruction above but it didn’t work.

  610. Hello Dimox and Guys.
    I’m having a lot of posts submitted daily now and would like to know if there is a way they could be held for moderation after being submitted. At the moment, once granted the author status I just get bombarded with all sorts of jargons.
    Thanks in advance.

  611. Hello, I have a big problem, after upgrading from 2.7 to 3.0.1 I’ve got the «no permission error» and it comes from article directory plugin. can you please let me know how can I fix that?

  612. Hi. I just realized the article source link is not working on my sites. I see it’s also not working on your demo site.

      1. It is active in my options (always has been). Looks like the javascript and CSS are getting generated, but when I click on that link it just goes to the top of the page and the little source area never displays.

        On another note — I decided to try out the author panel/page. I set everything up, but my author page looks very little like the page in your demo. My theme is old (version 1.6). I don’t want to upgrade it since I’ve made some changes to it. Should I try uploading the stylesheet — would that make the author panel look better?

        1. It is active in my options (always has been). Looks like the javascript and CSS are getting generated, but when I click on that link it just goes to the top of the page and the little source area never displays.

          Don’t see any problems, works for me on your site.

          Should I try uploading the stylesheet – would that make the author panel look better?

          Yes, of course.

  613. I’d like to edit the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor in the author panel — at the moment there is no «upload image» button, for instance. Any idea how I would go about doing this? I installed a plugin to modify the WYSIWYG editor but it only modified the author section, not the submission panel. Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks.

  614. The problem I have is that from the user panel you can’t upload images, and TinyMCE doesn’t support image uploads. I’ve found a way to add the insert image button, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to upload images. Is there a way to bring the top bar, the upload/insert bar, back?

  615. I don’t see the categories on my homepage.
    I had to add Home to homepage menu
    I don’t see the categories listed in post categories
    I am using wp latest version

    I am using both the plugin and theme.

    Thanks in advance,

  616. How can we show article summary and date on the first page under Most Recent Articles section. Mine only shows the title. Thanks in advance

  617. Hi,

    how can you let show the subcategories only if you click on the main category is that possible?


  618. I don’t see this “Membership (Anyone can register)” option on the “General Settings” page of my admin area. Where is it?

  619. Hi Dimox,

    How did you split articles shown under Most Recent articles? Did you use odd_or_even function? can you help me out please?

  620. I am having the same problems as James, I just need to see the tool bar and have tried for two weeks now to find a fix and its not working at all. I see the visual and html but even the html isnt working.

  621. Hello Dimox,
    I have made all the amendments in the php files required to run the «Article directory» plug-in. I tried & applied several changes in general settings of «Article directory» plug-in. I would like that the page of child categories showed when parent category link clicked to open, but when the parent category link clicked no sub categories (child categories) showed up on the page. Kindly help in this regard.

  622. Hello

    I have successfully installed the article directory.

    In «Settings» when I input the category numbers to omit from the article index and update the changes, the categories are still appearing.

    I refreshed the page when I looked for the changes. Also, I am doing this in Chrome — is that a problem?

    Thank you.


      1. Hi,

        If you mean the categories on my blog home page that appear under «Blogroll», the adjustment doesn’t seem to be working there either.



        1. I mean the categories which is displayed using the function from the 5th point of installation instructions.

          1. I made a template page for the article directory, and input the code for it in the appearance editor. The categories appear on that template page, however; that is where the selection function will not work.

            Side note: I did not install any of the options to have additional author contributions, as I only wanted the directory and not the functionality of allowing others to post. Not sure if this would affect my outcome.



  623. How to manage the error while confirming an account. It always says this.
    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
    » Go to the author panel

    Why can’t it redirect strait to the author panel instead of trying to login to the PW panel.

    How to manage it?

  624. Hi,

    I am unsure whether this should go here or in the theme thread actually but here goes.

    I want to integrate PHPList with the registration of new subscribers so that they go onto my mailing list. I have tried all of the WP plug ins out there and most just offer a way to add shortcode to a widget or post.

    How do I integrate it into the registration box on the front page of my article directory please?

  625. Has nayone fixed the tinymce error with the author panel? I still cannot see the visual editor Dimox is there a fix for this and is this rleated to the theme or plguin I am unsure.

    1. For some reasons it not work for admin, but for authors it works. I will look for the cause.

  626. I am interested in launching an article directory (or a group of directories), but am not an IT guy or website designer. I have worked with WordPress and Blogger in the past to buildout blogs, but they are very easy to use. Is your article directory script just as easy?

    One of the Plugins I like for WordPress is the «All in One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert». This makes it very easy to implement Title, Keyword, and Discription mete tags, especially since I have no idea how to write HTML, or any other code for that matter. Can I add this plugin to your directory, or is that feature already build into the script?

    After reviewing the two most popular directory platforms, I am between using Article Friendly Pro or WordPress Dimox Theme powered by I am familiar with the WordPress platform and dashboard already, so I was leaning that direction, but I wanted to make sure it would be user friendly for a newbie, especially when it comes to organizing categories and columns.

    Ultimately I want the most user friendly platform that offers the best SEO results. Please advise regarding your product.

    1. Is your article directory script just as easy?

      Try and find out.

      Can I add this plugin to your directory, or is that feature already build into the script?

      You can use it as any other plugin.

  627. Please tell me how to add «Terms of article publication» while using Interface for authors: WordPress Admin Area…. I have seen a blog in which it is appearing above the «Add New Post»

  628. Hello,
    I have many article directory using your themes and plugin.
    But my problem is, there are too many author submitting their articles using seo software, not human.
    Can you add captcha image on author panel/post, to reduce spam on my articles directory?

    Pending review is one of solution, but I can’t handle it, because there are thousands incoming articles each day.

    I hope you can add this feature in the next version.


      1. I have already using si captcha anti spam. but its only for registration form and comment form, not in post page.

        Any guide to using custom captcha?

    1. you can use reCaptcha from google, or its wordpress press plugin, its easy to use with this script.

  629. Is it possible to add our own logo instead of the regular Article Directory text in red?

    1. @Edi. Yes it is possible to add your own logo instead of the Text. Let me know incase you need help

  630. You’ve said on multiple occasions that it is impossible for a user to upload images, but it’s not. There is a way for them to do it. Do you plan to add this feature to the plugin? As it would be a much better and complete plugin with the ability to upload images.

    1. Oscar. I like what you are doing here. If you get a CSS file I would definitely be interested in it. Please get in touch with me. Send me a email using this link that way the spam bots wont eat my email address alive!

      1. Hello James,

        Of course, I’ll be glad to share with you the files. Just give a me a couple of days while I finish at leas the CSS styling part.


  631. Hello,

    How do I get off the «Notify me of follow up comments via email» list? Please unsubscribe me if you are able, or advise.

    Thank you very much.

  632. I have made all the amendments in the php files required to run the “Article directory” plug-in.
    I tried & applied several changes in general settings of “Article directory” plug-in. I would like that the page of child categories showed when parent category link clicked to open, but when the parent category link clicked no sub categories (child categories) showed up on the page. Kindly help in this regard.

  633. Hi,

    Love you work. I really appreciate your effort and time investment in this plug-in and theme. I am sure if you ad few more features and make a paid version of this people would buy this.

    Just a question, when author submits an article he does not get email notification. The same happens when his articles is approved or disapproved. It’s pretty difficult to email each author to let him the status of his article.

    Can this feature be added?

  634. Hi Dimox

    Your plugin is amazing. However I have noticed that while submitting articles it is not checking the role of submitter. Even if the role is that of «subscriber» it is allowing to submit the article. Ideally it should allow on «contributer» role to submit article.

    In my case although I have changes the role of one user from «contributer» to «subscriber» — it still allows this user to submit the article.

  635. Great plugin! got my site working with no problems and I know very little about wordpress and codes. Hope you keep updating the plugin. It would be a tragedy to let a great plugin go to waste.

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  636. I have to input here as well regarding sunil’s comment…

    I have the directory set up for authors to use the authors panel as well. BUT, when users use some sort of auto-registering software, they bypass the article directorys signup form and use the default wordpress one (I am assuming this, anyways, because I have it setup for those who signup using the article directorys signup form they get added to one of my lists).

    Those that auto-register post their posts bypassing the author panel that I do have my directory set on for users to use. Plus, those posts are getting published immediately, and are not being held in pending review mode.

    I do use captcha, and there is ways for a sofware program to bypass this. I know, there has recently been a program form an internet marketer that can do this for social networks. Kinda sucks when these types of programs are used for the wrong reasons.

    Anyways, most of the articles that are being added/posted to my article directory are good articles. There are a few bad seeds that I have to delete. But, with more and more users, there are more and more articles to go through. Not a big deal, but if it is already published and I don’t get to that particular one for 3-5 days and it was about some porn stuff — see what I mean?

    Love the plugin, and if anybody can help in this matter, please let me know : )


  637. Hi Dimox — How can I move the recent articles on the sidebar to replace the Most Recent Articles below directory?

  638. i actually learn a lot about wordpress upon reading your tutorials.
    hope someday in the later version we can edit the header logo by ourselves.

  639. really a great plugin that motivate me to start earning on the net. I have modified the theme and plugin a lot, anyway thanks for you efforts.

  640. If you want to see the potential check it out This took me 1 months to perfect to my liking(theme & plugin), if you are interested in the layout I have (start making money instantly with directions & minor graphics) email me and we can talk 🙂 durtegraphx at gmail dot com.

      1. James I need your real email I responded right back immediately to no reply. durtegraphx at gmail dot com is mine email me directly.

  641. Very strange. I got over 200 visitors today. I normally get 10.
    And over 100 article was submitted without my approval. How was it possible?

  642. Hi,

    I may have asked this before but IO am getting nowhere with it.

    I have a lot of new subscriptions every day and I want to find a way of integrating the blog subscribers with an autoresponder service.

    I tried using PHPList but the dual sign up plug ins did not work and then my hosting company told me to stop sending mails even though I had choked them down to 150/hr.

    I have an autoreponder account which I use but they will not mass import subscribers from elsewhere. The best option is another auto responder service which allows one, maybe two imports which would get the current subscribers over, but then I have the problem of getting all of the next subscribers into the account.

    So can you help on this. Setting up a dual sign up on the subscription form.Is it possible?

  643. Edi — Where are you promoting your site top get such numbers?

    My site is new and I did some promotion on some forums and getting about 10 registration a day but getting irrelevant articles submitted that isn’t relating to my site. However, none of the articles are getting published without my approval.

    1. The strange thing is that I am not promoting it. But still some members articles get approved without my permission. Very strange.

  644. Very nice and completely working plugin and theme.
    I would like to disable the four sided border in the Categories list. I had tried to disable in the style.css but in vain. Its highly appreciating if somebody help in this regard.

  645. I had tried to register on the site with the other email then Admin, it said «Registration complete. Please check your e-mail», But I didn’t received any email from the site. Kindly advice

  646. Hello — I am having the exact problem as Abdul Momin. The registration process is incomplete. I tested as a new author and did not receive a password originally, so I requested a password rest which I received but was still unable to log-in to make any changes. I am sure there is a simple solution and look forward to your assistance.

  647. Thought I’d post an update…it just took quite a while before I received my reset password, however the original password never arrived

    1. You replied to me about an issue with the delivery of passwords being the fault of my servers. I am using as my server. I have NEVER had a problem with them before. I have tried signing up using both a free mail (Yahoo) as well as a dedicated email address and neither of them worked.

      I see the lack of in depth replies that you have provided to me and several of the other people who are requesting your assistance.

      You need to look at the problem with your plugin and address it accordingly if you have any hopes of a longterm product life or a base of satisfied users. I am no amateur to coding etc and do not have limited experience so I do not expect some canned answer like «It’s your server.»

      Like many others here, I look forward to your reply.

      Thank you

  648. How is it possible that members can approve their articles by them self? Some days ago I was the only one that could approve. And how can I approve members by my self?

    1. You only can use the option «Assign the following status to submitted article: Published» for this.

  649. I tried to install every thing as instructed above. but i am stuck with one thing. and that is from where i can get » ID of author panel page:» i tried allot but i couldn’t figure out what i have to feed here. can some one point out? please give me any sample that how it will look like?
    help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

  650. Can you explain to me why when I make a change to my css in admin control panel, when I hit update files I am immediately taken out of word press and to my site? And without any changes having been made?

  651. Just a follow up to my last question…appears it was in the plugins I was using. Some of which are login related and once removed the problem ceased. Wanted to keep you up to date so that you aren’t wondering…


  652. Thanks Dimox,
    later i had realized and found that this was very beautifully already answered in the FAQ. but still allot of thanks for being nice.
    ofocurse there is an other thing which is answered in FAQ for image uploading option by users. but i am jsut asking it again some time some Code gurus participate and give some solution to that. so i am taking my chance to check may be if any solution arrived after the FAQ were written and placed here?

  653. I would like to know how to make this UNIQUE plugin to work with the most UNIQUE theme in the world «thesis»

    Hope to find a solution to make thesis index page like dimox style index page

    waiting reply

  654. This plugin is awesome and I look forward to using it, but I am running in to one issue that I am requesting help for.

    I get the following errors when trying to visit the author page directly

    (Warning: include(/home/yourfree/public_html//home/yourfree/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/yourfree/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 800

    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/home/yourfree/public_html//home/yourfree/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/yourfree/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 800)

    If I try to log in as an author, I get the following error

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
    » Go to the author panel
    » Log out

    Can you please let me know what the issue is and how to repair it.?

    I really appreciate your help.


    1. Warning: include(/home/yourfree/public_html//home/yourfree/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/yourfree/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 800

      Don’t know how to fix this.

      If I try to log in as an author, I get the following error

      You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
      » Go to the author panel
      » Log out

      So it should be.

      1. Warning: include(/home/yourfree/public_html//home/yourfree/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/yourfree/public_html/wp-content/plugins/article-directory/article-directory.php on line 800

        Don’t know how to fix this. Did you write the code or is there someone else to talk to? Should be able to get some help and fix any repair issues seeing as how I purchased this and it does not work, is this not the case?

        If I try to log in as an author, I get the following error

        You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
        » Go to the author panel
        » Log out

        So it should be. — So an author should not be able to log in and submit articles etc?? Does not make sense. If someone creates an account, they should be able to log in as an author?

        Any help on getting these issues resolved?

  655. The demo looks and works great. Im trying to download the plugin from the link above, but its not working

  656. Hello
    After set «Interface for authors:» how WordPress admin area, users cant’ access to it
    How i can solve it?
    Bye thanks

  657. I have looked at the issue with the delivery of registrations etc not coming through, contacted my hosting company, and spent a substantial amount of time exploring remedies and found that by using the «Mail From» plugin the problem is solved. Additionally, the «From» title in my email shows the name of my site as opposed to the name of my hosted account which it did prior to installing the Mail From plugin.

    Time will tell but so far after setting up test accounts and being able to sign up and submit articles successfully it appears to be functioning now.

    Hopefully my due diligence will help others who are undoubtedly experiencing similar frustrations.

    1. Hey,

      I am using this plugin with WordPress 3.0.4 and it works fine!

      Truly a great plugin 🙂 However, I have one question to the creator. Is there a way to remove the copyright link, by paying a certain fee?

      Thank you,

  658. hye there.i am also got same problem like these

    If I try to log in as an author, I get the following error

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
    » Go to the author panel
    » Log out

      1. I am facing same problem.When i click on “Go to the author panel” it shows me «You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.»Plz solve the problem.

      2. Dimox,

        I have the same issue. The author panel is is correct and users get this error when they log in. I think it could be causing some to be caught off guard and think they don’t have access to post. Try creating a account on my site and log in and you will see this problem. I would like to get it fixed.


          1. Hi Dimox !

            How did i get authir id?
            When I click on «Pages» .It doesn’t show me any Number.Something like that you have mentioned in above example.


          2. Ok you are able to add articles. I didn’t say you couldn’t but when you log on you see the error

            You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
            » Go to the author panel
            » Log out

            That first line may throw users off until they know to click on the author panel. I wish to remove that fist line or make it where it takes them right to the author panel. do you understand what i mean?


          3. In the next version of the plugin there will be an automatic redirect to the author panel bypassing this page.

  659. I use this plugins, but i have 1 problem, the problem is : everyday some people register in my blog but that not real people, they use robot to register. how to block so that robot can’t register?

    1. I am also having this problem. SO now I have stopped every new members.
      The bad thing is that they also submit articles without my permission.

  660. How can I direct the call code to a specific page? What is the conditional tag for me to do that? Also, would that go in page.php or index.php?

    1. By call code I mean . Also, by conditional tag I mean the «if is (page__)» statement. What would the full code look like which I could insert my page name into? Thanks.

      1. Hi, I’m not trying to be pushy, but I’ve noticed that many questions have been answered that were posted after mine and I have not received a response. Maybe I’m not being clear enough. I am using a theme with the article directory plugin.

        I want the categories to be displayed on a certain page like they are in the article directory theme. I need to know what the code is I would use to direct the plugin to a certain page and where exactly I would put it? I’m talking about an «if_is_page (blank)» statement, or a conditional tag.

        I’ve used them for other plugins and they work, but I need to know exactly what the code would be for this plugin and where would I put it.

  661. When an author fills out the author bio and wishes to use html such as «a href=» it gets stripped out. How do I fix this?

    1. In author-panel.php find this code:


      and replace on:


  662. hi,

    i am facing some problem with the article submission page. After login when i click on submit article link. it shows You don’t have permission and show the «Error 404 — Not Found» . I check on admin panel. also give the right of Author to all the register userss and also to to allow them keep as «contributor». but still not showing same error. Please help me to resolve this problem. Thanks

  663. I’m having problems with the categories. Articles displayed in sub categories are not appearing when you click on a category. Is there a way to display the subcategories?

    1. Deactivate the option «Exclude the child categories articles from the parent categories pages».

      1. I actually reloaded the plug-in for the categories and it fixed it.

  664. my site is not showing anything upon clicking the author panel there are no forms showing.

    1. Did you «edit» that page and set the template to the Author Panel?

    1. Use «pie register» plugin and configure it. your user could also set their own password and you could also set required fields in the registration form as well.

      1. Thanks Addul this looks great.

        But it say that I need to put this code in wp-login.php

        But I don’t have wp-login.php. Where can I find it?

        1. Its in the Directory wordpress installation Directory at root level of it. You could need ftp client to find it & then edit.

          1. Thanks.

            Strange I already got 3 new spammers to my site. How can they register when I have captcha?

  665. Just a suggestion, since it appears that the user photo icon for the plug-in doesn’t really serve a purpose (on other sites it usually means that someone didn’t upload a photo), it may be advantageous to integrate the «User Photo» plug-in. This would allow users to upload photos and would give the directories a whole new dynamic. If anyone has done this, please let me know.

  666. Great plugin — just a question — is there any way to HOLD ALL posts to for a review by the administrator BEFORE they are published? Alternatively, how to make sure people only publish the articles that match the categories created — for instance, someone created an article directory about electronics and creates categories: cell phones, TVs, car stereo, laptops. How would I ensure that no-one publishes a post about mortgages or weight loss?

    1. Great plugin – just a question – is there any way to HOLD ALL posts to for a review by the administrator BEFORE they are published?

      There is a corresponding option, if author panel is used.

      How would I ensure that no-one publishes a post about mortgages or weight loss?

      Only by reading these articles.

      1. And where can we find this corresponding option?

        All article are approved without my permission even if I have the option waiting for review.

  667. Hi,

    I used the plugin on another theme. When someone submits articles and I approve them it shows «article by authors name» in the article. You just can’t click on the authors name. It seems like there are no profiles of authors. Any idea how to fix this?

    Also, in the author panel page the post editor’s width goes through whole page. How do I change it so that it is 500 px or something of this kind?

    Thank you.

  668. If I try to log in as an author, I get the following error

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
    » Go to the author panel
    » Log out

    when clicking go to author panel, the page will be just blank. what possibly is the solution?

  669. i also have this issue when i tried to back up to export my xml.. i can’t see the download link but this appears.

    When you click the button below WordPress will create an XML file for you to save to your computer.
    This format, which we call WordPress eXtended RSS or WXR, will contain your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags.

    Once you’ve saved the download file, you can use the Import function on another WordPress site to import this site.
    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 393216 bytes) in /home/articleinjection/public_html/wp-includes/load.php on line 552

    1. Go to the Admin area of wordpress, select «pages» menu, just place the cursor on the page you had created for author panel. you will see the link in the status bar, the number appeared there is the ID of page of the author panel. mention it in Article Directory settings. Thats it

  670. Hey,

    How to add authors form. I mean ability to add authors their information below an article?

  671. Two questions:

    1) When I click on the article source link nothing shows up. It just reloads the page. When I view the source, the get article source paragraph contains

    HTML Version:

    Text Version:

    Article Url:

    (I added the spaces after the leading ‘<'). Bot, no article.

    2) How can I "override" the href in the post content so that it is the same color as the surrounding text?

    3) I have never been able to get the author page to work right. I create the page, assign it the author page template, and set the page# in the options. When I browse to it in IE, the browser locks up and will not allow any input. So, I have to return to the WordPress admin area whenever I try to change it.

  672. Hello, I have just downloaded and installed the Article Theme and Article Directory Plugin. I love it.

    The only question I have is this. How do I redirect a user who is logged in to a custom page on my blog such as the home page once they click the logout?

    I have searched but it seems that the plugin is causing the user to be directed to a generic wordpress login page once they log off. Not very attractive to users.

  673. Very nice plugin, i create a article directory i can’t able to create Author panel.
    please tell me step my step ?, where i have to paste author panel code

    1. Create a page with any name but with the «Author panel» template.
      Go to the Admin area of wordpress, select “pages” menu, just place the cursor on the page you had created for author panel. you will see the link in the status bar, the number appeared there is the ID of page of the author panel. mention it in Article Directory settings. Thats it

      1. @Abdul Momin: thanks for reply, I created a author-panel.php which consist of this code

        And upload it on root directory on server

        But It is not working ……………………………….

        I created a page in admin area and name it Author Panel, and ID of this page included in plugin.
        but when author registered, It didn’t show anything in Author panel………..
        Please help me ………..

        1. Select user role in «General settings» as «Author» and «anyone can register».
          When creating the «Author panel» page select the «Author Panel» template from the right side Admin Area.
          If in any case problem not solved Restart & Follow the Installation instructions at the start of this page.
          I hope it will work

  674. Please can someone fully setup this script on my website will pay $50 for complete setup

    1. We installed the script and did modifications but we are still having issues. Is there anyone that can make it wok for us?

  675. Hi,
    I got the plug-in installed and populated it with some parrent and child catagories, but when I view the front page it doesnt show any of the child catagories, only the parrents. Can someone please help me with this?


    1. @Bob: Hello Bob, Login with admin, go to Setting—->Article directory
      here you will find all option related to showing category and child category,
      for your problem ………………… find
      «Show the child categories:» select YES

  676. I have setup my article directory and have it setup so that multiple categories can be selected by the article publishers. However when I create an article and try to select multiple categories (It says to press ctrl and click) it only allows me to select one.
    Are you meant to press something other than ctrl and click to choose more than one categories?

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