During these hard economic times, the last thing you can probably afford to do is to put away a little extra each week for savings. In fact, you’ve probably had to dip into your savings just to make ends meet. Luckily, there are some simple things you could do to help free up some cash, which can also save some money for the future. One…
The worldwide economic climate has been subjected to a spot of doom and gloom recently and tightening the purse strings is a current hot topic. Money saving may not be something you directly associate with your mortgage but reducing monthly repayments can free up some of your hard earned cash, allowing you to use it elsewhere. In essence a mortgage is simply a large loan.…
Frequent travellers have long benefitted from mileage loyalty benefits offered by airlines and from points and other reward schemes offered by credit card companies. Now they can also cash in if they take advantage of the offers available from operating a UK premium bank account. Most of the UK’s big banks offer different tiers of personal banking, including prestigious premier current accounts which, in return…
Going for a mortgage loan, do not forget to do a brainstorming session. Mortgage loan can be short term or long term. Its interest rate may be fixed or variable or a combination of both. Loans may be offered under schemes. These schemes may be offered by bank or Federal Housing Administration or some agency backed securities. Most probably you will find this entire process…
In times when inflation is on the rise and the economy is on the downturn, it becomes more important than ever to make sure our money is working as hard as possible for us. This applies regardless of the situation you are in. For example, you may have your own business that you rely on for all your income; in this case it is particularly…
Whatever your financial situation and whatever stage you are at in life, it is always a smart idea to have some money put aside. And, when coupled with the right knowledge, it is an even smarter idea to make your money work for you. For example, you could invest some of your liquid assets in the stock market, either directly or through Stock and Shares…
Anyone reading about insurance can be forgiven for thinking that the terms life insurance and life assurance are interchangeable, but are there any differences between the two terms and if not, why are there two different words for the same thing? Put simply “insurance” is provided against an event that might happen whereas “assurance” applies to an event that will happen. So, insurance is a…
There seems to be no shortage of advertising for financial solutions and it’s hard to know which messages could be relevant to you and are worth looking into. High interest rates on savings accounts, low interest rates on credit cards and overdrafts are just a few examples – no wonder many consumers are left confused! You might currently be happy with your banking situation, which…
There is nothing new about saving money; most people have some type of savings account. However, the reasons people save and the manner in which they do it has changed over time, and modern banking is determined to help. In the past, saving was about security, peace of mind and knowing that you had options should you run into difficulty somewhere down the line. These…
Given the fact that prices are forever rising in the current economic climate, it’s important to make sure that you make the most of your money. Knowing what to buy and where to buy it can make a real difference to how much you have left in your bank account at the end of each month. The number one rule is to shop around before…