Love-Relationship, Chemistry, Communication

LOVE IS NOT A RELATIONSHIP. Love relates, but it is not a relationship. A relationship is something finished. Love is never a relationship; love is relating. It is always a river, flowing, unending. Love knows no full stops It is not like a novel that starts at a certain point and ends at a certain point. When you hear someone talk about the «chemistry» between…

Size does matter

For some males, they would think that the size of their penis does not matter. The common defense is that it’s not in the length or size, it’s in the way you use it. Unfortunately, this is not really the case. While there are some women who may claim that this is what they believe in, the truth is that it is much easier to…

Audio Hire Contracts

A legally binding contract is a good way of ensuring that all parties observe and adhere to the stipulated rules of engagement. Planning and organizing a Wedding Disco can be a big challenge. The logistics and details involved are enough to drive most people insane. It is important to ensure that everyone involved in the planning process does exactly what there are supposed to do,…

6 Unique Fundraising Ideas Involving Kids

Charity fundraising is done for various noble purposes and hence many fundraising events continue throughout the year. So, how you would make your fundraising event unique that would attract people towards it. It is therefore important to plan a unique fundraising event. Involving kids in the fundraising event is a good idea. There are now many fundraising supplies available in the market that is particularly…

A Guide To Make Your Fundraising Event Successful

Fundraising can be fun and rewarding at the same time. However, your fundraising event is also aimed at serving a particular purpose and your target at raising a particular amount through the campaign. Hence, whatever your mission for fundraising is, it important to have proper planning to make your fundraising effort successful. This article would work as a guide to help you make a charity…

Understanding A Psychic’s Abilities

What are the psychic abilities and how one can develop them on their own and use them? Psychic abilities are nothing but an individual’s own power to meet the boundaries of physical world and enter into the world of spirit. Psychic powers of an individual comprise a long list and as psychics known today, fall into certain special categories. A psychic person has certain special…

Personalising Charity Products to Raise Awareness

Charity fundraising is one of the best ways to raise money for a cause. Raising a regular amount of money is vital to many organisations just to keep them going. Fundraising is necessary for most non-profit organizations, as well as for numerous church and school groups and clubs. The main motive behind such charity events is to spread awareness about the cause. Most fundraisers are…

Essential Things to Consider While Choosing 18 Wheeler Truck Accident Attorneys

When you think about an 18 wheeler truck, your imagination flies to the huge vehicles which carry tons of goods. Every year, many automobile accidents happen of which involve 18 wheeler truck accidents. This is due to the negligence of the truck drivers or the transport companies. The government has laid down very strict rules in respect to the maintenance of 18 wheeler trucks. Apart…