Motorbikes: An Economic Alternative to Cars

The ever increasing cost of motoring combined with less than favourable economic conditions, is seeing a growing interest in people purchasing motorbikes as their primary mode of transport. No longer happy to pay ever exorbitant running costs former drivers are now turning to two wheels as an economic alternative.

That is especially relevant for commuters in major cities, frustrated at sitting in traffic for many hours per week and needing to dig ever deeper to cover the escalating costs of parking. In London, rocketing congestion charges are also an issue and despite the recent drops in fuel costs, higher road fund licence and increasing maintenance costs are pushing the cost of motoring ever higher.

Despite requests for people to share their four-wheeled transport, the impracticalities of organising lifts on a daily basis can often prove unworkable. Indeed, very few people can leave and return home at exactly the same time as someone else and therefore the majority of commuters in the rush hour are still travelling alone. Of course, because so few are able to take advantage of car-sharing lanes they are frequently empty, effectively taking out of service another length of carriageway and adding to the existing congestion.

So, with all the frustrations and costs involved in modern motoring it is no wonder that people are looking for alternatives. Public transport can be useful, but still offers a great deal less flexibility than having control of one’s own vehicle; in addition to the independence of being able to plan journeys when and to where you like.

But, it is young people in particular that are driving the reignited interest in motorbikes and scooters. Running scared of the prohibitive cost of motor insurance pitched at young and inexperienced drivers, they are finding that bike insurance is often a cheaper option. And of course, running two wheels as opposed to four is also far more economical.

What’s more, recent research has revealed that it is no longer only men dominating the motorbike market but now in fact, many young women are buying motorbikes. They point out that the number of women comprising the 1.2 million licensed motorcyclists is now at 20 percent, meaning that there are now almost quarter of a million women bikers in the UK. The same research also showed that almost one in seven female motorists would also consider buying a motorbike in order to cut the cost of travel.

But regardless of gender, the number of motorcyclists is rising and looks only set to increase further, especially with the current economic situation in mind.

Daniel Collins writes on a number of topics on behalf of a digital marketing agency and a variety of clients. As such, this article is to be considered a professional piece with business interests in mind.

Один ответ к «Motorbikes: An Economic Alternative to Cars»

  1. Motorbike were a great idea when the gas prices reache $5/gal, we started looking like the environmentalist, driving a pidly scooter, driving about 100 miles a gal. Now we are starting to look like dorks again …. that the price of gas is only $1.50

    what a bummer!

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